Not much to mention really for now. She’s a tiny plant, that I’m just trying to let chunk up as much as possible.
It’s starting to look like I really shocked her at the worst time possible with defoliation, combined with almost certainly being root-bound. I’m still going to see this one through, not too worried about yield.
Had to chop a little bit due to a little mold, sucks! Still trying to nail down the environment for my perpetual grow tent, accidentally had the humidifier nozzle pointed at one of the branches. Corrected the issue, the rest of the plant should be fine!
Wow! I really enjoyed visiting ur journals! Great work, I hope you’ll get a healthy grow with the best results and some delicious buds at the end. Keep on doing ur thing.
I will drop by some times to see your progress on ur grows! Happy growing and feel free to drop by anytime to say hello! Have a good day 😁🥦
Good luck mate! It will surely be a success!!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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