How's it going!? Got an update here in the middle of Week 4 Veg. I've been super busy lately and haven't been able to post as manu updates, but I'll try and do at least one weekly. All them are doing pretty well considering! "Da Sloth", the Lady Marmalade that didn't pop a taproot by the paper towel method, is coming along nicely. It's definitely the furthest behind since it didn't sprout until about a week after being in a solo cup, but it seems like it's going to more of a short/squatty plant unlike the other two LM's which is pretty cool. "Old Yeller" is doing okay. It doesn't seem to have any more damaged growth, but it is a little floppy and doesn't have a lot of bud nodes atm. It's more tall, skinny like "Norm", just not near as pretty. "Norm" the last, best grown LM has been the best out of the 3 by far. It has just kept it's hands up, praying to the light, with nice sharp, serrated fan leaves. The node space and amount of nodes is very nice and symmetrical as well. I'm really excited for it, but maybe I should change it's name to "Norma" so it has more vibes of becoming a female. I always feel like the taller, more vibrant plants are going to be male, where the slighty droopy ones will be female, but it's definitely a "bro science feeling" so I don't pull them until I know for sure. The Strawberry Starburst #1 and #2 are both very similar and I'm very happy with them as well. Some days they really smell good and they aren't even a month old yet, which just seems wild to me. They aren't as tall and "poppy" as the LM's but they are looking veru good and I really hope they end up being female.