Day 40
I found out from Aurora Innovation that I should be top dressing once a week. So I top dressed today 2tbls of Terp Tea. Watered it in with 1gal of 6.5 spring water containing Azoz, Mykos, Fish Sh!t, and half tsp of SimPro Veg.
Day 42
The chunk up is nice!
Day 45
Fed 2tbl of Terp Tea Bloom watered in with 1gal of 6.5 PH spring water.
Day 48
Bud Rot on one of my Top Gun plants. So much for being best in catalog for mold resistance. They've never been in the rain. There has been a heat wave and high humidity though. I chopped off the moldy bud and cleaned my trimmers with alcohol.
Both plants are getting thicker by the day. With no side branching at all, the thickness is welcome!