Doctors Choice , Choice # 1
Hello folks 😀 hope everyone is doing well 🍺 The girls are really enjoying the sunshine being provided by the fc6500 twins with the new UR45 UV-IR bars. They are growing right along and it won't be long before they will start getting ripe especially the two autoflowers
The Choice is just gorgeous it is growing great and starting to gain some real weight 💪
Thank you Mars Hydro and Doctors Choice discount code " Cyrus " discount code " Cyrus "
@Ju_Bps, I lost count 😆 there's 12 photos and 9 autos in this run 🌲 I've got a bunch of work coming really soon, I'm disabled and stuck at home for the most part. These ladies keep me company their company keeps me from going crazy 🤪 or crazier anyway