This morning when I opened up the closet I wanted to rearrange a little, but they were so packed in, it was almost impossible. So, I went up in the attic and ran some cables and hooked up my other 200w light in the top section. I moved the 4 smallest plants up there and it created a little bit of desperately needed space in the lower section...but I still doubt very seriously that I'll be able to grow all 15 to completion in there..it's only 14.5 square feet of space!😳
I foliar fed everybody with some SP-90 humic/fulvic acid and kelp me kelp you today. They will probably get fed again tomorrow. Drying out quickly-
I applied Axiom again today..I sprayed a whole liter of the finest mist I could produce..tops and bottoms of all leaves to the point of runoff.
I fixed up a 5 gallon batch of nutes and fed everybody about a 1/4 gallon each.
Later the same day....
Several of them look very overwatered..and it's mainly the plants in the back in fabric pots that have seen a grow or two. I think my pots are mainly just too close together for airflow to dry the bottoms out well enough.
I put another big fan in the closet and turned off the evap cooler for the night.
Most of them look better this morning, but a few are still droopy, so I used a stainless steel skewer to poke a thousand little holes in the lower part of all the fabric pots in the garden to try and improve oxygen availability to the roots. I also carefully arranged the garden so that there are gaps between all the pots. I think I'll also space my waterings a little further apart. The topsoil is drying out well enough, but I don't want their roots sitting in muck.
Several of them are flowering now, and starting to stretch a little bit.
I raised the lights about 2 inches today and dialed the ac infinity's high temp trigger up to 88f for a bit to get them to dry out a little faster, so the RH climbed a little higher as well...so I also set the ac infinity's high humidity trigger threshold to 65%.
After observing signs of nitrogen toxicity on several of them, I realized that I made another rookie mistake...(where is my head??)
The new 5 gallon bucket I'm using to mix a batch of nutes must be about 2 inches shorter than the one I had been using, and I never bothered to calibrate it....which I did today. So, for the past couple of feedings, I've been mixing in enough nutes for 5 gallons, but in only 4 gallons of water!!!
I foliar fed them with BoomBoom Spray and gave them about 8oz each of boomerang and cal-mag early in the morning, and by 5pm they all looked happier. I'll give them a little drink of plain water tomorrow, then start them on flowering nutes the next day.
Several are starting to stretch now...and all but one are flowering.
This morning I fed them another little dose of boomerang and cal-mag, and also added some bembe and open sesame to the mix.
This afternoon, I foliar fed everybody very thoroughly with some humic/fulvic acid, seaweed extract, yucca extract, and big bloom (for the earthworm castings and minor and trace elements)
I repotted the dwarf in a smaller container and gave it to my son. He's a bonsai enthusiast, so it's right up his alley...that's one less plant to deal with!
This evening I mixed up 5 gallons of pretty much everything except grow big. and gave everybody about 1/4 gallon each. I plan to flush them with sledgehammer on Sunday or Monday and only do foliar feedings like BoomBoom spray and fulvic acid until I resume normal bloom feeding mid-week.
Because I've had such a good veg, I'm pretty sure the maximum number of plants I'll be able to fit into the lower section is 13...and maybe only 12. So, that will be my 4 or 5 shortest plants in the area above..in which case, I'll need more light...
I think the new UVB light will have to wait until my next grow because I've got so spend a couple hundred bucks on seeds to be able to start another batch right before my current run finishes.😖😞😩😡
Like landing a jumbo jet on a municipal air strip!
If all goes well, I'll have 19 plants in a little under 18 sq ft....and that just doesn't seem feasible..hopefully I get a few that are just a big cola with no side branching....the bitch of it, is that a SOG with no access from the sides or rear is impossible to manage, so I can't use a trellis net.
Be careful buddy we done the same thing and had a problem with some water run off from above to the light below and nearly caused more then a little problem 😱
They look healthy and strong 💪🌱😜
Ya, that was a concern, but the evaporative cooler in the closet is keeping RH right where it needs to be.👍
My vapor pressure deficit has actually never been so good...(.9)
@Silverback_Guerilla, and another thing I noticed I was using a mars hydro light wasn’t the tsl that I use now I think they have meanwell drivers too but it was mars eco and had fans above it and it used to make the ones above not grow as good and the soil used to dry out in hours cos of the bottom heating 😑
Ya, thanks man!. About 30 years ago, I did the same thing I'm doing now, but was growing hydro back then, with HPS and MH running below. It was always so sketchy handling water a foot or two above a 600w HPS..I am less worried now with soil as my medium, but even still, I'll be taking them down for waterings, and have good catchment trays for whenever I put them back up there. Plus, the meanwell drivers are IP65 rated at least..
Looking awesome so far. Have you checked under the leaves with a good loupe or microscope. I had a plant twist and curl at the top that once and it was broadmites. Also had a slight bronzing of the leaves. I do not wish that plague on you but check if you haven't done so.