I'm doing all sativa-dominant this time, think I've had enough of indicas for a while, don't want to be sedated! There are a few, but haven't had many that made me feel energised, motivated or creative, so I'm open to suggestions.
My preferred method of germination is planting the seed about 3 mm into a jiffy plug with the pointed end facing up and round end facing down, so the root grows upwards out of the pointed end before doing a 180 degree u-turn downwards, then as the seedling grows upwards it naturally pulls itself out of the husk, leaving the husk in the soil with the delicate Cotyledon leaves in tact and free of husk. It's a tried and trusted method with a high success rate. I used to do the paper towel thing, but can't trust myself not to break the tap root when planting, or remind myself of the time when the courier arrived and I forgot I'd left the germinated seeds on the tissue, exposed to air.
Great grow!! I do suggest you making hole around the pot, so the roots become more oxygenated, it's very important!!!
Wish you a great grow!
Have a shroom11!!!11 🙌
@Sybarite, cool, I'll follow along. Both AK-47 and GTH are amazing. Check my Somali Ghost Train diary, if you like. It's not like anything else I've ever grown before!
@Shijo_Kingo, Thank you. No, I'm not too worried. I left them in the small pots for too long (I'm on a tight schedule), so they got excessively root-bound. They are perking up now since the transplant, plus a few yellowing lower leaves in veg rarely causes any issues during bloom. I will probably be removing some of the lower fan leaves eventually anyway to improve air circulation and prevent mildew.