
Animal Cookies Indoor

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1
weeks 1-5
weeks 1-5, 7-9
ProMix HP
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
27 L
Pot Size
1.5 L
Grow Conditions
Week 4
24 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Mongler1187 Mongler1187
3 years ago
Neem treatment still in use every few days . everything is looking good color coming back to number 1 and the others are about ready lots of nodes and inner growth , I continue to make small adjustments to the tie downs to give me as many open to the light nodes as I can . will start dark phase early next week on Monday unless number 1 has not fully recovered then will wait a day or three until feel it is good to go before I flip the lights . I don't want a plant trying to heal wasting energy it should be putting into bud growth an extra day or three will be worth the wait if it is needed . I am dialing back the nutrient's a little . is a small curl to leaves , by this I mean the tips of the fan leaves curl to the side a little instead of point out . these are not as heavy a feeders as I have done the last couple grows it seems or just not ready though you can see good root growth just under the top layer of dirt when water each plant . Clonex is removed as well . I can see good roots and I dont want the plants energy going to root growth instead of bud growth and this stuff will do that . I have found it to be to good at what its meant to do and my buds will start slower if feeding it to my plants through the transition phase . . you can really see a large number of nodes due to the Chitosan . the Defoliation and intense light even though dimmed also will have contributed to this . plants don't need much light to not stretch and these new LEDS with blues can really stunt growth if not careful . make sure to dim them and try to keep them at a good distance until bud time . but really that Chitosan will make some crazy branching . these plants have been topped one time back when in the cloner . everything we do slows the plants growth or encourages it in some way . try to only remove what you need or feel you need to . the plant will be happy , your goal is to open up the inner parts of your plants to allow light and create a larger canopy of nodes . as you can see these dead twigs in a month can look pretty nice with some love and neglect . good luck all ( the leaves become skinnier usually on plants that have been deficient or are deficient . if look at all the others clones they have broader fan leave . this will happen in some degree when a plant is having a deficiency . if you have a few plants of the same type and one starts to show signs of skinnier leaves then the rest consider that it has a small macronutrient issue . if think over watering well let dry some then continue . as long as know your not just over watering it a little , I suggest you use cloth or air pots . move to step two flush it out with a week feed with extra macronutrients at the right PH . this issue could be as simple as just the chlorine in your water to the PH being off so fix these in the flush. Chlorine can take a long time to damage a plants roots it will burn off the tips over time the plant will slowly become deficient be sure to treat your city water some how. I aerate mine with a cheap air pump and stone in a 5 gallon bucket usually for a few days but Min 24 hours . its very hard to tell what is causing small deficiency's and just as hard to tell if its fixed . correct it the one feeding and go back to regular feeding and wait to see if it gets worse , large deficiencies are easy to see and usually a easy to understand reason I dried out #1 damaging its root system and forcing it to feed on its self easy way to fix is to do the same thing and then go back to being nice to the plant time will take care of the rest , this can be said for almost any issue your plant has unless its an auto . )
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Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 53 years ago
Godesskatcommentedweek 43 years ago
verything is better with a beg of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Cannabeast40commentedweek 13 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 👌💪😎👊
Cannabeast40commented3 years ago
@Mongler1187,anytime mate, keep it green 😀
Mongler1187commented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40, thanks my friend and fellow grower :)
420Highlifecouplecommentedweek 93 years ago
Looks great man,enjoy🌱
Godesskatcommentedweek 93 years ago
Wish you all the best & happy growing 😍 Love this place!✊