Little beast! 💪🏽😎. Amazing growing light. The experiment based on the DLI went quite well, in relation to consumption - harvest. It ran at a maximum of 65% full power.
Hi growers!
📆 10 days of drying process have passed
We got to the end of this diary, I couldn't get much out of this beauty but I can say that they are crazy in flavor, considering that they haven't been cured yet...
The harvest was a very modest 15g, this gave me will push to improve the next attempt. Here I am sorry for not even reaching 25g but well, that's the way things are...
Now we go to curing, about 2-3 weeks.
Many thanks to @OriginalSensible for letting me try/experiment with this beauty 🎩✨, I say experiment because I couldn't find any info about was a new strain.
It goes straight to my favorites list.
My congratulations to MarsHydro for their fantastic TS-1000 grow light 👌🏽, it's a great way to enter the world of LED grow lights.
Well, doing the numbers, I see that it has been another efficient crop, just over 1g/w. Low electricity consumption and decent harvest, used TS-1000 at a maximum of 65% power, I was guided more by the DLI.
Looking very happy healthy and strong, let there be life. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!! If you have a moment stop by my YOU DECIDE journal and leave me your vote please and thank you.
Thanks 👍🏽 @BarneyRumble420, this is my 2nd attempt, the 1st one I couldn´t finish it. You can have a look to that diary and get more or less an idea, if you want.
I´ll do my best with this classy girl.
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