Hi people!
I understand that the fertilizers that were added to the soil in the beginning have now started to work actively! just an insane rate of growth and development of side branches. a lot of potentially strong branches! You can see for yourself how good it looks and the color of the leaves and the gaps are short between the branches! in short, I am very pleased with how it develops!
Good luck with your grow. Painkiller must be awesome. Try to the light close to the plant but direct sun will also do the job only cheaper.
All the best
@Celticweed, Спасибо За совет друг!) я тоже заметил что она начала растягиваться.. и сегодня утром когда фотографировал ее, опустил свет до 50см от растения..
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Greetings from L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟