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Alienz GHS/MarsH

Approved by Green House Seed Co.
2 years ago
Room Type
Late wk 9. Nodes removed due to excess hermies
weeks 10
Light Lollipoppoing wk 7&8
weeks 10
Wk 9, hermie removal.
weeks 10
weeks 4
weeks 4
Mineral Wool
Grow medium
Biobizz Light Mix
Grow medium
Biobizz All Mix
Grow medium
18 L
Pot Size
0.3 L
3 years ago
Welcome to my sponsored MarsHydro + GreenHouseSeed companies. GGS GERMINATION GOW+PT COMBO 101 #GOW (tap will do) for 12-24hrs 20c min 25c max, (depending how old your seeds are or how they were stored, some might take longer than others to split, but if it hasn't split after 24hrs move onto the next step as you can drown your seed), so just drop the seed in and let it float on the top. Don't push it down under the water, but if it sinks to the bottom no worries, it'll be fine, but it'll need to be moved onto the next step, papertowel. Read below for that step). Store in a dark cupboard or press in a warm place. My Lemon Tree has split just after 9hrs, very fast fresh well stored seeds as soon as it splits move to the next step, in reality you can wait till it grows some, but you risk it sinking to bottom and drowning. These seeds took 15hrs to split. Will move to PT after they grow a small bit, as they just split, I'm keeping a close eye on them. #PaperTowel. After your seed has soaked and split in the GOW, (if it hasn't split after 24hrs don't worry about it, keep going and move to next step, Paper Towel) So, you want to keep the temps in the range I said for GOW, the higher range is best for the PT part (23-25c but 20-25 is fine). So, you want to get a plate, place a cloth on top, (as the plate will keep the seed too cold) lay some cling film/clear wrap and spray it, lay 2-4sheets folded on top of each other onto the film and then spray, place your seeds in the middle and then fold the Paper Towel over the seeds and repeat spray and you can put another cloth over the Paper Towel to keep a steady temp on all sides of your seed(s), (making sure NOT to wrap the clear film over the Paper Towel as this will restrict o2 from reaching your seed, and in turn lower your chances of successful germination, or at best it'll slow down your germination process and could make for a weaker pheno, (not proven nor could it be, but it kinda makes sense, as old seeds can come up against issue during growth). Check every 6hrs or so, (don't pull back the PT just feel if it's still damp and if not spray again, after 24 hrs check your progress and if its hit 1/3-1/2 of an inch of tap root then she's ready to go. I'll be putting her in rockwool for the 1st 4-7 days to min the chances of damping off/browning of the stem which can be common in organic soil grows. As I move into planting I'll go into methods and how I did it and much more, this diary will be a complete 101 tutorial so there will be a lot of reading. I'll add a quick summary at the top for other viewers, not only mainline, but nutrients control, water feeds, LST, lower topping, Lollippoing, understanding DLI (this will be something I'll be going into along the way) late stage Co2 for the flowering stage, controlling temps in times of when there's risk of unwanted stretching and just general tips and tid bits on stuff I've picked up from studying and from mentors who helped me out here. Some ppl will just say use 2 plates and PT and place the plate over on to to keep the RH high. But i can't see that holding a steady temperature, but hey. ROCKWOOL PREPRATION NEEDED Rock Wools PH is around 9. So you need to adjust a pot of water down to 5 and let sit for 20 mins, rinse with the water you'll want to set it at. 5.5 perf for rock wool to start off.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
2 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
110 PPM
75 %
20 °C
21 °C
22 °C
2 L
0 L
45 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
BioGrow - Green House Feeding
BioGrow 3 mll
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
Welcome to my sponsored Green House Seed Diary. Thanks for dropping by, drop a like if you'd like me to drop by your diaries, either way thanks for dropping by. Equipment. At the moment, my FC 3000 is hard working but she'll be free in 7 days and will be added to these grows. For the moment I'm using a viparspectra at 45cm at 65% intensity. Using Green House Feeding for nutrients, biobizz light mix & all mix. For the moment they only on light mix but on the uppot in 7 or so days I'll add some All Mix. Every 2 weeks I'll add 1g/1L of Bioenhancer, and that's it. Real easy, will give me more time to work on the girls as they grow and not worry about what needs what, just water and go, depending I get the mixes right. Week 1, seedling day 3. All the girls done in Rock Wool showed roots down the end of the wool, all but 2, I could see in the hole that she was strangling herself, I carefully cut the wool in half, still no roots, so, I went in, and I'm glad I did. As you can see, she literally cut her own roots, it was dangling and came off with ease. Using gloves I held the stem over the 3/4 full wet pot of substrate. Made a small hole in the middle and placed the roots in it and held the stem and folded the dry soil around the stem making it secure. Now, there's no need to wet the top, (as the roots were in the base I made that was wet, so there is no wet soil around the stem. (I'm only thinking of it now, I have clonex gel that would of rapidly increased root growth and helped take some risk out of her not been able to make it) After a few days when I know she's out of danger I'll spray the top of the substrate to activate the nutrients and hopefully get some good mycelium/fungus going. I had a feeling this would happen, it happens a lot in soil but we don't notice it, and if I was using synthetic nutrients she more then likely would of grown out of the rock wool but as the roots need to be touching the soil as that's where the nutrients are it would of struggled. So needed to be done. Next few days will be do or die for this gal. She was stressed a lot and lost half of her tap. Let's see.(update below) Seedling D 3 was when she was uprooted from Rock wool and transplanted with cut roots, D5 you can see her, 1 of her cotyledons has turned pale, so she did struggle to find her footing, but she is doing well. The other WatermZXVelvet moon that was was done with rockwool is in much better shape, have a look. The nutrients are mixed into the soil and you just water every time she needs it, the bioenhacer needs to be given once every 2 weeks. I mixed 3g/1L of substrate. As she gets older when I uppot her I'll add extra powder per/L of sub and I'll also be introducing some biobizz all mix. I just want to get going on some good fungus action and if I added some all mix I wouldn't of been able to add enough powder to get mycelium/fungus going, this is healthy and good. You'll see it when you use root stims, it'll make stuff fuzzy, mycelium. Good fungus that will decay with organic matter and make for a good bacteria ground for your gals. Seedling Day 5 We have fungus lift off, she out of the woods after Harsh transplant if you haven't read about above. Seedling Day 5-7 Okay steady normal growth. I can just see the next set of nodes to up come. So she's on track for normal growth. Her sister though, is miles ahead. 2moro is a new week, so now that the RH/TEMPERATURE is dialed in I'm hoping I'll see explosive growth. Thanks to my sponsor at Green House Seeds who I death with, great guy. And to everyone there that makes these great strains. And to my sponsor who sought me out from marshydro, she's a pleasure deal with, love this brand. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code GGS at any marshydro site for a discount. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
3 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
110 PPM
75 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
2 L
0 L
45 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
BioGrow - Green House Feeding
BioGrow 3 mll
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
(STRONGEST STRAIN OUT OF ALL 8 STRAINS SO FAR) Both seeds are leading, 1 way more than the other, but both are still the strongest for D10, both came up about the same time. Wk 2 Seedling Day 8. 2.5cm temp 25-26c lights on(20hr) 22-23.5c lights off (4hrs) RH 73-75%(20hrs)-----RH 75-80%(4hrs) I don't know if it's me, but she's looking a little pale right? Maybe it's me, I'm just used to giving too much N and that dark green isn't there. The growth seems to be strong, she caught up some. But generally this is what I'd expect on D8. So nothing to complain about. Keeping environment as stated above. She is just leaving the seedling stage. Will keep light at 25% and 45cm away for coming weeks. Won't be much to add for this week. Will keep a close eye on her and report things change. Veg Day 9-10 Plant is just coming out of seedling stage. So, its above average. Not as quick as her sister, but she is 2nd, so says something about the genetics, these 2 out of 9 females are by far the strongest and are both the same strain. Really solid Gentics Green House Seeds. VD11-14 Growth has been OK. Normal. But compared to her sister and runtz x layer cake, are flying ahead. But all in all, its good normal steady growth. Doing beginner tutorials, from 1 beginner sharing their experience to another. (Not for advanced growers but all are welcome to drop by, even drop a few of your own pearls of wisdom) In no way am I am expert but I'm sharing how I grow and what I've learnt. I pull an average of 70g on autos, (fems you can grow to as big as you like) Anyone that has a high RH environment then we are in the same boat. I grow just fine in high RH. I have control over it, but if you can keep your RH at 60 then my methods will be just fine for you. This diary is just details, I'm doing tutorials 1 on mainlining, (on this I'll be studying most of it as I go, but I'll be adding in what I have learnt mostly. And doing a proper 16 cola manifold, and I'll be doing autos an fems tutorials also, again, these will be in no way from an expert, and I welcome ppl to add comments, DM me if they'd like to add to it, take away if something is wrong, and general tips. As they are for beginners in these areas and for the community, so if you think something is wrong, just bring it to me, and I'll change and add what we think will be in its place or not. Thanks to all for your support. Thanks to my sponsors, marshydro led lights and green house seeds for helping me put this diary together. Great reps who I'm thankful for meeting. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code GGS at any marshydro site for a small discount.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
3 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
110 PPM
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
45 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
BioGrow - Green House Feeding
BioGrow 3 mll
Week 3, veg day 17. Have upppoted all females into their 2nd pots. Will veg them out in these. Made a mix of 60/40 light/all mix biobizz soil with 3g/1L of substrate. If more powder nutrients need to be added will do so, but they reckon you get 2 months out if you get the ratios right. Sadly I was laid up for a few days with covid and my plants paid the price. Most got through okay, but a lot were root bound and transplantation was rough.. Big thanks to the reps from Green House Seeds and marshydro led lights for supplying me with these great products and enabling me to do these diaries, much appreciated. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code GGS at any marshydro site for a small discount.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
18 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
390 PPM
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
45 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
Epsom Salt 0.5 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Welcome to my unnamed GHS test strain diary. Drop a like or comment so I can visit your diaries, either way thanks for dropping by. FC 3000 75%Intensity. 45-50cm set from canopy.. 1 feed during the week of cal/mag.. and then a light dose of water. Soil doesn't seem to be drying as fast as I'd like, so thinking I'm going to drop the Rh So she eats some to avoid defs. Week 4, Veg Days 22-28.. Been a good week. Growth has been nice and steady. Took a few big fan leafs early on in the week to allow light to get deeper to hit nodes, seems to have helped some. LST'ed her on D27 and took a few of the 1st fan leafs and fully opened her up. No signs of any trouble, a light fade that I think is Mag. So, didn't wait. And gave her a 280ppm cal/mag feed with 110ppm ambient tap so 390ppm total.. Will watch closely.. hoping she'll start to grow some vertical stretch soon after being topped. Thanks to my sponsors from GreenHouseSeeds & MarsHydro Led Lights, and to both reps i dealt with, much appreciated.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
28 cm
19 hrs
28 °C
390 PPM
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
45 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 1
Epsom Salt 0.5 mll
Welcome to my Green House Seed unnamed strain that I'm testing for them. It's a cross between watermelon Zkittlez x velvet moon.. she's 60 indica 40 sativa.. VD 29-35 doing real nice. Taking a lovely shape. Not as big as her sister. But haven't had to do much in the way of LST. Just light stuff. Noticed a cal/mag early on. And when I was checking the nodes as I do weekly for pollen sacs/hermies I noticed 2 little gnats (fruit flies) attacked them on day 30, and 5 days later not 1 in sight. Have a diary up on how I got rid of them and also put up some other useful tips on how to combat them. Am going to veg this for 3-4 more weeks of veg.. am preping her sister to go next week. Thanks to my sponsors from Green House Seeds & marshydro led lights. And to both reps I personally dealt with, much appreciated.. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code GGS at any marshydro site for a 3% discount. FC 3000 & MARSHYDRO LIGHTS The FC 3000 300w it has a high ppfd 1525 umol/s, 2.85 efficacy and has the new UV addition which brings it closer to the (RA) spectrum, that's the Sun spectrum. The FC-FC-E has this, Also it has a much even PPFD making for a more evenly grown canopy and has a deep penetrative light as it allows you to move the light closer to your canopy with a reduced risk of light stress. The TS versions are a great light to. These are different though. As they have a much higher ppfd in the middle, so I suggest you rotate them plants and move em about to get the best out of the high PPFD
1 comment
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
390 PPM
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
18 L
0 L
30 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 1
BioBloom - Green House Feeding
BioBloom 4 mll
Welcome to my Green House Seed unnamed test strain. These aren't released to public as of yet. Will be in coming months. Its a lovely cross between Watermelon zkittlez X Velvet moon..is 60% indica & 40% Sativa. A nice hybrid shape she has grown. Taken really well to topping & LST. VD 36-38 plant is doing really well. Still has a few old war wounds of calmag. Have had issues with this strain with CalM.. but I'm putting that down to me, starting them off in a light mix soil was a big disadvantage for them. I had ordered all mix. But it didn't come. So I had to adapt and started them out in 1.7L pots and then 10 days later my all mix came, loaded with larva. That, gave me a heavy dose of fungus gnats. Still dealing with a few babies without wings. As soon as they do. They gonna run into a wall of 80 bug traps 5 in every pot. 3 cut off and placed in soil then to stuck to nodes. Then I have ones dangling in the air to catch males aswel as them layed in the soil with soil around them. Therefore when they land to lay eggs, if they don't get caught in that, their babies will, as when they hatch they ramble around your pots for a few days until they also get wings. But, I'm 95% sure. I seen a clutch of the last of them last night. As I disturbed soil as I was top dressing with biobloom and about 15 lil babies went running. So, I hatched my plan into action. Thanfully I'd 80 new bug traps ready on hand, and tips from Green House Support is given me more ideas to attack them.. was on a 18-6 until down below. 9/27th In limbo. Days 39-41 plant has been flipped to flowering along with 5 others. 2 other fems are still vegging, so I'm juggling them about into my 70cm2 that runs 24/7 and my 100cm2 that is in flower mode. I swap 8 autos around every 6hrs and the 2 fems also get an added 6hrs then 6hrs of dark to keep them in veg. It's working fine atm. Pain in the area yes, but fine all the same. This girl was uppoted, as I planned to do this with all of my fems. But with my soil the way it is. I heat treated the soil to uppot this and it was a nightmare. And I've gotten some serious great fungi going on this girl. It's practically covered in fungi. The pic is of it early on. I'll take some more tonight. I used a 60/40 heat treated (boiled water poured on soil and sealed to steam off) and as I was taking the plant out. It was a disaster. There wasn't strong enough root growth to pull the soil out. I had a feeling this would be an issue with the plants that were started out in 1.7L pots. They didn't have enough time to wrap around and be able to pull it out whole. A few more weeks of growth it would of. She's in an 18L pot now though. And great fungi action.. Great root ball though, lot to develop but I could see it. As most of the days Thanks to my sponsors (reps), from Green House Seeds & MarsHydro led lights/tents for supplying me with great gear. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code, "ggs", at any marshydro site for a small discount. FC 3000 & MARSHYDRO LIGHTS The FC 3000 300w it has a high ppfd 1525 umol/s, 2.85 efficacy and has the new UV addition which brings it closer to the (RA) spectrum, that's the Sun spectrum. The FC-FC-E has this, Also it has a much even PPFD making for a more evenly grown canopy and has a deep penetrative light as it allows you to move the light closer to your canopy with a reduced risk of light stress. The TS versions are a great light to. These are different though. As they have a much higher ppfd in the middle, so I suggest you rotate them plants and move em about to get the best out of the high PPFD Be sure to drop a like or comment so I can visit your diaries. Either way, thanks for dropping by. Stay Safe.
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
68 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
780 PPM
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
18 L
0 L
30 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 5
Epsom Salt 0.5 mll
Bio-pH+ - BioBizz
Bio-pH+ 0.05 mll
BioBloom - Green House Feeding
BioBloom 4 mll
Welcome to my Green House Seed cross Diary. This strain is unreleased to public as of yet. Skipping a few weeks, I was planning to just update. But, I've been hit with hermies on 1/3rd of my plant sadly. I didn't catch a lot of them quick enough and their sacs exploded.. I removed as much growth away from her as I could. Wk 7. Steady growth. Loving her bigger pot. And she started picking up rapid growth. 40-45cm. (No signs of distress or toxs/def). Wk 8.. plant has flipped finally and has came into full on pre flower. She looked fine. I checked her, but clearly not Well enough (No toxs or defs along this week) Wk9. Found a few male pollen sacs and nanners. Isolated as much as I could and put in corner. Was away for a week or so, And came back to fully open pollen sacs, so, all lower part of plant was riddled with sacs. I really didn't want to lose her all. So, I removed the top 1st 2 nodes. And tried documentated as much as I could. All plants looks fine. Have her confined aa much as I can. I stripped everything around the sacs and everything below them is gone now. Seemed to be. Coming into wk 10. Will save that weeks update after I get her through this week. And let's see if she's still standing. Hoping I can save her. Her sister looks fine. But, this plant was so much better. Had lovely big fat colas, or what would have been. I'm gonna do everything I can to try and save as much as possibleGrrrrrrrrr. I cut everything away with a Stanley blade. (Using gloves) and h202 6% 1-5 ratio mix h202/water. And sprayed and wiped it all down. Just need to watch her now.. Thanks to my sponsors, (reps) from marshydro led lights/tents& Green House Seeds. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO Use code 'ggs', at any official marshydro site for a discount.
Used techniques
Light Lollipoppoing wk 7&8
Wk 9, hermie removal.
Late wk 9. Nodes removed due to excess hermies
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
68 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
780 PPM
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
24 °C
18 L
0 L
30 cm
850 PPM
Welcome to my Watermelon Zkittlez X Velvet Moon Diary, this is a test from Green House Seeds. Trying something different here. With so many diaries. Finishing this diaries up this way is easier. Also I lost my device a couple weeks back with my pics. So week 11 is missing. And they are nearly finished. (They are in 48 hr dark rest at the moment) So, am nearly finished up with this girl. She is has done really well. Week 9-10 were a bit crazy. She hermied as you know. And, I didn't catch most of them in time. So, I lollipopped a lot of this girl and removed 2 main sets of nodes.. Week 11-12. She took well her last 2 sets of nodes that hermied, and nanners. (As the bud was so exposed it would have been loaded with seeds) so I took to removing everything below. Watched closely. No need for anything other than her bioenhancer feed she gets every 2 weeks. Wk 11-12 was her last. She finished up fattening nicely and came into the ripening phase. So just kept an eye on her. So, all is was good. Gnats still are an issue. Not bad enough to affect fully grown plants. Week 13 Finished up nicely, nice and fat. Really healthy and looking good. Flowering 53-56 days. Was put into dark rest. Will take her harvest/drying pics for week 14 and then, I'll rate it after I've tried and tested. Thanks to my sponsors from Green House Seeds and Mars Hydro (reps) for all they have provided to get me here. Much appreciated. COUPON FOR MARSHYDRO use code, "ggs' at any official marshydro site for a discount.
Week 13. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Buds grew nice and big, dense, very sticky and stink of fruits with a touch of citrus. (More to come after dry and cure about scents) Buds grew big and very frosty. Half the plant got hit with nanners and a few pollen sacs, (that burst) so, a lot of her was stripped, the main 2 sets of nodes had to be taken away. And they were the biggest. But what I was left with i'm very happy with. It has a bit of a planty smell/taste so will need a cure. Or at very best be 100% dry before I can go into depth about quality of taste. But I've no doubt, she'll be strong. She is very sticky. Gistening with resin (after 3 day dark rest helped) and full of trichomes. Buds are dense and solid. She grew without too much trouble in the way of nutrients as I used bioline from Green House Feeding, so, it was really easy. And all I've harvested so far from my organic crop has been my best bud to date in way of quality. Yes, productivity dropped by 1/2 but I'll gladly take quality over quantity any day.
Show more
Spent 58 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
400 g
Bud wet weight per plant
55.7 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Citrus, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
She grew really fast. Was the quickest out of the bunch, she was 40cm tall before I knew it and easily could of done with just 4 wks of veg. But was planning on to do a big one, and she was before she was struck by the canna gods. And maybe that's why I had my guard down and I wasn't watching as closely as I should have and into the 2nd week of pre flower. I noticed pollen sacs and nanners. Fortunately, I've only found 2 seeds, 1 was in a lower bud site on here and another on my Charlotte's Angel. She went through life right up to that point. Fine. Didn't show any signs of stress or anything. So, I removed the affected parts and let her go back on her way. And she got nice and fat and ripened up with 50-56 days of flowering. Total she grew for 90-95 days, I could of let her ripen for longer, but, I wasn't sure how much of her was exposed to pollen so, any more ripening and I'd of been making seeds, (if there is any I haven't noticed, hopefully they'll only be little green balls or however they start and won't take too much away from and product. Took a 3 day dark rest and is currently drying 6 days now. I took to removing all trim today. (Thereabouts) and after I test I'll leave a smoke report. But, for having so many pollen sacs and no seeds but 1 I've found, she definitely deserves 10 ☆ for been able to give me any bud. I thoight she'd be a goner for sure. Or at best 90% of my plants would have seeds, maybe I'll find the odd 1 or 2 more when smoking. But, what i could see and feel. I think I got off lucky, as I didn't leave it too long in finishing there might be unseen seeds, but overall I was happy with how mature she was, hence Why I harvested earlier. I left her sister cooking and she is getting a really nice red fade. Can't wait to bring you guys a smoke review and tell yall how strong she is. Cause I've no doubt, she's gonna be a winner.. she has the pedigree.


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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, nice 1 pal. Thanks for dropping by.
MrHightimescommentedweek 03 years ago
i've never grown with rockwool! Goodluck!!!!
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@MrHightimes, me neither, sadly this 1 got tangled up and had to be cut from its base and transplanted into soil, so she's had a rough go of it. Her sister that got put into the ground in RW is so much further ahead then any grow I've done at day 10.
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck on the new babies 🌱🌱🤞🤞🌳🌳
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Cyrusdavirus, cheers pal. They off to a cracking start.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 62 years ago
Really impressive. Superb diary and great skill. Thanks for stopping by! Best of luck growmie. Something tells me you got this 😉
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, cheers buddy. Pity got hit with nans/hermies but, hopefully rest will pull thru, thanks for dropping by.
THCanbisGrowercommentedweek 03 years ago
happy growing and good luck dude.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@THCanbisGrower, 🍻 pal. Thanks for dropping by.
Johnny_0Gcommentedweek 102 years ago
Hey I noticed in some of your grows you have traps for the gnats I have found that using your exhaust ducting as a vacuum over the soil was the best way for myself to control their population you can suck up whole branches as well and the air doesn't hurt the plant but it will suck up those flying gnats
GanjaReapercommentedweek 52 years ago
Goodluck Growing🌱💪
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 32 years ago
Good luck and best wish 👨‍🌾👊
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 32 years ago
Good looking little ones, look like they are about to take off 🚀 🤞🌳
HighBigFellacommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck and enjoy your grow!
Aldo90commentedweek 102 years ago
Devastating with the hermie. I had one last time turn the 2 closest to her into a seedbank. By the time I'd noticed, the damage was done. Hopefully you've caught it in time.
Aldo90commented2 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, exact same as when I had the hermie, I'd been busy not been able to keep a close eye on them and bang. Luckily for me it was only the 2 plants right next too the one that had hermied. Bit of a seedbank with the 2, the rest of the tent was rather unscathed.
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Aldo90, yeah. There's a lot of nans. And burst pollen sacs. I stripped everything that was around and below it. As I have my fans all pointing down. I lightly misted my whole tent with h202+water and wiped everything down. Too early to tell how many seeds I'll get. But, I know there'll be a few. I wasn't watching enough. Last 2 weeks I been super busy.. and that's the time. Ah well. I'll know in a few weeks. Let's see. I've saved as much as I could of her. Hoping she'll stay true. All nodes are all female. But, the stress of the clean and node(s) removal. And then I went mad lollipoppoing.. only a few colas left. But what's there is high calyx-leaf ratio.. if it was the other. Id of just cut my losses.
Tropicannibis_Toddcommentedweek 102 years ago
Bummer about the Nanners 👈
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Tropicannibis_Todd, yeah. Nans and full pollen sacs. Lots of balls. Weird though.. was all on the last set of nodes. My 2 biggest. Had em 2/3rds all the way up.. few female parts. Wasn't watching close enough..hopefully I'll only catch a few seeds. Let's see.
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 102 years ago
Looking good 👊😁
Joy11commentedweek 42 years ago
Plant grow healthy, nice training, good luck 💚
PremiumBudsEUcommentedweek 132 years ago
Nice grow mate nice detailed 👍 very beautiful my friend 👊👊 congrats on your harvest!
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 132 years ago
Congrat for the harvest 👨‍🌾 ✂️ Enjoy 🌲❄️🔥💨💨
Drgreen13commentedweek 132 years ago
Really thorough diary, gave me a lot of information. these kind of diaries can really help growers on deciding whether to pick this strain. You should be really proud. I think the seed companies could do with you to test thier strains out.
CannaBoy7commentedweek 132 years ago
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 132 years ago
After the problems you had she sure turned out pretty 😍 congratulations on the chop and great job on the recovery 👍
cannapassioncommentedweek 32 years ago
The best for the futur 🤛🌱
the end.
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