Week 11
Day 72
Harvest coming soon for Orange and Purple Punch, Followed by Blue Dream and Lemon Kix. The Last one gonna be Trainwreck and Cinderella .
Day 74
Harvested Orange Sherbet today she was ready with 15-20% amber thrichomes
Purple Punchs trichomes are full milky with maybe 10% amber but the buds need more time, pistils are mostly still white. I gonna give her 3 - 5 more Days .
Blue Dream no signs of amber just some on the sugarleaves gonna give her 7-10 days more. Buds are the fattest from the ladys and the Color is amazing. Smell is crazy fruity this time the Blueberry comes more out.
Trainwreck still need more time to fatten up the buds but foxtailed bad, its ok just for my personally use. She got a own smell reminds me of pine with a fruity tone.
Lemon Kix she growed massive too like her Dutch Passion sister Cinderella Jack, but didnt stretched so much. I flushed her 2 days ago and shes fading massive right now . Got that purple leaves starting on the tops and the yellowish on the bottom. Shes the smelliest one with a strong haze smell
Cinderella man i love this lady but shes starting to fade out at the bottom too early she got like 2-3 weeks more to go I hope it gonna last that much. I am using Green Sensation and Bud Candy to a 1/1 water / nutes feeding.
Updates coming soon 🤤💪🏼
J'aimerai quelque conseil sur la lampe lumatek
A quel hauteur et à combien de % tu la mets en fonction des semaine de croissance et de floraison ?
Merci à toi et bonne culture
@Moess666, hey in the Vegging Phase I dimm the light to 60% at 50 - 60 cm mostly.
In Flower I am going on 35-45 at 100% but not directly, this lamp is very strong. At my new run all my lady's showing signs of light burns. But this goes away on week 8 when the buds start to fat up
@Grow420pice, danke dir 💪🏼 , ja die hat die besten Buds produziert und riecht auch am saftigsten 🤤 . Ja Lemon kix riecht wie Holland Haze nicht verkehrt aber leider zu stark gefoxttailt