@ElevenSixty6, i understand but i have had the same problem with the same "auto wedding cake" from barneys and it produced little orange rust spots on the leafs , once rubbed over within a few days the same abrassions appeared with the leaves turning red and yellow like fire and black spots in some places, this is the after effects of rust fungus, and my point is to confirm this is true in your case , the fact it keeps returning most of your grows during flowering?, because as far as im concerned your feeding looks normal to me , if your using a new medium you shoulnt have nutrient issues , all your buds come out looking fine to me , reason being as i have the exact same problem and its a coincidence that you were growing the exact same strain as me an have the same symptoms on your plant as mine. Right now all my leaves are pretty much dying as the bud develops. Also to note the orange spots are so small they are hard to see unless they get big , and then within a few days it burns the leaves so you may miss the first signs, anyway good luck with the C02, il keep you updated , but im 100 percent
certain that is a form of fungus , as the same leaf problem comes back every grow since the auto barneys