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Risolta la carenza di fosforo, o qualunque cosa fosse, con iguana bloom❤️ Tra poco darò un irrigazione senza fertilizzanti, ma con cannazym, micorrize e aceto
Sorprendido por la noticia de mi primera colaboracion con MarsHydro 😊🙏 y muy sorprendido tambien por el envio de las semillas por parte de 420FastBuds. La marca numero uno en focos 💡, carpas de cultivo ⛺️, extractores 🌬️ y demás aparatos que necesitas para tu cultivo. Para esta aventura arrancaremos con 💡Mars Hydro TS 1000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 150W Regulable y 1 semilla autofloreciente a un ciclo de 20/4. Verdaderos 150w con este TS1000, la mejor luz de cultivo LED para principiantes. Ofrece una luz adecuada para 2-4 plantas 🌱. Su precio razonable, la marcada mejora del rendimiento y el control variable de la producción la hacen amigable para los nuevos cultivadores. Todo un tesoro para cualquier cultivador que este comenzando. Usaremos para esta aventura una carpa de 60x60x90, MarsHydro una carpa para los más exigentes.Con una solapa de cremallera mejorada, dobles cremalleras de metal con forro,reflectante diamante tipo Mylar, postes de metal para una estructura mas solida, no se puede pedir nada mas. Garantizando una respuesta en solo 24 horas tanto si has usado antes la marca como si no. Que decir de 420FastBuds, uno de los mejores bancos de semillas a nivel muendial. Si quieres una Auto de verdad, esta es tu cepa. Wedding Glue auto: Perfecta para concentrados. Una enorme cantidad de resina la hace ideal para aquellos que buscan los mayores rendimientos en extracciones. Auto súper productiva. ¡Esta variedad puede producir hasta 550gr/m2 en 70 días! ¡Entre las más fuertes del 2022! Una autofloreciente potente con un 26% de THC. Terpenos ideales para los golosos. Un delicioso sabor a vainilla dulce que te deja la boca agua. Perfectamente equilibrado. Un efecto bien equilibrado adecuado para uso diurno y nocturno. 💡 MarsHydro TS1000: ⛺️ 60 x 60 x 90 MarsHydro: 🌻 Wedding Glue Auto: Solo le aplique en la estapa de crecimiento agua con un PH6.5 y humus de lombriz. Septima semana floracion. Es una planta que esta requiriendo mas nutrientes que el resto, se han formado los cogollines y están engordando como locos, se han cargado además las hojas de resina. Comienzo a disminuir la cantidad de nutrientes. 📆 Día 64: Riego con nutrientes EC 1250 📆 Día 65: Descanso 📆 Día 66: Riego con nutrientes EC 1150 📆 Día 67: Descanso 📆 Día 68: Riego con nutrientes EC 450 📆 Día 69: Descanso 📆 Día 70: Riego con agua, comienza el lavado de raíces, es una planta increíble.
Všechny Holky vypadají velmi zdravě a spokojeně bez známek přehnojení či nedostatku živin. Mají sytě zelenou barvu listů. V polovině tohoto týdne mám v plánu střihnout každou rostlinu u prvního nodu Světlo jede na 50%[155w] 45cm od vrcholů rostlin D39 Neděle : Nový týden jsem zahájil srovnání rostlin na stejnou výšku za pomocí LST😤💪. Všechny holky jsou nyní 10-12cm vysoké. Zároveň jsem odrtřihl přilehlé listy, které jsem po zastřihnutí ponechal u menších větví. Byl jsem velmi překvapen jak snadno se manipuluje s větvemi při LST u rostlin SHOGUN 😍. Opravdu velmi snadné, stačilo jen lehce promnout větev mezi prsty a mohli jste je vytvarovat do jakéhokoliv tvaru😍 Naopak rostliny Haze Berry jsou přesným opakem. I přes největší opatrnost jsem při ohybání jedné větve uslyšel jemné prasknutí a na větvi se objevila nepatrná prasklina. S rostlinami Haze Berry je trochu těžší manipulace při LST, ale možná to bude i tím, že nemám příliš zkušeností S rostlinou Shining Silver Haze se manipuluje bez problémů 😊. ne tak dobře jako s Shogun ale rozhodně lépe než s Haze Berry. Každá Holka dostala 1L vody s 1ml/l živin RQS: Flowering booster - Bigger Flower D39 Středa: Zastřiženo u prvního nodu na 4 coly Povedlo se mi napůl zlomit celé jedno rameno SHOGUN 1 když jsem se snažil uvolnit dráty které jsem použil k LST protože se zařezávaly do stonků rostlin. Bohužel nesprávně zvolený material k uvazování stonků... Zranění jsem zalepil a modlím se aby nedopadlo jako u HazeBerry 1 kde jsem o celé rameno přišel 😢 D40 Čtvrtek: Holky dostaly 700 ml vody s 0,5ml/l RQS: Flowering booster- Bigger Flowers Dostaly postřik vodou s Biobizz Fishmix 1ml/l D41 Pátek: Rameno Shogun 1 to přežilo😤. . Nové coly ale mají pomalejší růst oproti druhé straně, což není dobré pro main-lining. U Shogun 5 se po zalití objevilo nějaké popálení živinami 😢 Zbytek vypadá skvěle ;)
💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊 The grow was a pleasure, the smell of the buds is mouthwatering!! 💜 👊 In the middle of the grow perhaps the soil got a bit salty.. the Punch still grew well without getting flushed. She showed signs of calcium deficiency on the leaves which are most addressed by the LED. She recovered easily and delivered delicious flowers. 🙏 The smell during the grow was so good, I couldn't wait for her to finish! 😍 Surely going to grow that one again!! 🍒 😋 I also love sleeping! Effects are very relaxed. Just sloth. Muscle release, mindfuck release, all included! 😇 Thanks everybody for visiting!! 😘 Grower love!!! 💚 💚 💚 Thanks @Fast_Buds for the great genetics!! ❤️ _________________________________________________________________________________ Strain Description: This is a giant autoflower that reaches 150cm and produces massive yields of up to 600gr/m2, a modern Cali strain that offers what a top-quality Indica-dominant hybrid should; nugs capped in resin with the density you would expect from Indica-dominant strains and that bag appeal that will surprise even the most experienced growers. Expect beautiful purple and magenta hues that come along with a sweet almost pastry-like taste and, thanks to the 24% THC, a very pleasant and potent effect that surprisingly starts as a motivating high and in no time relaxes you completely, taking a bit of the energetic edge off. Bud description Purple Punch Auto develops rounded compact buds with fat calyxes and bright orange or sometimes bright yellow hairs, with copious amounts of trichomes that give the buds that beautiful frosty look that all growers seek for. The light-green buds can exhibit subtle purple or lime-green tones that give them a charming and attractive look and complement them magnificently, while the mouth-watering mix of earthy cherries and blueberry muffins with a spicy touch will win you over even before you can see the buds. Smoke report Due to the high THC levels, you’ll experience a powerful effect that will completely relax your whole body and gradually start feeling like all your muscles are melting before you can count to three. Despite the strong Indica effect, you won’t be couch-locked thanks to the slight Sativa genes that incorporate a pleasant creative head-buzz and leaves you mellow and clear-headed in a peaceful state of mind. The perfect effect to go through a busy day stress-free, alleviating sore muscles after a long workout routine or just chill and have fun on a night out with friends. Plant appearance Due to the Indica dominancy, this strain remains relatively compact despite its height and grows wide and thick fan leaves typical of Indica-dominant varieties. You can expect a thick tall main cola and a few shorter side branches with spaced-out internodes where the incredibly frostbitten flowers develop and end up looking like buds on steroids by the end of the flowering stage. Grow tips This strain offers unique flavors and charming colors so we recommend flushing thoroughly to allow it to show its full potential and end up with the beautiful reddish-purple and/or lime-green hues on the buds and surrounding foliage. Due to the Indica genes, the buds grow denser than usual so it’s essential you tie the branches slightly so there is enough airflow in between the buds to prevent mold and bugs. This variety doesn’t require a lot of maintenance or anything extra but remember to feed her properly and with good-quality nutrients, this way you guarantee the buds fatten up properly and that your plant doesn’t suffer any kind of nutrient deficiencies. Flavor Thanks to the high-quality genetics, this strain offers a distinguishable taste of fresh blueberries and earthy cherries with spicy undertones and a pinch of sugary tart. The sweet smoke overpowers your throat with a sweet blueberry muffin-like taste as you inhale and, as you exhale, leaves a delicious coat of sweetness in your mouth that leaves you feeling like you’ve just eaten a dessert. ______________________________________________________________________ SETUP: 80x80x180 cm Zelsius 240W Full Spectrum LED IR UV dimmable DW240H-A6-HS Heatsink color red LED Chips: 512pcs SAMSUNG LM301H + 24pcs Osram 660nm + 8pcs Osram IR 730nm + 8pcs UV 385nm Color mix: 2700K + 4000K 2,8umol/J Driver HLG-240H-C2100B Coverage: veg 5x3ft / flower 4x2ft Product size: 628x205x68mm ° 2x 5W Fans ° custom 320/270 cm³/h exhaust fan & Carbon Active Granulate 240cm³/h ° Mills Nutrients, Green Buzz Nutrients Shouts go out to my sponsors @GreenBuzzNutrients, thanks so much for your support! ❤️ If anyone would like to try their amazing organic products, use code GD42025 for generous 25% discount (for orders of minimum 75€) ✨ ° tap water EC 0,26uS upgraded to EC 0,5 with PlantMagic MagneCal - pH 8, nutrient solution downgraded to pH 6,5 with Advanced Hydroponics Minus Bloom ° from week 4 in the same container Aptus Enzym+ once a week ° Biobizz Lightmix 💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️ 👊💜 🌧️
Another week down. The timer is fully switched back to 12/12. It took a week to get there but the ladies don’t seem to mind. The gruntz is still queen of the show, or the biggest. She seems to want to take over the whole tent. Amazing how big she is getting. The Bruce is a close second. Only a few inches shorter. The widows are there and are nice but they aren’t reaching for the stars like the gruntz. They are all beautiful, what can we say, we love all our ladies. There isn’t any smell off them yet, you can get a whiff rubbing the stalk, but not strong yet. We did a defoliation this week, but I don’t think it shows. We also took a few more clones off the bottom branches. The first try of the gruntz didn’t do so well. Try ,try again. Otherwise it’s been a good week. The Dutchess and I thank you for stopping by, if you see anything we can do better let us know. Otherwise spread some love and share some bud!
It was time to wait. All I had to do is to feed them properly. And I managed to do it. In just a week, the flowers have grown significantly, and I am no longer afraid of receiving popcorn as previously.
🤗 Hi fellow growers. We are back here to harvest the Northern Lights Auto from Seedsman. She took 11 weeks to finish flower and a total of 15 weeks from seed to harvest. 🌱Growing her was a little tricky as she was finicky at the beginning of flower. She wasn't the fastest auto but she put on some tall colas with some fair amount of resin smelling of sour stone fruit such as a plum. Chopped her down then dryed for 14 days in a environment controlled room. Then began the trimming process. After a nice manicure the plum smelling buds were then placed in a jar to set cure for 30 days. There was quite a bit of larf nugs on the bottom skirts that I should have trimmed off during the flowering cycle but sometimes I like keeping them to press into some rosin before my nugs are cured. I find that pressing the flowers with in the first week of the curing process produces the best quality flower rosin In the end I'm left with a gram and a half of some beautiful Northern Lights flower rosin that tastes and smells like a sour plum and packs a big punch. About a 10% return so not the greatest yield but it sure is some high quality rosin. Keep it mind it was the larf flower and I press at 180°F to preserve as much flavor as I can. I'm after quality and have been achieving that. Effects - Relaxing, calming, Happy Yield - 68 g nice nuggets 14 g of larf that went to rosin Smell - Sour plum Forrest Taste - Skunky plums
Seit ende der woche 5 in flow beginnt sie dick zu werden. Wird sicher noch ordentlich zulegen. Duft ist sehr komplex. Sie riecht herb,erdig,leicht oldschool kushy und doch irgendwie süßlich. Bin schon sehr aufs endprodukt gespannt. Wie flitzebogen😁
🤗 Hi fellow growers. We are back here to harvest the Northern Lights Auto from Seedsman. She took 11 weeks to finish flower and a total of 15 weeks from seed to harvest. 🌱Growing her was a little tricky as she was finicky at the beginning of flower. She wasn't the fastest auto but she put on some tall colas with some fair amount of resin smelling of sour stone fruit such as a plum. Chopped her down then dryed for 14 days in a environment controlled room. Then began the trimming process. After a nice manicure the plum smelling buds were then placed in a jar to set cure for 30 days. There was quite a bit of larf nugs on the bottom skirts that I should have trimmed off during the flowering cycle but sometimes I like keeping them to press into some rosin before my nugs are cured. I find that pressing the flowers with in the first week of the curing process produces the best quality flower rosin In the end I'm left with a gram and a half of some beautiful Northern Lights flower rosin that tastes and smells like a sour plum and packs a big punch. About a 10% return so not the greatest yield but it sure is some high quality rosin. Keep it mind it was the larf flower and I press at 180°F to preserve as much flavor as I can. I'm after quality and have been achieving that. Effects - Relaxing, calming, Happy Yield - 68 g nice nuggets 14 g of larf that went to rosin Smell - Sour plum Forrest Taste - Skunky plums
🤗 Hi fellow growers. We are back here to harvest the Northern Lights Auto from Seedsman. She took 11 weeks to finish flower and a total of 15 weeks from seed to harvest. 🌱Growing her was a little tricky as she was finicky at the beginning of flower. She wasn't the fastest auto but she put on some tall colas with some fair amount of resin smelling of sour stone fruit such as a plum. Chopped her down then dryed for 14 days in a environment controlled room. Then began the trimming process. After a nice manicure the plum smelling buds were then placed in a jar to set cure for 30 days. There was quite a bit of larf nugs on the bottom skirts that I should have trimmed off during the flowering cycle but sometimes I like keeping them to press into some rosin before my nugs are cured. I find that pressing the flowers with in the first week of the curing process produces the best quality flower rosin In the end I'm left with a gram and a half of some beautiful Northern Lights flower rosin that tastes and smells like a sour plum and packs a big punch. About a 10% return so not the greatest yield but it sure is some high quality rosin. Keep it mind it was the larf flower and I press at 180°F to preserve as much flavor as I can. I'm after quality and have been achieving that. Effects - Relaxing, calming, Happy Yield - 68 g nice nuggets 14 g of larf that went to rosin Smell - Sour plum Forrest Taste - Skunky plums
Riparto con un altro ciclo only @Fast_Buds con 2 loro Fast Flowering e 2 Auto Fiorenti di cui una CBD 20:1🙌la SF2000 lavora al 60% della sua potenza con una distanza dalla punta delle piante di circa 30cm. Ieri ho effettuato la miscelazione del terriccio con il 4 componenti Dogma Organics che è una miscela di diversi guani, letame bovino, rocce triturate meccanicamente, ceneri arboree e febacee tritate, acidi umidi e fulvici, kierisite e fosfato nat. Tenero,
Riparto con un altro ciclo only @Fast_Buds con 2 loro Fast Flowering e 2 Auto Fiorenti di cui una CBD 20:1🙌la SF2000 lavora al 60% della sua potenza con una distanza dalla punta delle piante di circa 30cm. Ieri ho effettuato la miscelazione del terriccio con il 4 componenti Dogma Organics che è una miscela di diversi guani, letame bovino, rocce triturate meccanicamente, ceneri arboree e febacee tritate, acidi umidi e fulvici, kierisite e fosfato nat. Tenero,
Week 9 (20/03 - 26/03) The past week everything went good and quiet. In the tent the smell started to be stronger, more mature and pleasant. Flowers seem to be healthy and succulent. The fat banana #2 started to yellow, so I suppose that she is some days forward than the others, especially with respect of the Blue cheese. Starting from this week I will start to check the trichomes. 20/03 D57: - 21/03 D58: added 1ml of Bio-grow, 4ml of Bio-bloom and 3ml of Top-max to 3 liters of tap water @ pH 6.2 22/03 D59: 1 liter of tap water each @pH 6.2. Trichomes seems to be clear for the most. 23/03 D60: added 1ml of Bio-grow, 4ml of Bio-bloom and 3ml of Top-max to 3 liters of tap water @ pH 6.2 24/03 D61: - 25/03 D62: added 1ml of Bio-grow, 3ml of Bio-bloom and 3ml of Top-max to 3 liters of tap water @ pH 6.3 26/03 D63: one liter of tap water each @ pH 6.2
Riparto con un altro ciclo only @Fast_Buds con 2 loro Fast Flowering e 2 Auto Fiorenti di cui una CBD 20:1🙌la SF2000 lavora al 60% della sua potenza con una distanza dalla punta delle piante di circa 30cm. Ieri ho effettuato la miscelazione del terriccio con il 4 componenti Dogma Organics che è una miscela di diversi guani, letame bovino, rocce triturate meccanicamente, ceneri arboree e febacee tritate, acidi umidi e fulvici, kierisite e fosfato nat. Tenero,
Welcome to my Pink Rozay Diary, sponsored by Original Sensible Seeds. Flower Days 71-80 'Ripening Phase' Plant is doing really well. Has slowed down drinking. So, have cut her overall ppm by half. Will start winding her down this week. Her buds aren't gonna get any fatter. The stretch during pre flower thanks to me using my IR "FAR RED", with lights on, BIG MISTAKE. Stayed on a 600ish ppm feed for wk 11. Was lowered by half for this week. And will flip cut her off and will be on water for week 13. Buds have developed a lovely pink to them. And the leafs are also starting to turn. '95% of the time. I harvest before I get to that. Haven't had much luck with fade and such. But, hey, the bud did speaks for itself. And, this is also mainly down to the fact. I remove all those energy using fan leafs. Not mad about making pretty leafs, but lovely bud. Thanks to my sponsors from MarsHydro & Original Sensible Seeds for their support and products. COUPONS CODE(S) Mars-Hydro "GGS" for 3% discount Zamneisa "GROWITGD" 20% discount.