I decided to take a couple of clones from my Chemdawg plants which are currently in week 8 of veg. I'm using my Clone King 36 aeroponic cloner. I've used this cloner with great success in the past, pretty much 100% or at least close, but I've only used it exclusively with one strain, Green Dragon OG. I'm going to clone these Chemdawg plants the same way and see what kind of results i get. One immediate difference, the Green Dragon OG was a very leggy plant, she loved to grow tall. My clones would be on the taller side as a result, the nodes were very far apart. The Chemdawg is the opposite, very squat and bushy. I didn't want to take any of the upper nice tops, so I grabbed some from the bottom branches, which I usually do, but the result is very short clones. First and foremost, never let the temp of the water get above 83 degrees F. When necessary, I use sealed frozen bottles of drinking water and drop them into the Clone King to bring the temp down. I usually only have to do this in the hot summer months.
I used tap water for the Clone King, and ph'd it to 5.5 I usually aim between 5.5 and 5.8. One thing that is very critical, as soon as you make the 45 degree diagonal cut submerge the cut end in a container of water for 10 minutes minimum. This prevents air bubbles from entering the cut stem and killing the clone. Another thing I do once I pull the cutting from the water is to submerge it in a shot glass filled with Clonex rooting gel for 10 minutes. As soon as the cutting goes into the cloner the Clonex will obviously wash off, but with experimenting I've found that it does produce more roots by using it. I have an airstone in my Clone king also for extra oxygenation of the water. After the clones are in the Clone King, I give them a spray of Clonex Mist Root Promoter, I will also mist them again in the morning, and that should be sufficient. I have a 24 watt T5 light 12" from the tops of the clones. With traditional clone domes with rockwool or rootcube setups, wilting is always a problem. Constant misting is usually required at first, etc. I've never experienced that since I switched to aeroponics. Never had one wilt. Hope I didn't just jinx myself 😐😕😁
Day 2 - All is very well. Despite the sudden weather change here, high heat and low humidity, the girls are doing fine. Full steam ahead!
Day 3 - The girls seem very happy, they're standing up and perky just like I like em 😉
Day 4 - All is well. I expect to start seeing some root bumps soon 🙏
Day 5 - Just playin the waiting game. Clones look happy.
Day 6 - The girls look very happy considering they have no roots. I'm starting to see signs of eminent rootage. 😉
Day 7 - OK, now we're getting root nubbies on all 4 of the girls. There will be roots shooting out in a couple of days! 😁
Day 8 - Nubbies are increasing in size and quantity. Actual roots should be really popping out by tomorrow I'm hoping. All in all, this is going exactly as I was expecting. 😃
I swapped out the water in the Clone King tonight with fresh tap water, ph'd to 5.65 I also lowered the light a few inches closer, now at 9 inches from tops of clones.
I had them higher earlier to discourage veg growth so they could focus on developing roots. Now that roots are forming, I'm reintroducing the brighter light to now
encourage veg growth.
Day 9 - Continued growth along the stem, all is well
Day 10 - Looking good
Day 11 - Everything is going according to plan 😁
Day 12 - All 4 girls are really popping out roots now, shouldn't be much longer before they're in soil. Can't wait! 😜
Day 13 - Roots growing quickly now 😁
Day 14 - The clones could be moved to soil at this point, but I'm not in a rush so I'll wait another day or 2. Hoping to see some fishboning from the roots. 😎
Thank you for this very informative diary! For someone which is learning the ropes like me this is very precious information.
Wish you luck with the growth! 😄🙏🙌