The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
3 years ago
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
OMG... I'm impressed already! 24 hours soaking in a glass of water and they MORE than popped open! Really strong looking taproots, too!! The best I'd experienced before was 2 days and so-so looking taproots... I've placed each one into their "forever" home - 1 4-gallon (from FastBuds) and 2 3-gallon fabric pots which I moistened with ph'd water (to which I added ReCharge) and then covered them with a pot saucer. I've set them out on my deck with the other ladies I'm growing (starting to think I should take away some seating for humans out there!) and if their performance in the glass of water is any indication, I could see them breaking the soil in one or two days?! I'm definitely going to check on them in 2 days even though the BEST I've ever seen has taken 3 days to break the soil... but we'll see! SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS GROW!!! These are three of the seeds I won as Grower of the Month for April 2022. There were glitches with getting them (mostly problems with the mail system and NOT FastBuds!) and I have to say that Heather (customer service at FastBuds) was MORE than tolerant with my impatience to get these seeds (I can be quite a pain!)... she's a real sweetheart and represents the company super well. They arrived VERY discreetly enclosed in a DVD that had actually been shrink wrapped after the seeds were hidden inside... masterful! As a grower of nothing but autoflowers, I was surprised that that's ALL they sell... only autoflowers... but it should have been obvious to me - FASTbuds... duh! Since that's all they sell, I know they know their product intimately and aren't offering the seeds as a sideline - it's their ONLY line. Gotta love it. If this grow goes the way I THINK it will go, FastBud seeds will be top of my list! Check back here in a couple of days!! 07/21/ - THEY'RE UP!!!!!! Just amazing... 1.5 days and they've broken the soil! This is going to be SUCH an exciting grow! I had added ReCharge to the water I moistened the soil with to give the taproots a boost and to encourage strong root growth... These ladies will now spend 24/7 under light - under the sun during the days and under lights in the tent at night... until they get too big for the tent.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
72 %
21 °C
15 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
I had to leave these lovely ladies outside all night this week as we had terrible heatwave here and the tent at night would get close to 100-degrees. I thought it better for them to be without light. This coming week, though, the nighttime temps outdoors are going to get into the upper-50s so they'll be coming back in for the night. This makes me happy - I like them to have just as much light as possible! The girls are doing really well - #1 is actually 2.5" while the other two are 2"... I've not done anything for them except to give them a bit of water when the soil gets dry. The ReCharge listed in my "nutes" was put into the soil when I planted the seeds to give the roots a boost and encourage growth. It has become a staple of my feeding program. These ladies, though, won't get anything more in terms of nutes for at least another week if not longer. FastBuds continues to impress me and my enthusiam for their genetics continues to grow right alongside my plants! How I wish I had more room to start more seeds from them! But the winter is coming, my other plants will be harvested in September...
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
8.89 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
51 %
22 °C
15 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.302 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 0.651 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 1.302 mll
I've moved these ladies indoors for the rest of their lives... I'm having too many issues with the outdoor grow of 9 other plants (mites/thrips, bud rot, catepillars - you name it!)... I like growing in a tent where I can CONTROL things in the environment a little bit better than I can outdoors... I wish I could bring my other plants inside as well but they've all gotten WAY too big for my tents! Sunshine has it's advantages - but so, too, does being able to control heat and humidity and BUGS. They were all sprayed well before coming into the tent - and sprayed once more after they got inside - and so far no sign of pests. They're growing well and I'm pleased with my decision... I want to do my best by these seeds! Gave them their first shot of nutes and they've loved it... this week should see good growth! 08/04/2022 - Holy cow! A little bit of nutes and these ladies are TAKING OFF!!!! I've added photos to show the difference 2 days can make!
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
17.78 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
45 %
21 °C
15 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 1.302 mll
What I had noticed this week as being thrip damage has now been completely taken care of... I hadn't even seen the little buggers but boy did I see the spotting on the leaves! Dr. Zymes is an absolute godsend for taking care of any sucking insects - aphids, thrips, spidermites, whiteflies... Now, all of my ladies are on a once-a-week treatment of this organic spray and will be so right straight through harvest... They're growing beautifully and fast (i.e., "FAST BUDS"!!!) ... I'm so pleased with them! This week, I may start some LST. 08/12/2022... omg, she's already in pre-flower! WHEEEEEEE!!!!! Definitely doing some LST on them this week!
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
40.64 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
15 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 5.208 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 1.302 mll
It's been a very good week for these ladies... they've gone into pre-flower and now the LST begins in earnest... From what I've seen on other diaries, I'm going to have to fire up my second tent as these three will NOT fit into one 2x4! Looking forward to this, yes I am!
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
66.04 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
45 %
21 °C
15 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.812 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 0.651 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 2.604 mll
So this has been an interesting week... I finally bit the bullet and created another grow space for #1... kind of slapped it together in a hurry but it's functional and will serve the purpose which was to ensure she had enough room above her and around her to grow. She was really outpacing her sisters in terms of height (she's 26", the sisters are 18.5 and 17.5) so getting the light at the right distance was becoming more and more of a problem. I'm super happy with her new home and so is she! Her sisters presented me with a different challenge - spotted some calcium deficiency going hard in one of them and starting in the second one... so both got flushed and put in 1/2 strength Big Bloom in the last gallon... I cut out all the Grow Big - not only was there a calcium deficiency, their other leaves were turning a terribly dark green indicating nitrogen toxicity which has caused the calcium problem since my pH is spot on... and I'm now searching for a new nute line as I'm really unhappy with how these ladies have NOT tolerated them. Fox Farm has always been a bit of a struggle with my other grows and I THOUGHT I had figured them out - but this grow is proving that I have not and I don't want to waste any more time or money on them. I doubt I will switch to new nutes with THIS grow, but my next grow will be fed something else. All in all, though, a good week and the ladies are officially in flower! Exciting!!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
66.04 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
50 %
21 °C
15 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 4
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 2.604 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 1.302 mll
I've switched nutes mid-grow... kind of like switching horses mid-stream, probably not a good idea but I was having far too many problems trying to adjust the Fox Farm nutes which these ladies didn't seem to like at all. Had calcium deficiency in all three plants and so flushed them all... and top-dressed with 1 tablespoon of Langbeinite 0-0-22 which I will do once a month. Had the DaKine 420 nutes ready to go when they dried out. One plant honestly doesn't look like she's going to make it very well... but the other two are coming back fairly nicely, one of them is my tall lady! It will be what it will be... I'll do my best and that's all I can do...
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
73.66 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 3.255 mll
Nitro Nutrients Bloom - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Bloom 3.255 mll
The ladies have settled down and are happy with their new nutes... my only thing with this diary is that I add the nutes in GRAMS, not tsp or ml so it's a bit of a guess when adding in the info on their nutes.... this week, they've gone to 3.5g of both the Base and the Bloom nutes... I added in 1/2 tsp of Recharge to #3 because she's still struggling a bit - she wasn't drinking as much as her sisters and the Recharge does seem to have helped a lot... now she's keeping up with them! Not much of a smell coming from them - VERY faint but VERY pleasant... Not worried - the trichs are looking gorgeous on every bud. Long time to go yet with these ladies!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
73.66 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 3.255 mll
Nitro Nutrients Bloom - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Bloom 3.255 mll
Two of the plants are drinking a little slower than the third - which is going a bit crazy at the moment... Honestly, these three kids are SO different from each other! But I'm VERY happy with #1... however #2 looks like she's going to give me a massive main cola (with acceptable smaller buds) ... and poor #3 is just struggling and doing its best. I wish I hadn't started these gals off with Fox Farm... I believe that is the reason this grow has been so difficult and so just plain weird... but it is what it is and they're going to go the distance. The smell is starting to pick up and it's lovely... I don't have any filter or exhaust system in my tent - don't mind the smell and in fact, I LOVE IT!!! Very sweet smelling and they are all (except poor #3) getting really very beautiful.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
73.66 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 4
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 3.255 mll
Nitro Nutrients Bloom - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Bloom 3.906 mll
The ladies are getting close - perhaps another week. Their aroma is SO sweet, I love walking into my house and smelling the delicious air!
Week 9. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Buds were rock hard making the trim so very easy! Was amazed at what I thought was a fairly small harvest weighing out so much... all due to the density of the buds because I really can't say I did anything special to bring this about! Really impressed.
Show more
Spent 65 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
206.95 g
Bud wet weight per plant
119.07 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Earthy, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Just chopped and the buds are now drying inside my tent... 60F, 60% humidity... I'll come back with a dry weight (I don't do wet weights) and a smoke report!


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eurorackcommentedweek 43 years ago
Cat supervision is important, and check the little plastic weed-benders!! Cool.
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@eurorack, 😂😂😂
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 43 years ago
You will love this cultivar. Very tight node spacing & insane terp profile, Mine is 7 days from pull. VERY gassy tart smell citrusy almost. Beautiful nose & yours looks to be off to a great start. Good work my friend!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@SwissKush, Wow man thank you so much. That is a huge compliment & I take it honorably.
SwissKushcommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, gotta get those amazing diaries going again! yours are best on GD!
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, Thank you! I'm noticing a smell already and they're JUST about to flower... which is the earliest I've ever detected the odor! Right now, I'm putting together a grow closet for the largest one (in the 4 gal FastBuds pot) as she looks like she's going to need her OWN space... I always do that, you know... think I can grow more plants in the 2x4 tent than I really can... LOL! Again... thanks for your very kind comment!
Raizencommentedweek 33 years ago
Happy growing mate, will follow this one close, was thinking of FastBuds for next year's growing (still have some seeds left to use 😅). As usual your ladies look so happy from the care you give them 👍
Stoned4ever20commentedweek 43 years ago
Looks amazing!!! Your lady grew way taller than mine, I ran through some heat waves during vegetation unfortunately so maybe thats why. I’m quite curious how yours will turn out… Looking forward to your updates!!
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Stoned4ever20, hey - thanks! yeah, I was dealing with heat waves, too and decided to bring the plants into my tent (WHAT A WASTE OF FREE SUNLIGHT!!!!) ... but I really had to control the heat and humidity and couldn't control Mother Nature! I had to leave my other grows outside since they were far too big for my tent (and I had far too many plants! LOL!) ... and they took quite a hit... bud rot, foxtailing, yada yada... but these ladies seem to be pretty happy about my decision. We'll see!
kohlrabicommentedweek 23 years ago
Hashycommentedweek 03 years ago
You will enjoy this strain. Real good looking plants when they are finished.
0_Weed_Wizard_0commentedweek 33 years ago
Good luck with your grow 🍀
JahJahLightcommentedweek 23 years ago
Jah bless you harvest bro, nice job! 👽
Kmikaz420commentedweek 53 years ago
Petit conseil en début de floraison enleve les grosse fan leaf sa prend de l energie à la plante et fais de l ombre au bud site..autrement oui elle a l air en forme. Et après la 2eme semaine de floraison tu poura refaire une defoliation d ici la tu verra le placement des bud etc comme sa tu sais qu elle feuille enlever perso toute les grande feuille dégage sur mes plantes...
Kmikaz420commented3 years ago
@GrowlngGrannie, c est pas se que tu fais à chaque question posée sur le forum si tu l prend comme sa va te faire voir tu t prend pour qui sérieux... Je vois le style de personne tu distribué des faut conseil à tous les newbie et quand on t conseil quelque chose à toi tu prend de travers...pathetique
eurorackcommentedweek 03 years ago
Let me know how the DVD germinates ;-)
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@eurorack, LOL!!!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for growing our genetics, will be excited to see them all flourish ☘️ Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help 😎 Happy Growing !!!👨‍🌾🌲
kohlrabicommentedweek 92 years ago
Thank you for the diary! I'm looking forward to the smoke report and final weight per plant. How tall did your plants grow in the end?
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@kohlrabi, the three plants were different in height - the one in the 4gallon pot grew to 29", the two others were in 3 gallon pots and they only got to 24" ... it's the first grow I've done where that difference occured - I'd done tests in the past, growing one seed in a 5 gallon and 1 seed in a 3 gallon - and had never seen a MAJOR difference.. so this was fascinating to me! And thank you for your support... I really appreciate it!
Raizencommentedweek 92 years ago
Looks so nice 👍😉
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Raizen, oh thank you! She just keeps going and going and going... I keep thinking she'll be ready NEXT week, and then NEXT week... LOL!
Breezybombafcommentedweek 92 years ago
Stellar growth my friend
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Breezybombaf, thank you! I'm fairly pleased!
eurorackcommentedweek 82 years ago
Looking good there GG.
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@eurorack, thanks my friend!
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 53 years ago
Pretty little flowers 😁 I call em hedgehogs 😆 🦔🦔
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Cyrusdavirus, LMAO!! Hedgehogs.... GREAT!! I NEEDED a smile today!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 92 years ago
Hey there, Thanks a bunch for growing our genetics, and sharing this diary with us :) We hope that it was a nice experience, and that you enjoy the harvest! Have a good one
Whitewizardcommentedweek 82 years ago
looks healthy and happy!Great job.
Captensmokeycommentedweek 92 years ago
Looks very tasty👌
Enemy61390commentedweek 92 years ago
Looking good! I was thinking the same timeframe for mine. 😁
the end.
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