We've made it to Week 3 and I've officially culled all the males. I had 4 out of 6 being male which were both of the Strawberry Starburst, the Papayahuasca bagseed, and then "Old Yeller" then Lady Marmalade pheno that had the yellow cotyledons. That leaves us with "Norma" and "Da Sloth" which I'm extremely excited for. They are two different phenos, one tall, and vigorous. The other one didn't want to sprout, so it has always been smaller than the others. The stem rubs have an orange/poopy smell to them but I'll wait and see how they are smelling in a couple of weeks. I'm just getting them transfered over to their bloom nutrient schedule and these didn't stretch near as much since they are a little smaller than I normally do them. I think these plants should be great and I hope the 1/6 clones I took from Norma and DS that barely rooted makes it through so I can run a full set of that phenotype. I had never cloned before this experience and I had about 15-20% success rate, but all but one were from what turned out to be male. It was a good learning experience, but I'm about to start a full run of feminized just to put some weight back in the vault. Then I can take clones from them to look for a mother to keep if this Marmalade mother ends up making it. I'll try and give you guys another update in a few days, if not I'll check in sometime next week!
Added some new photos of how they are doing at the end of Week 3 flower. They seem to be focusing more on getting the bud nodes started and the stretch has slower but longer this grow, or it seemed that way too me. Since, this is a new grow room that I have never grown in. I think I have just enough light for the area, but it is a bigger area with multiple lights so it's just been a learning experience. They could be going a little slower since the light isn't as concenrated as it was in a small tent. I'm also flowering in smaller pots while phenohunting (2 gals instead of 5 gals), but I'm not sure if that would really make much of a difference. It does look like the one female clone out of the 6 I took from the LM plants is taking to it's solo cup and fresh growth is beginning, so it's really starting to root good thankfully. It was also from "Norma" which imo was one of my favorites from the get go. Once it gets big enough, I'll repot her over to a 2 gal, then most likely a 5 gal or 7 gal fabric since I'm gonna make it a clone mother and not gonna move it around much. Then I can do a full run of that phenotype! I'll check back in with you guys sometime next week!