Jun 11 Feed Her Yesterday so adding water today, Trimmed a few lower branched and a few leafs.. 76f/52h
Jun 12 Feed her water again will feed her tomorrow, Trimmed a few leafs and branched again all lower ones. 76f/52h
Jun 13 She had another feeding Based on BudLabs Week 1 flower. All looking good trimmed a few leafs and tucked a few. 75f/50h
Jun 14 Feed her some ph water. Will add some more tomorrow, 75f/51h
Jun 15 Will give her another feed from Advanced Nutrients Budlabs. Did some leaf tucking and trimmed a few. 75f/51h
Jun 16 She had another feeding based on Budlabs week 2 Flower. Choped about 20 leafs off and a couple lower branches. 75f/49h. Vpd 1.32