We have officially made it too Week 4 of flower. Everything seems like it's getting more on track of where they need to be. It seems like Norma is going to be one of those vigorous, big yielding plants (if trained/topped correctly). If I didn't top it, it would most likely have one huge main cola like some plants do. So, if you topped and trained this girl she would probably put out a good amount of weight. I only topped it once and you can see both of the main tops are much taller than the rest. Since the clone seems to have pulled through, I plan on doing a full run of them to see how they do. I am really wishing one of the "Da Sloth" clones would have pulled through because even though it's small and been a slow grower, it's structure is gorgeous right now. It has 4 main tops and a few nice ones right below it as well, but it really comes down to what you are looking for. When it comes to these two though, they are pretty close to the exact opposite when it comes to structure. The smell of Da Sloth has somewhat backed off the last few days as well, so much so I can't confidently tell you what the smell is like right now. Norma on the other hand has a really good orange juice pulp smell going and hope some of that stinky/rotten funk shows out in the end or maybe even some sour undertones. Really ready to see these things start bulking up and changing colors!
Wrapping up Week 4 here with some more pics. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll have a more detailed update next week!