Going nice. I'm experimenting with my new LED lamp, it's now closer than W1 and more intense.
Some leaves slightly curl up... small light burn? Overall looking healthy. For now I PH-correct my tap water ONLY, extra nutes are not added yet! I give water when the pots feel light.
4th picture has as newcomer... This must be the germinated seed that I dropped right before planting... I thought I lost it on the ground and just started germinating another. The small one is lost one.
@TopTerp, Thanks! Very happy, weather is waaay better than last year. I foresee cutting the end of June, so I can start a new session from July to end of September 😎
@StealthyDutchGuy, Thanks for the comment! That's right, they're inside for now, without a tent, just in the living room with a led grow lamp and fan lol. I just put up my tent outside, they're not flowering yet but they are starting to smell in the apartment, I will put them outside in the following days.