Finaly Flowers
08.09.22 I harvested the Polensacks from the NL5xSkunk#1 Male puted them into a papertowel to dry
The G13xSkunk#4 Male have started to flower first small polensacks to see
The Tripple G is in Flower now The NL5 x Skunk#1 Male pollen sacks are now drying in a piece of printing paper so that nothing is lost. I picked the ones that were yellow and with red stripes because they look so mature some will open by here self the other will get a small picks with a scissors to open and then i will polinate a lower brantch to get some seeds (FEM)Tripple GxNL5xSkunk#1(Male)
=Northern G Skunk and i got 1 idee to polinate another small brantch of the Zkittalicious(FEM)xNL5xSkunk#1(MALE to get =!!!!!!!!!Skunkallicious!!!! and the G13xSkunks#4[Male] started to Flower so i will polinate the Pripple G[FEM]xG13xSkunk#4[MALE] to get the [quadruple G Skunk]
@KingSalomonsWeed,Jo die Jahre zuvor hatte ich auch immer so 4 Pflanzen wenn die voll in der Blüte waren haben das alle gerochen und gab keine Probleme nur konnte man sie nicht sehen da sie nicht so groß waren wie dieses Jahr sonst hätt ich schon besuch bekommen warscheinlich