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Everything has been great, Happy healthy and growing fantastic.
26/05/2022 - Day 7 - First day of the 2nd week. Sunny days. Moved outside. Small rock for sustain. Wish me good luck and let's hope in sunny hot days 🤞☀️ - DD
The time is finally here to post the harvest. I waited till it was all done and dry before updating the dairy so will add in the dry weights next on the 2nd half of the harvest entry. I enjoyed this plant a lot, its grew well and loved how it was shorter and fatter. I wonder if it was at the dame distance from the plant if It could have done even more. Had some issues with the yellowing that was happening on the other plant in this tent. I should have treated this faster with a flush but was super reluctant and it may have hurt the yields a bit. The top best looking buds looked and smelled amazing even the lower buds where doing well not so larfy like the other plant. There was crazy strong smells with this plant, sour berries and hints of lemon, it was a best smelling plant I have grown to date. This would be a great plant to grow for beginners, cant take a lot of stress and still produces quite well and even on lower wattage leds it was good. It was not the most crystally looking plant, not like the maltezerz but still had some finger hash buildup but a small amount. I feel this plant would be a winner for a rosin press. I don't plan on growing this strain out again despite me liking a lot of qualities about it. I'm only trying to grow cbd dominate plants is the main reason. If my friends really like this I have some clones so can always give them some. Speaking of clones they are doing well outside, greened up a lot and showing signs of revegging. Took some photos of the weed hang drying on day 1 in the tent and a week later to show how much they shrink. Only some of the lower growth is larfy, will make good edibles or hash, that will be a fun project to do and may include that in my projects diary. That's about all I can think of if you have any questions just ask. m0use Disclaimers: 1. I have divided the total watts of light in half, 300w(150w) for this diary. It will accurately reflect the g/w ratio as the two plants growing in this tent are listed in two separate diaries. 2. I include any shake/trim in my gross totals as I use them to make edibles. 3. I did not follow any proper ways of listing my nutrients. Some are ml/l of total solution watered, others ml/l of total medium and some are just the total amounts I added, not as a ratio. If you have any questions let me know! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cost + Time Analysis Of Growing Cannabis. m0use’s Breakdown +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Schedule === Veg [Dec 18th 2021 - Mar 11th 2022] 18h on 6h off - 6am-12pm Flower [Mar 12th 2022 - May 10th 2022] 12h on 12h off - 9am-9pm This is extra tricky this harvest as I went through 2 different hydro rates in three different periods, plus a veg and bloom switch between them. Mon-Fri are TOU rates, all weekends are off-peak pricing all day. Off Peak = 7pm-7am + all weekend Mid peak = 11am-5pm On peak = 7am-11am + 5pm-7pm TOU rates: Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022 Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c". Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022 Cost of kwh with on-peak "8.2c", mid-peak "8.2c" and off-peak "8.2c". Feb 8th 2022 - Current Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c". — Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022 Weekdays “21 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak Weekends “10 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 6h @17.0c/kwh 6h @11.3c/kwh 6h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022 Weekdays “15 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @8.2c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak Weekends “6 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 18h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Feb 8th 2022 - Harvest Veg Feb 8th - March 11th 2022 weekdays “24 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak weekends “8 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 6h @17.0c/kwh 6h @11.3c/kwh 6h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Flower March 12 - May 10th 2022 weekdays “42 days” 9am - 11am -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 9am -- 2hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak weekends “18 days” 9am - 9pm – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 4h @17.0c/kwh 6h @811.3c/kwh 2h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Total hours in each peak period 126+144+168 = 438h @17.0c/kwh 126+144+252 = 522h @11.3c/kwh 306+378+288+300 = 1,272h @8.2c/kwh Lights === LED’s I use are 48w and 18w, per stick, they are arranged on an array totaling 300w. 6400k 18w*6 = 108w + 3000k 48w*4 = 192 108w+192w=300w | 300w/1000 = 0.3Kw * note I am using 150w as stated in my disclaimers to account for the missing plant in a separate diary.* Using the previous c/kwh numbers above I can find out the total cost of the lamps in the 3 peak periods. I converted the cents into dollar amounts beforehand to avoid dividing by 100. 8.2c/h = 0.082$/h 438h * 0.17c/kwh = $74.46kw * 0.15kw = $11.17 on peak 522h * 0.113c/kwh = $58.99kw *0.15kw = $8.85 mid peak 1,272h * 0.082c/kwh = $104.30kw *0.15kw = $15.65 off peak The "h" hours and "kw" kilowatts cancel out and we are left with a value of $ dollars per peak period, add all the peak periods up and you get your total cost of running the lights in dollars. $11.17 + $8.85 + $15.65 = $35.67 for the grow light only. My light grew for 20 weeks and 4 days, or 144 days. almost 21 weeks total. $35.67 / 144d = 0.2477$/d average of about 25c a day in electricity 337.2kw for the entire grow. Using the regular calculation of grams harvested divided by watts used is not accurate to me, it does not account for all the time the lamps are on, the length of grow to the over all cost. The calculation that makes sense to me is this, harvested dry weight of usable cannabis buds/trim/keif/whatever in grams divided by total kw used. Could also combine it with grams per total single use costs “anything you used only for this grow and wont reuse in the next, or fractions of multi use items like fertilizers if they ½ full” and see how much you’re investing per gram. "kw" ÷ "g" = kw/g "$" ÷ "g" = $/g I have harvested 4.57oz or 129.6g on 337.2kw. 337.2kw ÷ 129.6g = 2.60 kw/g of usable cannabis. This is not an ideal ratio for me and looks like a lot of energy waste happened from the extended veg period. $35.67 ÷ 129.6g = 0.28c/g It cost 28c/g when comparing total electricity cost to gross yield, almost identical to the comparison of total electrical cost to the number of days in the grow 25c/day. Neat! legend, kwh = kilowatt per hour kw = kilowatt w = watt h = hour c = cents $ = dollars d = day LED= Light Emitting Diode
The time is finally here to post the harvest. I waited till it was all done and dry before updating the dairy so will add in the dry weights next on the 2nd half of the harvest entry. I enjoyed this plant a lot, its grew well and loved how it was shorter and fatter. I wonder if it was at the dame distance from the plant if It could have done even more. Had some issues with the yellowing that was happening on the other plant in this tent. I should have treated this faster with a flush but was super reluctant and it may have hurt the yields a bit. The top best looking buds looked and smelled amazing even the lower buds where doing well not so larfy like the other plant. There was crazy strong smells with this plant, sour berries and hints of lemon, it was a best smelling plant I have grown to date. This would be a great plant to grow for beginners, cant take a lot of stress and still produces quite well and even on lower wattage leds it was good. It was not the most crystally looking plant, not like the maltezerz but still had some finger hash buildup but a small amount. I feel this plant would be a winner for a rosin press. I don't plan on growing this strain out again despite me liking a lot of qualities about it. I'm only trying to grow cbd dominate plants is the main reason. If my friends really like this I have some clones so can always give them some. Speaking of clones they are doing well outside, greened up a lot and showing signs of revegging. Took some photos of the weed hang drying on day 1 in the tent and a week later to show how much they shrink. Only some of the lower growth is larfy, will make good edibles or hash, that will be a fun project to do and may include that in my projects diary. That's about all I can think of if you have any questions just ask. m0use Disclaimers: 1. I have divided the total watts of light in half, 300w(150w) for this diary. It will accurately reflect the g/w ratio as the two plants growing in this tent are listed in two separate diaries. 2. I include any shake/trim in my gross totals as I use them to make edibles. 3. I did not follow any proper ways of listing my nutrients. Some are ml/l of total solution watered, others ml/l of total medium and some are just the total amounts I added, not as a ratio. If you have any questions let me know! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cost + Time Analysis Of Growing Cannabis. m0use’s Breakdown +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Schedule === Veg [Dec 18th 2021 - Mar 11th 2022] 18h on 6h off - 6am-12pm Flower [Mar 12th 2022 - May 10th 2022] 12h on 12h off - 9am-9pm This is extra tricky this harvest as I went through 2 different hydro rates in three different periods, plus a veg and bloom switch between them. Mon-Fri are TOU rates, all weekends are off-peak pricing all day. Off Peak = 7pm-7am + all weekend Mid peak = 11am-5pm On peak = 7am-11am + 5pm-7pm TOU rates: Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022 Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c". Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022 Cost of kwh with on-peak "8.2c", mid-peak "8.2c" and off-peak "8.2c". Feb 8th 2022 - Current Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c". — Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022 Weekdays “21 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak Weekends “10 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 6h @17.0c/kwh 6h @11.3c/kwh 6h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022 Weekdays “15 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @8.2c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak Weekends “6 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 18h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Feb 8th 2022 - Harvest Veg Feb 8th - March 11th 2022 weekdays “24 days” 6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak weekends “8 days” 6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 6h @17.0c/kwh 6h @11.3c/kwh 6h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Flower March 12 - May 10th 2022 weekdays “42 days” 9am - 11am -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 9am -- 2hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak weekends “18 days” 9am - 9pm – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak 4h @17.0c/kwh 6h @811.3c/kwh 2h @8.2c/kwh + [email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends — Total hours in each peak period 126+144+168 = 438h @17.0c/kwh 126+144+252 = 522h @11.3c/kwh 306+378+288+300 = 1,272h @8.2c/kwh Lights === LED’s I use are 48w and 18w, per stick, they are arranged on an array totaling 300w. 6400k 18w*6 = 108w + 3000k 48w*4 = 192 108w+192w=300w | 300w/1000 = 0.3Kw * note I am using 150w as stated in my disclaimers to account for the missing plant in a separate diary.* Using the previous c/kwh numbers above I can find out the total cost of the lamps in the 3 peak periods. I converted the cents into dollar amounts beforehand to avoid dividing by 100. 8.2c/h = 0.082$/h 438h * 0.17c/kwh = $74.46kw * 0.15kw = $11.17 on peak 522h * 0.113c/kwh = $58.99kw *0.15kw = $8.85 mid peak 1,272h * 0.082c/kwh = $104.30kw *0.15kw = $15.65 off peak The "h" hours and "kw" kilowatts cancel out and we are left with a value of $ dollars per peak period, add all the peak periods up and you get your total cost of running the lights in dollars. $11.17 + $8.85 + $15.65 = $35.67 for the grow light only. My light grew for 20 weeks and 4 days, or 144 days. almost 21 weeks total. $35.67 / 144d = 0.2477$/d average of about 25c a day in electricity 337.2kw for the entire grow. Using the regular calculation of grams harvested divided by watts used is not accurate to me, it does not account for all the time the lamps are on, the length of grow to the over all cost. The calculation that makes sense to me is this, harvested dry weight of usable cannabis buds/trim/keif/whatever in grams divided by total kw used. Could also combine it with grams per total single use costs “anything you used only for this grow and wont reuse in the next, or fractions of multi use items like fertilizers if they ½ full” and see how much you’re investing per gram. "kw" ÷ "g" = kw/g "$" ÷ "g" = $/g I have harvested 4.57oz or 129.6g on 337.2kw. 337.2kw ÷ 129.6g = 2.60 kw/g of usable cannabis. This is not an ideal ratio for me and looks like a lot of energy waste happened from the extended veg period. $35.67 ÷ 129.6g = 0.28c/g It cost 28c/g when comparing total electricity cost to gross yield, almost identical to the comparison of total electrical cost to the number of days in the grow 25c/day. Neat! legend, kwh = kilowatt per hour kw = kilowatt w = watt h = hour c = cents $ = dollars d = day LED= Light Emitting Diode
Received TWO 5packs of rhino Ryder as freebies. Gonna grow these outdoors and see how they do. Gonna take advantage of socal sunshine. Only 4 out 5 sprouted. It’s old beans I think. So that’s a good pop rate. I think.
This week a few different things happened . 1. After I flushed to remedy all purple stems Runtz & Zkittlez developed deformed leaf sets. The runts leaf set didn’t form on 1 side of the vein. The Zkittlez formed leaf sets with a missing finger . Instead of the being 5 fingers on the 3rd set there were 4 fingers . 2. Day #10 plants looked really sad & droopy the leaves of my plants where pointing downward & the 1st set of serrated leaves began to yellow . 3. To rectify the “super soil” dropping the PH of the water I fed the girls I purchased some PH UP & experimented with a few cups of my soil & found if I put in water at 9.5PH the “Super Soil” balanced out at 6.5 . My tap water PH is about 7.5 with a 200ppm (yes , yes, I know , tell me about it) if I put regular tap water in my soil drops it to a 5.1 -5.3 which led to the purple stems in the 1st week. Granted I’m kinda working backwards to work with what I have in order to utilize my investments it’s a means to an end I suppose BUT I AM OPEN TO SENSIBLE THOUGHT OUT ADVICE THANKS. 4. Day #11 I transplanted all the girls into full strength super soil . If I hadn’t had to flush i could have held out another week tops in my solo cups . I could have gotten to atleast the 6th maybe 7th node before transplanting into full strength soil. Currently I’m at the 4th node & noticing slight canoeing of the leaves . This is my first grow in this “supersoil” also my 1st time mixing my own amendments to make said “supersoil” so for the time being I’ll just keep an eye on it & hope the plant establishes quickly enough to be able to consume the quantities of nutrients in this soil THUS my generous generous use of Mykos . Today makes 2 weeks for Runtz & #1 GDP the the remaining 4 are at day #13. I’m still hoping by day 16 I can start LST’ing . All but 1 or 2 of the girls have began growing secondary shoots along the nodes so I’m getting more an more excited . I’m just envisioning the plants I want to have until it comes to fruition. I am by no means an expert I’m not even a reasonably decent grower . Out of the 3 runs I’ve done so far only one produced smokable poor quality buds . Each time spawning more research & a tweak to the setup . THIS TIME I AM CALM COOL & COLLECTED as I’ve ever been & have my eyes set on a lofty yield of high quality buds I’m aiming to get a QP p/plant but honestly I want to push them to get a HP p/plant . Which sounds like I’m in Narnia NeverLand with such high expectations .. I’ll just shoot for the starts & if I land on the moon instead I’ll be happy with that as long as the end results in me being high . Week 2 in the books 📚
This week a few different things happened . 1. After I flushed to remedy all purple stems Runtz & Zkittlez developed deformed leaf sets. The runts leaf set didn’t form on 1 side of the vein. The Zkittlez formed leaf sets with a missing finger . Instead of the being 5 fingers on the 3rd set there were 4 fingers . 2. Day #10 plants looked really sad & droopy the leaves of my plants where pointing downward & the 1st set of serrated leaves began to yellow . 3. To rectify the “super soil” dropping the PH of the water I fed the girls I purchased some PH UP & experimented with a few cups of my soil & found if I put in water at 9.5PH the “Super Soil” balanced out at 6.5 . My tap water PH is about 7.5 with a 200ppm (yes , yes, I know , tell me about it) if I put regular tap water in my soil drops it to a 5.1 -5.3 which led to the purple stems in the 1st week. Granted I’m kinda working backwards to work with what I have in order to utilize my investments it’s a means to an end I suppose BUT I AM OPEN TO SENSIBLE THOUGHT OUT ADVICE THANKS. 4. Day #11 I transplanted all the girls into full strength super soil . If I hadn’t had to flush i could have held out another week tops in my solo cups . I could have gotten to atleast the 6th maybe 7th node before transplanting into full strength soil. Currently I’m at the 4th node & noticing slight canoeing of the leaves . This is my first grow in this “supersoil” also my 1st time mixing my own amendments to make said “supersoil” so for the time being I’ll just keep an eye on it & hope the plant establishes quickly enough to be able to consume the quantities of nutrients in this soil THUS my generous generous use of Mykos . Today makes 2 weeks for Runtz & #1 GDP the the remaining 4 are at day #13. I’m still hoping by day 16 I can start LST’ing . All but 1 or 2 of the girls have began growing secondary shoots along the nodes so I’m getting more an more excited . I’m just envisioning the plants I want to have until it comes to fruition. I am by no means an expert I’m not even a reasonably decent grower . Out of the 3 runs I’ve done so far only one produced smokable poor quality buds . Each time spawning more research & a tweak to the setup . THIS TIME I AM CALM COOL & COLLECTED as I’ve ever been & have my eyes set on a lofty yield of high quality buds I’m aiming to get a QP p/plant but honestly I want to push them to get a HP p/plant . Which sounds like I’m in Narnia NeverLand with such high expectations .. I’ll just shoot for the starts & if I land on the moon instead I’ll be happy with that as long as the end results in me being high . Week 2 in the books 📚
They are growing healthy. They all recovered from the issues, but they are all small.. They are drinking a lot lately, I've been struggling to keep the temperature below 27/28°. The only plant who didn't had any agressive movimentation, handling, whatever, has 90 cm, huge.