In order to try and garner honest feedback I gave away some samples. I didn't give any to friends or put any expectations or hype behind the bud i just gave some away to people i knew to be seasoned smokers and asked for honest feedback. I thought it would be fun to make a record as honestly as I could for each grow with some genuine replies.
Already it's reputation has preceeded itself.
This strain was a base 23% thc being seed from Ken Estes's personal GDP. I have no idea how strong this hits hard every single time regardless of tolerance, do not recommend if you are required to function in anyway. Really think we hit the mark with this one. Very pleased with the quality. Would love to know the thc %, all I know is these clones blow the arse off in comparison to the mother they came from, both in thc content and smoothness.
"Stuff was wild man, thank you so much"
"Job well done, stuff is intense"
"I love it, I hate the smell of weed, but that stuff doesn't even smell like weed"
"Passed around a joint of that stuff with the boys last night, all 👍."
"That shit is insane"