ciao ragazzi
ho avuto dei problemi con questa pianta ho deciso di fare il flush per essere sicura che il ph sia apposto e poi apportare i fertilizzanti di cui inizia ad avere bisogno sta dando segni di carenza di fosforo la prossima settimana spero di recuperarla bene!!!
iniziamo cosi la fioritura ma sono fiduciosa...
la pianta si trova in una condizione quasi ottimale con umidità al 65%
temperatura diurna 22/25 gradi C notturna 18/20 C
luce utilizzo la mia Viparspectra XS2000 ecco i link con le specifiche della lampada per chi è interessato
this well-known brand offers different solutions look at the official website
or Search for it on Amazon:
Amazon US:
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Viparspectra UE:
Viparspectra USA:
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I agree with Roberts. Always make sure your PH is within range first, But My guess would be she needs food. Only nutrients I see are BioBizz Light mix which has enough nutrient content for around 3-4 weeks growth.
Top Candy is a flowering booster and is intended to add to an existing diet.
Pure Zym is a soil enhancer that helps break down organic material.
My thought is that you're giving too much nitrogen... I'm not familiar with your nutes, though, so can't say definitely... Week 5, pre-flower, I'd start backing off the grow nutes and increasing the bloom nutes. If the problem is getting worse quickly, I'd do a flush, trim off the affected leaves and go from there.. Good luck!
Hey there,
Thank you so much for the nice feedback here, we really hope that you enjoyed growing our genetics :)
The diary is looking great, with lots of attention to details, we really appreciate you sharing it with us
Hoping you enjoy that harvest! Have a good one