
White Widow Autoflowers - round #2

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 10
24 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Bushdoctor Bembe
3.906 ml/l
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy
5.208 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
3.906 mll
7+ nutrients after
Commented by
Silverback_Guerilla Silverback_Guerilla
6 years ago
THURSDAY 11/1: I harvested the dwarf (WW#5)'ll be a minimal yield, but she's "special." Very greasy and a little bit cheezy.😋 FRIDAY: WW#7 is suffering from overwatering..not sure why just her...thinking she has a drainage problem. SATURDAY: WW#7 looks like shit..most of her foliage is just about gone...I probed and prodded her soil to try and dry her out a little faster..probably gonna have to harvest her in a few days... WW#8 is scheduled for execution tomorrow. I fed WW#3, WW#4, and WW#6 today...split 2 gallons of ph'd water with late flower nutes plus cha ching. I also upped their Terpinator, Bembe and Bud Candy dosage a bit in anticipation of starting flush on everybody next week. SUNDAY: I harvested WW#8 today. She has a super pungent fragrance. And daaaummn she's heavy for such a squatty little plant. I'm betting she'll weigh about 60g dry. I went ahead and harvested WW#7, too. She was about 75% cloudy..very few ambers, but she was really looking sickly and I didn't want to let her go to waste. Another puny plant..I blame myself. She smells delish, but won't yield much more than a half ounce. MONDAY: I fed the remaining bloomers 3/4 gallon each with late bloom nutes, including cha ching, much terpinator, bembe, and bud candy. #5 is almost dry #7 almost dry #8 another day or few TUESDAY: #5 is dry but I still haven't weighed her #7 almost dry #8 another day or two I tuned the color spectrum for the flowering tent to be much heavier in blues so as to simulate the onset of winter. Hoping they'll finish strong!😁 WEDNESDAY: #5 - I still haven't weighed her #7 - almost dry #8 - another day THURSDAY: I jarred up the runts today. They were all fully dry. I'll cure them for at least a week before I do any taste tests. #5 - 28g total dry weight #7 - 46g total dry weight #8 - 42g total dry weight The 3 remaining bloomers are looking good. Still swelling, thankfully. They have to come in quite a bit heavier than the runts to salvage my lifetime per-plant avg.😁
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Silverback_Guerillaweek 11
The aromas are definitely more pungent, but honestly, if your humidity isn't right when you dry it, there's nothing much that will help the final "texture" of your buds. You gotta try and keep the temps at 75f and some wind moving, but at the same time, keep the humidity at at least 50% to keep them from drying too quickly...that's the real trick I think. I'm finding that if I hang them to dry in a much smaller enclosure, I can control the humidity better.
Okie420_1986week 12
How was it sir? I’ve got the same seeds and I’m 7 weeks in. I hope it was 🔥🔥🔥🤷‍♂️🏽🧐 I can’t wait 😊
@Silverback_Guerilla, thx you sir for the information very helpful. Yeah I’m super worried about cutting them to soon or late 😆. The trichomes are still clear and I’ve got maybe 20-30 red hairs so far. Tomorrow I’ll update my grow if you’d look them over that would be awesome sir. Thx
@Okie420_1986, I love the stuff...grew that exact strain twice last year, and just tried Seedsman's White Widow Autos...and have 5 more WWA beans from Spliff Seeds that I'll be trying this Fall... From the looks of it, yours might go a few more weeks. Don't kill her too early and she'll swell up and really glisten with trichromes. Wait until you see at least 10% amber trichromes in any given patch and she'll rock your world!👈 may just be the photos, but your foliage is looking very dark this stage of her life, you want to start seeing senescence (overall paling of leaves). You should start backing off of the nutes containing Nitrogen and pump up the phosphorus and potassium.. and heavy up on any sweeteners you might possess(e.g. molasses, etc..) In my "1st grow in 25 years" diary, you can see the best 2 CKS WWA's that I've finished thus far-
ChefGreenThumbGardenofWeedinweek 3
@Silverback_Guerilla hey nice grow does that terpinator really work
@Silverback_Guerilla, thanks appreciate the hollaback I just checked out a video on YouTube cuz this guy said some Growers consider this the secret the terpinator I mean I grow nice plants very very frosty high THC content but still I don't get that incredible smell and the oils that allow it to not dry out so much I grow well dry well and cure well this is got to be the missing link so I just bought some I'll be able to tell from this green crack I've got growing I'm also going to add it to my sugar black rose thanks for the tip
@ChefGreenThumbGardenofWeedin, Definitely. I didn't use any on my first batch of White Widows, and they had a great aroma, but it wasn't nearly as pungent as this crop! I used Terpinator during the entire grow cycle...increasing the dose as the plants progressed.
NewbieMJ00week 8
yea, temps are a bit high, and i'm not an expert but those buds look a bit light-burned or ph stressed... But i think i doesn't matter in the end because everything is coming along nicely!
@NewbieMJ00, Ya, actually I double-whammied them last week and the week before..first I had PH pen issues and that got things waaay out of whack...then I had temperature issues the next week (over 100f for a whole day!)...crispy critters. The situation has improved and I should still be able to pull a decent harvest. Thanks!
BeardedTreeweek 11
Great job man looking good!
DadasGrowweek 5
Looking good my friend.
Valentino1sttimeweek 1
gotta try to drop the temp down to around 77 during the day if u can I'm having a hard time in my closet grow soo adding a co2 bag soo they can thrive in the high temps
Dahoolaweek 2
good luck with your grow! i'll follow along