I actually used the RQS starter pellets but soaked them in water for 24h before realising they need air also. I'm no sure what they are made of though, I mini they are coco. They are really small though and I had to be careful cz there was a big fuzzy (fully innoculatd with micoryzae) so I had to be REALLY REALLY careful.
I'm also terminating two plants in Root It! Cubes but I also have a shit load of expandable coco pellets for the sake of trying different strokes and all that!
This one popped the day after the lemon pie and purple punch. Amazing what 12 hours can do!
@Grape_Juice,I know right?! When you look at their catologue it’s obviously the one that pops out the most! It ALMOST jumps off the page and into my vape…almost
@Rabidreject, yeah growing is half the job . Drying and curing is also very important . I haven't bin able to expience that yet . Hopefully in week 5 ore 6 🤘🏻🤘🏻
@DevilsBud, yeah man, I couldn't agree more. I generally find 2-3 weeks after drying, when it's in a jar being burped and shaken twice a day, the flavours and smells start to come out how they should do.
I obviously leave it for more time with burping and boveda packs but that’s the minimum. Also for some reason I ALWAYS worry it’s going to smell of hay or grass clippings in those two to three weeks!
@Rabidreject, no worry's mate i am struggling sometimes with my diaries too . All that matters is that can enjoy your harvest . Hopefully it will get all sorted out . 🤘🏻🤘🏻
@Rabidreject, I'm gonna have to try that! I always cook all my leftovers anyway lol almost made some iso hash from the blue dream but decided on brownies lol
@Toastdtoast, They are really nice in a salad but don’t just use the fan leaves and I’d recommend blanching them quickly otherwise they can be a bit tough but taste lovely