(1/3/22) - Good start of the week so far. Did some LST on all 4 plants.
(1/5/22) More LST on all 4 plants.
(1/6/22) Plant health wise they all seem to be in good shape though I wish they grow a little taller. I will have to make sure I put more dirt in the pots for my next project to avoid this issue. I will be feeding them tomorrow with Grow Big from Fox farm to give the plants and the organic soil a boost of nutrients.
(1/7/22) Fed each plant 1/8 of gallon of Grow Big with distilled water. Also decided to give them one of the two VS1000 lights in the tent and was able to lower it to 15 inches above the plants, hoping this will give them a boost with the feeding.
Blueberry - (1/3/22) LST today, looks like she responding well to the spreading. Everything looking good plant health wise. (1/6/22) Seems to be responding to the LST, she is spreading out nicely.
Glue Gelato - (1/3/22) LST today, looks like she responding ok to the spreading as she is a very compact plant. Did noticed one of the top leaves is not looking good very yellow, I'm guessing she didn't handle the topping as well like the others. Not too worried though the rest of her looks good.(1/6/22) Seems to be not responding to the LST, she still staying very compacted and small. I'm worried I should have not topped this one.
Sweet Gelato - (1/3/22) LST today, looks like she responding well to being tie-down and going the desired direction . Everything looking good plant health wise. (1/6/22) Seems to be responding to the LST, growing along the edge in a circle formation. I'm not convince of this LST method though I could be doing this wrong yet but she seems to be taking it well. I will do more research on this method with this strain.
Vanilla Frosting - (1/3/22) LST today, looks like she responding well to the spreading. Everything looking good plant health wise. (1/6/22) Seems to be responding to the LST, she is spreading out nicely.