Jmaninthemidde420commentedweek 12 years ago
Almost forgot to say had started my light on 25% until every seed popped out of the soil than bumped it to 50%. Now they’re over one week old since sprouted out of the soil and it’s at 75% plus the corn light at the bottom. Idk the wattage of it but there is no way it’s over 150. I thought it was only 50 but I think it’s more. They market it as 300 watts but I’m that’s bs 😒 the viperspectra light is true 500 watts(not 450 couldn’t find the 500 one as a choice) anyway hope you all find them interesting. Also you should all check out my window auto grow with lights fans even a dehumidifier. Some of my highest quality plants have been window plants(with additional light and fans) I only recently started to ph the water and found it makes a huge diff. But I don’t have a ph meter anymore I just borrowed one and I just eye out how much apple cider vinegar to use and go by taste. If it’s slightly acidic it’s just about perfect. I have well water so the ph is about 7.0. A few “DROPS” of apple cider vinegar per cup is perfect but careful too much will burn the plant. Baking soda is a great ph up
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