Was a chill week this week. Just regularly checking pH and adding water to get the ppm to ~1000 when it goes above 1200. (Usually 1/3 gal rough estimate)
The smell is getting even stronger, and the sugar leaves are starting to grow in with the buds!! This is definitely one of my favorite parts, especially since the nutrient mix hasn’t been changing 🙃
See ya next week~
I'm going away for a week and my boyfriend's brother is gonna house sit. I'm giving him some basic instructions. Can I premix all the nutes in 1gal of water for a few days for him? Or is it better if he mixes it himself? Thanks!
Your in a dwc, so no need to even shake it. The airstone will re oxygen it in no time. Pre mix is good for 1 week at least. I ran a rdwc and didn't change the resivoir or add anything for 4 weeks in veg with no issues.
All the best to your girl on her journey to frostines 🌱💚 The plant looks normal size to me like for the second week...do you pour some solution on the clay pebbles? as they call it "upper feeding".
@Metatronix, hey thanks! I’ve heard of it. Sometimes they have the drop feeding ring, right? Sometimes I’ll pour a cup of it over the pebbles~ I’ve heard it’s good for the roots while they’re coming out.
Is there a specific reason you are using hydroguard and great white? Great white has the same bacillus as hg as well as many other mycos and bacteria cultures. Not criticizing, just tryna save ya some $
@D_growz, I appreciate the info, man. Cleaning out for the first time, I noticed there was some residue at the bottom and some tubing. Not so fun. I'm gonna try the Hydroguard to avoid some gunk. Wish me luck!
@wallyscag, hydroguard's main ingredient that prevents root rot is bacillus amyloliquefaciens. That is a type of beneficial bacteria that acts as a fungicide. Great white has that strain as well as several others so I would say just use the great white. The only reason I would pick hydroguard over gw is because it is designed specifically for hydro and would be less likely to create precipitate in your rez, I had that happen with some microbe brew... Nasty stuff
@gottagrowsometime, yeah man. these temps are crazy out here. I have a friend in the UK who’s sitting in like 36c 😵😵.
Trying to keep it cool without dropping $$ on a chiller is the big challenge rn. She’s still doing well though, so I’m keeping a close eye on the roots to make sure they stay as healthy as I can keep ‘em.
Thanks so much! All the best ✌️🏽