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Irie Lady Marmalade

3 years ago
Black Sail Market 320W Cannon Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Black Sail Market 320W Cannon
Black Sail Market 320W Canno Light Emitting Diodes/400W
Black Sail Market 320W Canno
Skunk Grow Supply
Skunk Grow Supply
Room Type
weeks 4-6, 8-9
weeks 6
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
4 years ago
I use the paper towel method. I grabbed two plates, some paper towels and some distilled water. For this grow I used 3 Lady Marmalade seeds and 2 Strawberry Starburst. I seperated them on different paper towels so I knew which one is which. I also recommend you not using sharpie on the paper towels for labeling (if you are doing multiple strains), since they will bleed, possibly into the taproots, due to the water being added. All of the taproots popped out in about 36-48 hours except for one of the Lady Marmalade. I went ahead and put it in the cup anyway just incase it still pops and honestly it looks like it may just do that. I've been growing from seed every grow so far just because I wasn't setup for cloning until now. I'm really excited for this run, but it's in a new grow room so it will be a learning experience!
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
61 %
23 °C
0 L
76.2 cm
All of the seeds popped a taproot but one of the Lady Marmalades (LM). I went ahead and threw it in a solo cup with soil anyway and it looks like it's going to sprout! I'm also having an issue with another one of the LM's. One of them has a yellow cotyledon and seems to start showing a stunted growth if it makes ir through at all. I've never had one like this so it's kind of neat to see, but it's definitely affecting it's growth, color, and sturdiness. I decided to call it Old Yeller and the late taproot popper is Da Sloth. I want to take clones from these so I want to give them cool nicknames to match their tendencies. The other 4 plants have been doing great but I haven't found any characteristics from them just yet, so I'll hold off on their pheno titles. These are 3 days old from when I added them to the solo cups so I'll check back in with you at the end of Week 1!
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Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
59 %
23 °C
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.326 mll
It's been a week since the majority of these sprouted. I've had a couple issues with two of the Lady Marmalades (naturally), but they are still growing, so hopefully they will work through it or their weird attributes will be a beneficial thing in the end. LM #1 has been doing great, where #2 has had some yellowing/twisting leaves that I've never seen, and then #3 didn't pop a taproot from the paper towel method unlike the other 5 seeds I germinated at the same time. I just threw #3 into a solo cup anyway and it did eventually pop, but it's growing much slower than the rest and it seems like it's further along than it really is, but since it's so small, a lot of the new growth is almost scrunched up with the old stuff, making it grow even stranger. I'm just gonna keep em going and see how they look at the end of the week so I can prepare them for their repot to their 2 gallons. The Strawberry Starburst have been doing great though! Once these things get big enough I'll repot them to their 2 gallon pots so they don't get root wrapped. I've started giving them a little bit of recharge as well, but that's all I can really think of at the moment. I'll try and check in again with you guys in a few days! Got another end of the week update for you guys. It was Day 12 since sprout on 06/02/21 and a couple of them are going to need a repot within a week or so. I may have to wait on a couple of them since they are a little behind but that's not too big deal. Been giving them a little bit of recharge and need to start them on a little bit of my grow terp tea solution. The "OY" LM plant seems to be coming out of it's struggle but it has some twisted, shriveled type fan leaves I haven't really seen before. I'm just going to keep em going and take clones from the ones that look like the won't be a huge pain in the butt. I'll check in with you all again at the beginning of Week 3!
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
57 %
23 °C
8 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.326 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.326 mll
Went ahead and repotted a few of the plants that were ready. Two of the Lady Marmalades needed more time, one more so than the other so I'll go ahead and repot those here in a couple days. If I don't have enough room in the tent I may go ahead and move them to the grow room under the cannon and see how they do. I'm just trying to get them big enough to top/clone and once I get some clones rooted I'll flip them to flower. The Strawberry Starburst have been the better plants so far honestly, but the one LM that is doing good, is doing really good. It's got a lot of pop and growth to it which makes me feel like it may be a male, but you never know. I'll try and post another update here towards the end of the week!
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
54 %
25 °C
8 L
68.58 cm
Nutrients 4
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.326 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.651 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
How's it going!? Got an update here in the middle of Week 4 Veg. I've been super busy lately and haven't been able to post as manu updates, but I'll try and do at least one weekly. All them are doing pretty well considering! "Da Sloth", the Lady Marmalade that didn't pop a taproot by the paper towel method, is coming along nicely. It's definitely the furthest behind since it didn't sprout until about a week after being in a solo cup, but it seems like it's going to more of a short/squatty plant unlike the other two LM's which is pretty cool. "Old Yeller" is doing okay. It doesn't seem to have any more damaged growth, but it is a little floppy and doesn't have a lot of bud nodes atm. It's more tall, skinny like "Norm", just not near as pretty. "Norm" the last, best grown LM has been the best out of the 3 by far. It has just kept it's hands up, praying to the light, with nice sharp, serrated fan leaves. The node space and amount of nodes is very nice and symmetrical as well. I'm really excited for it, but maybe I should change it's name to "Norma" so it has more vibes of becoming a female. I always feel like the taller, more vibrant plants are going to be male, where the slighty droopy ones will be female, but it's definitely a "bro science feeling" so I don't pull them until I know for sure. The Strawberry Starburst #1 and #2 are both very similar and I'm very happy with them as well. Some days they really smell good and they aren't even a month old yet, which just seems wild to me. They aren't as tall and "poppy" as the LM's but they are looking veru good and I really hope they end up being female.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
8 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 5
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 0.651 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 1.302 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 1.953 mll
Hope everyone is doing well! Things are going great here just been EXTREMELY busy, in a good way though. The plants are a month old now and I really need to go ahead and flip them to flower. I'm going to take clones from all the Irie plants so if I have any keepers I will already have some ready to go into flower once these are done. I was going to flower them all in the grow room, but honestly I was just thinking about flipping the plants in the tent in a couple days after they heal from clones being taken and possibly topping them. Then I'd have "Da Sloth" and the Papayahuasca bagseed in the grow room. It's just been entirely too hot in the grow room and I need to get some type of AC unit. I'll try and update you guys at least once a week but I like to try and do it twice if I can. If you made it this far I appreciate you stopping by an d I'll talk with you all soon!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
53.34 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
47 %
24 °C
8 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 6
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 1.302 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 1.302 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 1.302 mll
Went ahead and threw these things into flower since I got the new flower room ready. It's had a few plants vegging in it under the black sail cannon, but it was going to be WAY too hot if I planned on flipping them anytime soon, so I got a AC window unit and it's been a game changer. It's helped keep my plants at a more optimal temperature with these wildly hot/humid Oklahoma summers. I've been kinda defoliating as I water. I have just been watering them when they need it, but it's never all of them at once, which is why some are more defoliated than others. I also took some clones from them all but Old Yeller. It's just had the most issues so far and it's a droopy/non-symmetric plant that I just didn't want any part of. Da Sloth is another one that has had some problems, but it was more so of a germination problem. I figured it could have some potential coming from a clone. Excited to see how they progress over the next week and see which ones are male/female. I usually would have transferred them to 5 gallons, but this was more of a phenohunt, so I'll grow out a full run of my keeper next grow after the leftover clones, while still popping some fresh seeds.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
53.34 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
47 %
24 °C
8 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 6
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 1.302 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.651 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 1.302 mll
Finally got these things sexed and figured out. Had more males than normal and more than I'd like. Both of the Irie Strawberry Starburst were males but I took some clones and a friend is going to help me collect some pollen from them for some future breeding projects. Then "Old Yeller", the Irie Lady Marmalade plant that had the yellow cotyledons was also a male, but "Da Sloth" and "Norma" ended up being females. Honestly, I'm most excited for "Norma" because she's a beast. Big, vibrant, and vigorous, where "Da Sloth" didn't want to pop out of its seed shell 4-5 days after the rest sprouted. I took some clones from them both so the next run I can do 3 Normas and 3 DS if all the clones root. If not, I'll mother one of them out and try to do a full run of them while also doing another pheno hunt while I wait. I also have a Papayahuasca bagseed I'm growing that is taking it's time on showing the sex, but if it's a female I'll throw it in the mix with the pictures for more content. I'm also slowly lowering the grow nutrients and transitioning them to the bloom, while starting them on some phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and some other micro nutes. The stretch hasn't seemed as intense as I'm normally used too in the tent, but I'm also flowering them in 2 gallons instead of 5, so they are a bit smaller. Just gonna keep rocking and rolling and I'll check back in with you all next week if not sooner! Thanks foir stopping by!
1 like
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
53.34 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
47 %
23 °C
8 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.326 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.326 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 1 mll
We've made it to Week 3 and I've officially culled all the males. I had 4 out of 6 being male which were both of the Strawberry Starburst, the Papayahuasca bagseed, and then "Old Yeller" then Lady Marmalade pheno that had the yellow cotyledons. That leaves us with "Norma" and "Da Sloth" which I'm extremely excited for. They are two different phenos, one tall, and vigorous. The other one didn't want to sprout, so it has always been smaller than the others. The stem rubs have an orange/poopy smell to them but I'll wait and see how they are smelling in a couple of weeks. I'm just getting them transfered over to their bloom nutrient schedule and these didn't stretch near as much since they are a little smaller than I normally do them. I think these plants should be great and I hope the 1/6 clones I took from Norma and DS that barely rooted makes it through so I can run a full set of that phenotype. I had never cloned before this experience and I had about 15-20% success rate, but all but one were from what turned out to be male. It was a good learning experience, but I'm about to start a full run of feminized just to put some weight back in the vault. Then I can take clones from them to look for a mother to keep if this Marmalade mother ends up making it. I'll try and give you guys another update in a few days, if not I'll check in sometime next week! Added some new photos of how they are doing at the end of Week 3 flower. They seem to be focusing more on getting the bud nodes started and the stretch has slower but longer this grow, or it seemed that way too me. Since, this is a new grow room that I have never grown in. I think I have just enough light for the area, but it is a bigger area with multiple lights so it's just been a learning experience. They could be going a little slower since the light isn't as concenrated as it was in a small tent. I'm also flowering in smaller pots while phenohunting (2 gals instead of 5 gals), but I'm not sure if that would really make much of a difference. It does look like the one female clone out of the 6 I took from the LM plants is taking to it's solo cup and fresh growth is beginning, so it's really starting to root good thankfully. It was also from "Norma" which imo was one of my favorites from the get go. Once it gets big enough, I'll repot her over to a 2 gal, then most likely a 5 gal or 7 gal fabric since I'm gonna make it a clone mother and not gonna move it around much. Then I can do a full run of that phenotype! I'll check back in with you guys sometime next week!
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
44 %
24 °C
8 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 6
Calcium Solution 0.326 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.326 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 1 mll
We have officially made it too Week 4 of flower. Everything seems like it's getting more on track of where they need to be. It seems like Norma is going to be one of those vigorous, big yielding plants (if trained/topped correctly). If I didn't top it, it would most likely have one huge main cola like some plants do. So, if you topped and trained this girl she would probably put out a good amount of weight. I only topped it once and you can see both of the main tops are much taller than the rest. Since the clone seems to have pulled through, I plan on doing a full run of them to see how they do. I am really wishing one of the "Da Sloth" clones would have pulled through because even though it's small and been a slow grower, it's structure is gorgeous right now. It has 4 main tops and a few nice ones right below it as well, but it really comes down to what you are looking for. When it comes to these two though, they are pretty close to the exact opposite when it comes to structure. The smell of Da Sloth has somewhat backed off the last few days as well, so much so I can't confidently tell you what the smell is like right now. Norma on the other hand has a really good orange juice pulp smell going and hope some of that stinky/rotten funk shows out in the end or maybe even some sour undertones. Really ready to see these things start bulking up and changing colors! Wrapping up Week 4 here with some more pics. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll have a more detailed update next week!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
44 %
23 °C
8 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 7
Magnesium (Epsom Salt) 0.25 mll
Calcium Solution 0.651 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.651 mll
End of Week 5 Update. Sorry I've been super busy and don't have much for you this week besides some pictures. They are starting to eat heavy and I need to up some of the nutrients because they are showing some deficiencies. Just trying to rectify that just to avoid any lockouts. Have a good week and I'll try and have another update in a couple days!
1 like
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
44 %
23 °C
8 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 7
Magnesium (Epsom Salt) 1.302 mll
Calcium Solution 1.302 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.326 mll
Trying to get an update in here while I can before the end of the week. I was able to get some photos and make an update on the last day of Week 6 flower (Day 42). They are eating super heavy now that they are in full on bulk mode. I don't think I started them on their phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and potash quick enough because they are showing some signs of deficiencies. I've just upped their doses and have also done a couple top feeds just to help out. They seemed to like the extra Nitrogen I was giving them and I'm going to go ahead and cut the N now. I'm also going to start lowering all the other nutrients I'm giving them in preparation for a flush. I'd like to try and get a full two weeks on these plants meaning I should probably plan to slowly cut down on the nutrients so when I do quit adding them it will be from a smaller amount instead of just cutting them off cold turkey. Been a HUGE learning experience growing in a new grow area with a new strain. I do have a clone mother of Norma that I plan on trying to do a full run of when it gets big enough to remove 5-6 good clones. I'll try and update you guys here in a few days so I can get caught back up a bit!
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
47 %
23 °C
8 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 8
Magnesium (Epsom Salt) 1.302 mll
Calcium Solution 0.651 mll
Terp Tea Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Grow 0.326 mll
Another quick last minute update. haha. I've been so busy, but enough about me. I can't believe it's around the end of Week 7. I almost positive I was underfeeding these things so I need to change my feeding routine up a bit for the next grow with them. That's why they are lighter green than I'd like and have a lot of burn areas from the plant pulling nutrients from areas they weren't readily available. So, if I had fed the plants some more of the essentials, it can help prevent those burns. I am cutting the nutrients now since I have given them a couple heavier feedings than I had been. I'd like to give them a good flush this go around, but they do look like they could run around the 70 day mark. It looks like Norma is more Mandarin Sunset heavy, where the Da Sloth pheno is more Arise. Lady Marmalade is Mandain Sunset x Arise, which is awesome because I've grown multiple strains with those in their lineage, so this is like a mix of everything I've grown. Thank you all for joining me!
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
47 %
23 °C
8 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium (Epsom Salt) 0.651 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 0.651 mll
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 1.302 mll
Seemed to get these back on track just in time for the last feeding. Just gave it one of it's last feedings today and the next watering is going to be mostly flush with what little nutrients I had leftover from today. I believe they are probably going to need to run around 70-75 days but I don't want to run them much longer than that because I have some other things I need to get started on. I'll take some more photos later this week and give you all another update!
1 comment
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
46 %
22 °C
8 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 32.552 mll
Trinity  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Trinity 1.302 mll
Winter Frost - New Millenium
Winter Frost 1 mll
Seems like Norma is beginning to finish off but Da Sloth is living up to it's name and she's taking her sweet ass time! I'm going to check the trichomes on them within the next day or so, to decide if I want to pull Norma before DS. I did begin flush now, but it's not technically a "flush" just yet. I'm still giving it Roots Organics Trinity (Yucca/molasses mix) and New Milleniums Winterfrost which is like 0-0-0.2 or something but heard it does wonders if used during flush. I seem to get them back on track from the deficiencies but am definitely going to have a better idea how to run these when I do the pheno hunt run here in a month or so. Probably not too many more updates from here on out!
Week 16. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
First time growing this strain. It's essentially a cross (Mandarin Sunset x Arise) of everything I've grown up to date. All my Ethos strains have had Mandarin Sunset in them, and all my Irie has had Arise in it or was Arise itself. I found a good keeper that is going to be my first clone mother. It was vigorous, but not too vigorous. I believe with good topping, it could form an amazing canopy, because if you don't top this pheno it'll grow tall and have the christmas tree shape. These are also hungry plants, I recommend going a little heavier on the Nitrogen/kelp through veg/early flower to give it a better chance of taking full advantage of utilizing it's needs. Earthy/chemmy orange taste/smell that gets you where you want to go and then some. I'd say 20% of the flower I can find in my area will actually get me "stoned". All the Arise crosses I have grown (Sunkiss, Arise, Lady Marmalade) have gotten me super lit.
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Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
26 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I should have kept giving it Nitrogen through the first few weeks of flower, but I have always cut N once I flipped. I discovered that is frowned upon and they need N through the first month or so after flip. I did get a keeper pheno from this run, so I'll be able to run the Norma pheno again and have a better idea of how. Thank you all so much for joining me and I'll document one of my future grows for you again here soon. I just have too much going on currently to worry about doing another grow channel. You can check out my YouTube under Crazy Hand Grows though if you'd like!


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Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck and happy growing 🙏😀
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ferenccommentedweek 64 years ago
Happy Flowering @CrazyHandGrows
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@CrazyHandGrows, She is good no worries
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, I appreciate that! Not my best work, but still learning! Thanks again!
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@CrazyHandGrows, Great progress and buds
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MarsHydroLEDcommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck! 🙌😍
spydercommentedweek 14 years ago
good luck with the grow...enjoy.
Trixxcommentedweek 94 years ago
Bless your grows 🙏💚
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@Trixx, Thanks for the kind sentiment!
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@Trixx, daaawwwww thank yous!!!!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 84 years ago
Slayin it, the best of the best.
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Thank you very much, that means a lot!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 84 years ago
good luck with your grow👍 and have fun with the grow buddy.and your harvest
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, Thank you!
Only4passioncommentedweek 144 years ago
Nice work good harvest 🤜🤛💚💪💪
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@Only4passion, Thank you!
Maryjane23commentedweek 134 years ago
Very good!!! Good harvest ✌️✌️
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@Maryjane23, Thanks!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 94 years ago
Good job growMIE😁👍💪 have fun hope you have a tasty harvest😎🚬🏆🏆🏆
CrazyHandGrowscommented4 years ago
@JamMAKEcan,Thank you!
the end.
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Irie Lady MarmaladeIrie Lady Marmalade
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