Sat Day 67 - Fed the plants with nutrients. Used the aggressive feeding schedule.
- I noticed a few days ago even after feeding the plants the aggressive nutrients last feeding that the plants were showing some signs of nutrient deficiencies
- If I still see signs of deficiencies after this feeding, I'll increase the aggressive feeding my 1 and a half times.
- My last harvest was photoperiods and at one point I was giving the plants double the aggressive feeding.
- I am seeing the colas bulking up which is nice… I feel that I've got a few weeks remaining so I'm looking forward
Sun Day 68 - Plants look good…no signs of nutrient toxicity. Next feeding I'm planning on increasing the nutrients to 1.5 the amount if I don’t see any toxicity
between now and then.
Tue Day 70 - Fed the plants double the amount of nutrients suggested on the aggressive feeding chart. I know that sounds like a lot, but my last grow, I literally
had to do that so the plants would stop showing deficiencies! They were producing buds like crazy and loving all of the nutrients.
- I decided to do this because my plants are showing various signs of nutrient deficiencies, even after aggressive feeding chart levels of nutrients.
- I will keep an eye out for any signs of nutrient toxicity.
- there are a couple of plants that still have white pistils and have barely begun to turn brown, where other ones probably need to be flushed.
- in the next few days, I will start to look at the trichomes of each plant and decide if I'm going to flush some and keep feeding others andif I'm
going to hag dry some and keep growing others..
- would have been nice if every plant grow the same way.
- I wasn't using grow diaries last harvest so I have no photos to compare the plants at the time I flushed them to what these plants look like.
But I still took notes just like these.
This is my 3rd grow. Every seed I've purchased has been from AMS. Your prices, selection, payment options and delivery are the best!
I already have 2 more grows planned immediately following this grow and I've already ordered the seeds.
Thank for being the best seed bank!
The Apothecarian