
#3 Fast flower by fastbuds

Approved by Fast Buds
2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-5, 7-13
weeks 3
weeks 4-13
weeks 5
Biobizz light-mix
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Hashy Hashy
2 years ago
Week 12 8th week of flower. Light settings 12/12 on at 9.00am off 9.00pm Light power= 100% 240w Radiator settings LIghts on Turn on if temp drops below 21.5c Turn off if temp goes above 21.5c Lights off Turn on if temp drops below 18.0c Turn off if temp goes above 18.0c Extractor settings temperature 23c with 1c steps Humidity 40% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 4 VPD aim 1.0-1.4 DLI aim 35 Wednesday 12/4/23 Day 78 (Day 50 flower) Temp/Rh sensors alarm went to replace the batteries. Batteries where put in on day 10 so lasted 68 days. Thursday 13/4/23 Day 79 (Day 51 flower) Normal pump Autofeed 8 runs (2,3,5,10,15,15,10,5 total 65 mins) Clean 10L Ec=0.21 Ph=5.6/5.9 3.5L left Roughly 2.1L each. Friday 14/4/23 Day 80 (Day 52 flower) Big defoliation. Saturday 15/4/23 Day 81 (Day 53 flower) Autofeed 8 runs (2,3,5,10,15,15,10,10 total 70 mins) Ripen 10L Ec=1.6 Ph=5.0/5.3 45 drops Ph U Ph=5.9/6.2 3.5L left Roughly 2.1L each. #3 no runoff Sunday 16/4/23 Day 82 (Day 54 flower) Nothing Monday 17/4/23 Day 83 (Day 55 flower) Nothing Tuesday 18/4/23 Day 84 (Day 56 flower) Autofeed 8 runs (2,3,5,10,15,15,10,15 total 75 mins) Ripen 10L Ec=1.6 Ph=5.0/5.3 45 drops Ph U Ph=5.9/6.2 3L left Roughly 2.3L each. #3 0.0L runoff #3 Height= 65CM Dist= 32CM DLI=28.7 This week was pretty good, I timed my holiday quite well last week because the grow is getting close to being finished. #3 Gorilla Cookies FF is the furthest along and out of the grow my favourite looking plant, trichomes are nearly there, autumn colours are coming on nicely. This plant has been a beast all the way through the grow. Power used for week Light (2.68+2.68+2.68+2.69+2.69+2.69+2.69)=18.8Kw Extractor (0.57+0.58+0.57+0.58+0.58+0.58+0.58)=4.04Kw Fans (0.88+0.96+1.02+1.09+1.14+0.94+0.96)=6.99Kw Dehumidifier (++++++)=Kw Radiator (2.88+1.56+2.47+2.67+1.45+1.03+0.53)=12.59Kw Water pump. (0+0.01+0+0.01+0+0+0.02)=0.04Kw Total for the week=42.46Kw Back in a week. Thanks for stopping by.
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ironf1stcommentedweek 32 years ago
Damn your documentation is top notch, very insightful!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Aldo90, its awesome mate. Instead of writing stuff down on paper I open notes on my phone and write it all down there, saving the planet by using no paper.😅
Aldo90commented2 years ago
@Hashy, 💡 genius. I'm going to have to borrow that 😅.
Hashycommented2 years ago
@ironf1st, I found a app on my phone called notes, I now document everything in that as I usually have my phone on me when checking. I then copy and paste the relevant information into my diary. Life has become a bit easier that way.
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Theiacommentedweek 62 years ago
Jesus there is so much bush there . And you are defoliating already.. 😳. All of the FB FF seem to be like this from the diaries I've seen.. 🤔 . Looking super healthy though..👍🏼
Theiacommented2 years ago
@Hashy, funny boy..🤣
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Theia, also you don't need to call me Jesus, hashy will do fine.🤣
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Theia, oh yeah mate plenty of leaves on these fast flowering, every 2 or 3 days I'm removing a few leaves here and there. Been mega impressed so far.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 52 years ago
Everyone is looking happy and healthy 🌱🌱
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, they do look really happy, kept the environmental conditions really good and the plants love it.
GhostmanGrowscommentedweek 32 years ago
WOW! really good diaries from the start! I'm curious for your results with this new strain.
Hashycommented2 years ago
@GhostmanGrows, thanks mate. I'm the same, really want to see how it goes, tried most the strains before in auto form so I have an idea of taste.
Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Wishing you good growth 🌱
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, thanks mate.👍
Theiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Good grow to you sir..🙏🏼🌿💚
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Theia, thanks dude and same to you with yours.
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 02 years ago
Gonna follow all of them, my friend... good luck!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, exactly, the more we learn the better each grow should be.
love_2_growcommented2 years ago
@Hashy, Grow. Learn. Grow better.
Hashycommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, every grow is a learning experience. Trying different things etc to improve each grow from one to the next.
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Vladacommentedweek 22 years ago
Following your grow! How do you manage to have two different setts of setting for radiator & humidifer, one sett for lights on and another one for lights off? What is the gadget you are using for it? In my mind I will need to have two radiators and humidifer, one of each for lights on and one of each for lights off. But I assume you are using some climate control gadget for that
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Vlada, I have Dm you, open the green triangle thingy
Vladacommented2 years ago
@Hashy, So is this, right? I do see some wifi pug on website but I dont see wifi temperature/humidity sensor. Can you provide some link for that sensor? Also, what will happen if you temporaly lose internet conection at your grow place? I assume you will only not be able to change the settings but the system (radiator, dehumidifier) would still operate under current setting? This app with its gadgets it game changer, at least for me
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Vlada, there is a WiFi temperature/humidity sensor in the tent, all equipment are connected to WiFi plugs. The app smart life is where the magic happens. I have set parameters in the app, lights get switched on at 06.00 am and off at 00.00, the parameters for the radiator and humidifier are set to be triggered petween 06.01 and 23.59 then I have a different set of parameters set between 00.01 and 05.59 for lights out. So I use 1 radiator and 1 humidifier but depending on the time of day to what triggers them off.
Swollencommentedweek 92 years ago
This one is going crazy! Love it
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Swollen, lol yep this is a beast.
FacelessGardenscommentedweek 82 years ago
Looking nice 💚💨✌️🏻 How far are the phenos from each other ? Did they all start to flower in the same time ? I am just growing out gorilla cookies auto I have 4 phenos and they are all in different stages one finishes around 9 weeks the other around 10-11 weeks the next one 12 weeks and the last one probably like 13-14 weeks all together. I am thinking of trying the gorilla cookies fast flowering but I am worried it will be similar with the phenos and there might be only one which really takes 7 weeks and the others take much longer, if they are 8 weeks max i wouldnt mind too 🤷‍♂️✌️🏻 what do you think ?
Hashycommented2 years ago
@FacelessGardens, hi mate, they all flowered very closely together, the gorilla cookies was the 1st to start with the pistils then a few days later it was the wedding cheesecakes turn and a few days after that it was the topicana cookies Turn. I'd say they all started pumping out pistils within a week of each other. I'm a good few weeks ahead in the grow to where my diaries are at and I'm thinking the gorilla cookies is going to be the 1st to finish and the wedding cheesecake and Tropicana Cookies so far look like they will finish together about a week or slightly longer after the gorilla cookies.
mcflowcommentedweek 72 years ago
Looks great! Good luck growing🍀
Hashycommented2 years ago
@mcflow, thanks mate. They are growing absolutely brilliant.
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 52 years ago
Oh she looks beautiful... really, REALLY beautiful!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, by far the smelliest in the tent.
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 42 years ago
Oh wow, @Hashy! She's incredible! Fantastic job - I'm getting this strain from FB (and 4 other FF) and can't wait.... super job!!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, this one is pretty damn good. Snapped the main and it was hanging on by a few fibres, taped up and has carried on growing no problem, maybe a few days to recover.
SlowpokeFuegobudcommentedweek 22 years ago
Happy growing!! 💚 🌱
Hashycommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, thank you.
Wind_Weedcommentedweek 12 years ago
Ottima la spiegazione e illustrazione della temperatura ecc... io toglierei quelle ventole da pc che nn servono a nulla capito fratello mio.💀
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Wind_Weed, for this stage of life them fans are just right in my space, Used them small fans for a few grows now.
JuanHaze_Argcommentedweek 02 years ago
Me gustan los detalles bien explícitos y las 3 variedades de FF, voy a seguirte para ilusionarme que algún día voy a tener tus genéticas jajajaja! Buena suerte
Hashycommented2 years ago
@JuanHaze_Arg, thanks, I'm hoping these will be 🔥.
MagicoVerdecommentedweek 02 years ago
All the best mate 🙏🤞
Hashycommented2 years ago
@MagicoVerde, thanks hoping for some great results.
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Hashycommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, thanks mate.
Swollencommentedweek 122 years ago
Beautiful looking buds mate!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Swollen, thanks mate, she been a great plant.
FacelessGardenscommentedweek 102 years ago
looking good 😎💚 but if they are in week 6 they don't look to me like they will finish in 7 weeks looks more like 8-9 weeks what do you think ?
Hashycommented2 years ago
@FacelessGardens, I'm a bit behind on my diaries, I have just started week 9 of flower and the gorilla cookies is ready for harvest, the wedding cheesecake is a few days behind that and the Tropicana Cookies is a few days behind the cheesecake. I could have harvested the gorilla cookies at the end of week 8 but I'm going leave it till end week 9. All should definitely be harvested before end of week 10.