Kannabia Seed Company , Sativa Dream
Hello again folks 👋 here we are very close to the chop on all of these beautiful ladies. I will be doing the final defoliation on them as I see the trichomes start to change, or as I always say " when Amber show up to help " 😆 I have been reducing the horse power on the fc6500 and this week lifted them up to reduce it even more to protect the beautiful trichomes and stinky terpenes, to much light and or heat can evaporate this important sticky n stinky stuff
Thank you Mars Hydro and Kannabia Seed
Mars-Hydro.com discount code " Cyrus "
I love the Sativa Dream, mine is producing lots of trichomes now, and buddy, it smells so good! Really like sweet orange jam! 🍊 😍 4 weeks to go gnnnhhhhh