Week 2 Mon- was July 4th so this is officially Freedom weed in my mind. So she went through a crazy growth spurt and unfortunately my Monday 4pm photo is corrupted so my side by side is shot. They more than doubled in size in a single day, checking on them every couple hours was almost like watching a time-lapse video. Monday evening watered another ~60-70ml PH 6.7 water w/ .5ml/l Rhinoskin. Local hydro store had a deal on the small bottle and I have seen a lot of folks heavily recommending adding a silica product in the early phases. I'm hoping with that and training I get a more robust stalk and stem situation this time around. --I did mess up and use .5 instead of .25 recommended from FastBuds which I am using as a reference. They do not seem to mind at all and drank pretty heavily.