hello day one to week 5 will do better on pictures from here on out as the plants grow and get closer to the lights the temperature of the canopy has climbed back up some still a good temperature . the plants are frosty already with a brown hue from the Neem I sprayed them with yesterday . all the hairs are looking good so was not to strong a mix . honest I have had no issues with this organic tea mix and plants it has burned the hairs a little at times but still end results have always been quality . I have even noticed a weight increase over plants I have avoided spraying on other crops . now I just spray them all . not sure if its all in my head or not but scales say ones sprayed always weigh more . I started to only spray the ones in trouble so they should have been the ones with less weight . anyway I dont find an issue and I feel it helps protect my plants as well as I am sure it doesnt effect my over all yield in a negative way . will add some remo's natures candy to one feed this week , I like to give a mix of stuff in small amounts noticed the bugs coming back and started to try and get deal with by end of next week I decided to cut the plants .