Day 83 sorry on some missing days. Hospital all day yesterday and i think I’m dealing with depression, and this is my calm at the moment. Anyways the Ace gals got a drink 2 days ago and seem to of really liked their drink, and the Canuk gals got their drink today. Also added a pinch of PK Boost to their feed as well. Looking great and healthy so far and here’s hoping it stays that way.
I am so sorry to hear that man. I am thinking of your boy & he will be in my prayers tonight, Losing animals is no different than losing a loved one. They are part of our family & any animal person knows exactly what im talking about, I had to watch my buddy go around 10 years ago he was being pensioned and at the time I did not know it, Was fighting so hard to save him costing me thousands of dollars & the vet only at the end began to see what was happening. Worst part was it was someone in the family an ex partner of my dads who did it. Was one of the toughest most difficult moments of my life. My thoughts & prayers are with you bud & if you ever need someone to talk to I am always around. It looks as if his karmic energy & soul helped grow this plant into a beautiful monster.