Panama Red is a pureblood sativa strain, first becoming famous in the 1960’s due to its potent effects, which despite having a THC content hovering just below 20% are said to border on psychedelic. Since then it has fallen out of favor due to its lengthy flowering period, which lowers profit per square meter. However, if you want to experience what Keith Richards was feeling during the peak of the hippie movement, this is it, this is the real deal. Energetic, talkative, happy, euphoric, relaxed, Panama Red does it all. And yet, in moderation, the cerebral effects are such that this works just as fine as a wake’n’bake as it does as an all day strain. Negative effects are limited to the classic combination of dry mouth, dry eyes, and dizziness, so as you can imagine, the good vastly outweighs the bad. Medicinal use of the Panama Red is also versatile, with the strain working wonders on depression, stress and anxiety, as well as headaches and chronic pain. Panama Red’s flavor and aroma profile are classically tuned. Its terpene profile is strong in Myrcene, with Pinene and Limonene holding up the rear, giving Panama Red a quintessential blend of pungent, earthy, tropical notes, with hints of tea. Panama Red is a very difficult plant to grow, as it requires exact climate conditions. Outdoor growing is only really possible in tropical climates, and aside for temperature and humidity control, indoor growing involves plant training. And as mentioned, Panama Red has a lengthy flowering period of 130 days. After the flowering period, you will be left with roughly 290 grams per square meter. But that’s 290 grams of Panama Red.