So This is the first 24 H Day for all of them 6 Ladys. I can see a big difference in coco and soil, the coco ones are stronger and sprouted faster.
We will see how the look at day 7
Updates coming
Day 7 those Lady's are super happy and growing very good. I would say these are the happiest and the strongest ones of all my grows.
I gonna use some microbes this time like Mammoth P.
Also I am using Rhizotonic for the Veg stages. Combined with superthrive but this just for the first 2 weeks.
Updates coming the next week 💪🏼
J'aimerai quelque conseil sur la lampe lumatek
A quel hauteur et à combien de % tu la mets en fonction des semaine de croissance et de floraison ?
Merci à toi et bonne culture
@Moess666, hey in the Vegging Phase I dimm the light to 60% at 50 - 60 cm mostly.
In Flower I am going on 35-45 at 100% but not directly, this lamp is very strong. At my new run all my lady's showing signs of light burns. But this goes away on week 8 when the buds start to fat up
@Grow420pice, danke dir 💪🏼 , ja die hat die besten Buds produziert und riecht auch am saftigsten 🤤 . Ja Lemon kix riecht wie Holland Haze nicht verkehrt aber leider zu stark gefoxttailt