7e semaine de floraison, Application du propolix contre le début du botrytis qui a commencer semaine dernière, la gorilla a du être infecter depuis que le tronc c'est fendu en deux. J'ai pourtant pris les precaution nécessaires, pour l'instant aucun autre départ de botrytis ca a l'air sous contrôle le produit a l'air efficace, j'ai acheter un ventilateur uniquement pour elle j'espère l'aider et non propager le fleau sur mes autres plant..
Was really good to grow. Ran into some difficulty during flower one bud grew slightly too close to the light and died, which then Began to rot, I cut that bud off only to find that 2 other top buds had become rotten on the inside. So in order to salvage the grow I cut them off and threw them all away which ended up with me losing around 80grams of Wet weight which wasn’t the happiest moment! We managed to save her though all the buds have been thoroughly checked and are all in great condition! 4.5 ounces of one plant even after losing a lot is still a good result
Growing it was straight forward. Very resistant to temp changes, loved every bit of nutrients I gave her. Buds have turned out beautiful and harvesting 4.5 ounces dry on one plant is always nice
The plant structure is short and stocky with a good spread, strong stems with good bud support and dence vegetive growth with selective defoliation needed. The genetics are fairly stable with only 2 pheno's so far, one is pungent skunky smell the other is sweet and fruity smell with a more dence plant structure. The growth is rapid with a fast consistant veg and flower time, Germination time was day 1-3, Vegetation time week 1-4, Pre-flower time week 4-5 , Flower week 5-8, Harvest time week 9.
Primera experiencia de scrog y no estoy muy satisfecho. Las plantas han tenido un estres y han madurado más rápido de lo normal. El resultado son cogollos pequeños. La calidad parece igual. Supongo que ha tocar demasiado las ramas para controlarla con la red es la origen del estres. Era un experimento de defoliación. Lo he hecho en varias plantas para comparar. Es un desastre, vale mejor no tocar las hojas salvo en ciertos casos.
The gorilla glues are looking better but the wedding cheesecake not so much. The cakes are going down tonight because i see a couple of brown spots.I guess this is budrot.The smell is amazing and its sticky a.f.So i see what i am left with. Cheers
This weeks update! Grow tent- so I had a buddy do my res change I talked him through the whole process couldn’t make it to the grow this week. Number and everything where perfect but!. He didn’t close the valve all the way to the blue dream res tank and left the drain pump on🤦‍♂️🏾. So when I got there this week leaves where curling and brown thought it might be a nutrient issue. Opened the res to check it. And there was only about a gallon of water in there out of the usual seven. No major harm I was planning on doing my last defoliation to her this week anyway. But that could have been bad. They are both receiving half strength nutes of the ripening mix GH recommends. Would have been a perfect week if not for that. No harm no foul tho. But def bout to start pushing them on the flower nutes and get back up to my 1000 ppm range buy adding extra bloom formula! #Staykited