07.07.22 - The smell is now intense, having my carbon filter running on full now. Still 700-750 ppfd around canopy tops. Fed Gerd and Elise with the sollution listet for this week. with 5L each, ph 6.3 ppm 640. Had 1L runoff on both my girls. runoff ppm Elise : 1140. Gerd : 960. Had a runoff on elise 4 days ago last time with just water on 700, seems like she is not eating more then 50 ppm a day. Need to check into this.
Edit - It seems that i have the wrong calc on the ppm, and she seems fine, so il just water her with Ph 6.3 water untill her untill her ppm is below 4-500 ppm because of her size.
08.07.22 - Humidity is high again, so temp is moved from 22-23 with humidity 45-50 % to 25-26 and about 55-60 % humidity. Have to raise temps with AC to dry out the humidity i got on about 80% with tent closed. Altso did not have much time in the morning when i notced this before lights out. So i just turned the timer on lights off, rather want a 24h light schedual for a couple of days, instead of 80%+ humidity with low temps. Correct me if im wrong, please!:)
10.07.22 - Humidity is now back to normal, going to reinstate the 18/6 again today. ppfd is still 700-750 around canopy tops, I cant manage to keep my hand still long enough to take pics of trichomes, Will invest in a smartphone device that can zoom and take pics very soon.
11.07.22 - Watered Elise with 5L water and 1ml/L hydrogen peroxide, PH 6.3, ppm 50. Runoff : 1L, ppm - 830.
12.07.22 - The smell was getting too intense, reeked in the whole appartment, and even outside the front door. And my 4 inch carbon filter and fan was running full speed. I just pray that my neighbors are allergic to pollen or something. I was afraid of this to happen, so i got myself a upgraded version some weeks ago, 6inch carbon filter set from Spider Farmer! I got it up today, and used some odour block to help rinse the air in the other rooms. Im running it at lowest now and it is better than the smaller one when it is at full speed:)
It seems like i have a nitrogen burn on my plant again, cant see how because she perked up good with the other 2 after i flushed them 3 days ago. She started turning greener and yellow tips became abit bigger. She stopped growing and looks sick. Any suggestions?
Hey growmie
she looks stressed.
wait until the soil dries out a bit and then give your plants a good dose of b vitamins and enzymes, CalMag.
you have to adjust the ph value.
it looks like she's out of range.
Ph should be around 6.0 - 6.2 at this stage.
And when feeding give the half of the recommended dose.
1 -2 weeks
Wish you good luck buddy
Got these rust spots on 1 of my girls. Cant rub it off so guess its not fungus. It seems like cal mag deficiencies. Watered her yesterday with 500ppm and 6.3 ph. Runoff was 1100 ppm. All help is appreciated.
You have nutrient lockout from a salt buildup in your medium. Stick with just PH water until you get your PPM's back to around 100 less of what you feel they need( My guess is 800ppm so water until 700). Then start with 800PPM and see what your runoff is.
When feeding you want to always keep your PPM's in within 100 of PPM going out or you will start to get a buildup. I would not do a drastic flush all at once as it can cause more harm then good(**Unless you see a drastic decline in health).
A flush over time should be all you need to get back on track.
It will most likely take a week or more to get things back to normal numbers and a few weeks to stop seeing symptom's.
You will notice when you near harvest she almost stop's eating and your required ppm's will drop dramatically.
Good luck and Happy Growing
@Psilocubensis, Well i am pretty happy about how the plant i topped turned out, got her on 3rd node, was thinking 5-6 node but i topped her by accident. Yes i have some northern lights and white widow im will use next run!:)
@@Growtroll, The training you gave would be perfect for tall plants... as they are already small, letting them grow naturally would be the best option I guess.
As you have a great grow maybe just one top when they are on 5º node would be great too.
Do you have more autos seeds?
@Psilocubensis, Thanks!^^ Considering photo later on when i start with hydro. Just want to go 1 or 2 more tries in soil with autos :)
Its my first time and messed up some on the way, and the genetics said short and bushy, but i did not think they would end up this small. Very good strain for people who have limited height in their grow space!:)
@Growladyeastmidlands, I checked them all, i might have balls on the one who looks ill, took ome pics if you could take a look.
After closer look it looks female all the way too me, what do you think?
@Growladyeastmidlands, Added some more photoes after a bettter check. these are what looks like balls, especially the first 2 first pics. What do you think?