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Rockstar Clones from Bonsai to Outdoors.

a year ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 4
weeks 7-12
Coco Coir
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
Rockstar Kush
Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
If you could only grow one strain and nothing else id grow it but it wasn't an early enough finish if your looking for yield and im not sure how it does with full sunlight at the end of season in my climate but im satisfied with how it looks. The reason why id only grow this one strain is because all of the effects are in place that I consider positive except for the edibles because my arteries are not strong enough for them and thats why its probably a research substance but im not sure what is a safe dosage and what is safe to do with it but it might only be safe to use in a vaporizer occasionally. The reason why is because this one did good, I actually thought it was great. It was 8 grams of 25 microns of decarbed bubble hash in 500g of earth balance mixed with water simmered for 3 hours on a low setting and then refrigerated and I was left with 310g of butter and 5ml was a strong dosage and 2.5ml was a high pressure heart and that didn't work the way it was supposed to. I originally tried making it with olive oil and put it in brownies and they were super strong in flavor because I used the flower and not the concentrate and those were really heavy and hard to use. I really could only say use it in a vaporizer because of how it was. I didn't really have a problem on the first batch of brownies or about 1 premix box but it was on the 2nd box of mix or about 1-2 years later if I only ate them once or twice per week and I failed to use the 25 micron butter because of how I felt after the two batches of brownies. 2.5ml is 2g before simmering and 500gx0.604 is 302g so its 1.208g approximately, so 8000mg in 310g is 25.806mg in a gram of earth balance approximately. The 2.5ml 2g before isn't the same volume as the 2.5ml after simmering and thats probably where im not calculating it. 8000mg in 500g is 16mg per gram or 32mg in 2.5ml but the volume is different after simmering so its stronger. I know its 8000mg in 302g to make 310g or 26.49006622516556mg added per gram of the 302 grams but the weight of the 2.5ml is different. The answer is that I think you need to measure the size volume of it before simmering and you need to know the measurement of water loss because water and oils weigh differently, it might be to difficult to calculate what 2.5ml weighs after simmering without actually measuring it after. You know 2g is now 1.208g but you can't determine the volume that fits in the 2.5ml after simmering. 0.792g added to 1.208g is 2g but that doesn't fit the same after simmering. You can take 25.8mg 310 times at 1g or double that and its very cost effective. As far as using the Alien OG flower in a vaporizer I seem to be finding it not long lasting enough and ive needed to use it with the kief, Regrowing it indoors one of the phenotypes regrew with alot of stems after being pruned and when flowered it had very tiny flowers but they were quite frosty and my tolerance is probably to high but it basically needed to be vaped for 11mins and the effects were somewhat strong for 45mins and trying to revape it after 1 hr 15mins it would of needed a refill but without refilling and revaping for 13mins and including the time vaped its almost 3 hours of time spent trying to use it and that means theres 1 hr 45 mins that it could of been stronger. Another phenotype of the Alien OG that wasn't the frostiest but looked good enough visually as in similar to the Rockstar Kush's frostiness but again its 5 mins of vaporizing to feel strength from it and 11 mins to say its feeling strong and then 70 mins of not vaporizing its a pretty good strength. I couldn't quite imagine that I wouldn't keep the frostier phenotype but visually it looks like seeds are made but plants may need to be assessed for if there worth keeping as clones because people do seem to hold onto them but sometimes they don't keep them going in a medium because it takes up space. With this phenotype I couldn't quite say there was enough difference to keep two strains when the Rockstar Kush worked. The frostiest pheno of the Alien OG I vaped for 19+ minutes the day after and I didn't think it was alot different but I didn't write down the time so it probably would of needed a test kit to determine anything, its possible that the less frosty pheno was different but I couldn't really say for sure so i'll need to revape it and see if it can be vaped for a shorter period of time. At this point if theres something better about the Rockstar Kush then that would of been a reason to use it instead. It seems this would be difficult to determine without really knowing the difference. Trying the frostiest pheno again of the Alien OG after not using it for a few days it was 6 mins of vaping to get some strength from it, 8 mins to say it has strength, and 12 mins I needed to stop vaping and there was 1 hr 33 mins that I would say it was working but obviously the effects were not as strong and were wearing off but thats how usable that phenotype was, it could of been better than that. Visually there could be a problem when comparing the Rockstar Kush with imagery if there was the difference or its the same, I wouldn't know if the less frosty phenotype of the Alien OG is different either at this point. Now ive experienced a problem with the LED light grown Rockstar Kush, I vaped it for 12 mins to get it to the point that it felt strong and a total of 21 mins but it literally metabolized and started to fade in 18 mins and so I refilled with Alien OG kief after 25 mins to ramp it up again slightly to be high enough but its fading. I don't want to say this was what the problem is now with it but if thats what happening it needs be hashed. Im not quite sure how the liver metabolizes it after it reaches the brain. If whats happening is that the concentrates are strong but if it was grown with hps or sunlight it would of been ok, I don't know what thats supposed to mean. Theres something going on with my CB1 receptors, if decreasing the cAMP levels causes the effects then something is trying to bring the cAMP levels back to a normal so that I can function again. Testing the second frostiest phenotype of the Alien OG again less than a few days after the CB1 receptors are functioning and it was quite strong and the cAMP levels were functioning for the effects to stay. That was 9 minutes to vape for strength and 13 minutes total of vaping and 111 minutes to say it lost strength and 148 minutes it had enough of an effect that id consider it was long lasting but the effects had significantly worn off. Id think that an 1hr and 51mins was what id expect from the cAMP, id say this phenotype was enough to say that I don't know if the frostiest phenotype was as outstanding or the same. I can't conclude yet why the cAMP tries to return to functioning levels. Trying the Rockstar Kush in the vape again for 13 minutes it definitely was fading quite alot after 120 minutes, id think the Alien OG was enough to use either one and either there both the same for how they effect the hormones or the Alien OG drifts alot but either one is going to challenge the thought patterns. It might sound right to an extent but its going to drift. Again the frostiest pheno of the Alien OG vaped must of reached the cAMP deity because it was quite strong for 2 hours but fading and I couldn't remember to write down the time that I stopped vaping because it literally memory wiped during the vape, it really reached my expectations and that means i'll keep that phenotype as a bonsai plant for clones if I needed it. I feel like ive found one and it looked really great visually and all of the effects were in place. That was enough to say I couldn't really see a difference. I suppose the question is am I going to use it again for anything other than as a bonsai plant, I don't really know because it seems people do tissue culture and sell plants but ive only done cuttings of these plants, this was something that ive thought wasn't quite as open but there is some interest in these plants. So though I did try to get rid of the fungus gnats with hydrogen peroxide three times during cloning and they were gone, when I transplanted into coco there were three flying around again so it might be important to note that these may only be usable starting from seed because I need to buy gallons of hydrogen peroxide hence why using tissue culture methods and using deep water culture and aeroponics was a difficult way to keep clones. Im thinking these would of been restarted from seed because of the difficulty. There were some additional decreased effects from the cAMP vaping a ball of hash that I wasn't sure when it was grown but the strong effects were only for 70mins and then it was wearing off and vaping the hashball again it was about 1 hour and 28 mins but there were some sensitivity problems it kind of had a numbing effect. Then a mixture of the Alien OG kief and flower I wasn't sure if it was the Rockstar Kush or Alien OG was wearing off after 1 hour and 14 mins and needed to be revaped and I wasn't using it at all since the last time vaping it. This was the reason why I think it might be replaced with something that actually works but thats where im looking at what are the health effects of long term use, if you go somewhere and meet people it doesn't mean that its affordable to use it, I know it isn't social enough for what it does. It doesn't seem to say that the person isn't looking at it any differently after long term, it isn't as good is how id describe it. I had a problem with thinking it was the same as before, it should be the same but for some reason so much time has gone by that I don't think it looks the same or as good, ive had some gloomy days when the power was out thinking about it, it looked really difficult to see, your looking at needing a food supply when theres nothing. Again the cAMP was failing to maintain the strength with the flower/kief mixture using the vaporizer, I vaped it for longer than normal and 17 minutes later it needed to be stronger so I revaped it with a fresh refill and its wearing off an hour later so I think its really difficult to always get these strains working after long term use if that happens and theres so much that could be said about there not being any dopamine or serotonin, this feels like it isn't working. If your trying to keep her from whipping it out and its not working, thats not gonna work, these might actually need to be edibles and then they start handing you paperbags because of the stretch because it'll make them look like that, it doesn't work with the arteries and that means ive tried that and im sure those edibles start to lysp at some point. These don't work the way you want them to. I got the cAMP working again but I had to vape for 8mins stopped for a few mins and then another 7mins but it was outdoor scissor hash from the Rockstar Kush from 4 years ago mixed with Alien OG outdoor scissor hash from last year and it was so strong but there was a alot artery pressure, it felt like a problem with the organ or an aortic dissection of some sort, I need surgery or something to fix this. Ive experienced the most difficulty in getting this substance working after many years of using it occasionally especially for the outdoor that I grew, Ive got a phenotype that when grown under a light I only need to vape for 13 minutes and I notice it lost strength at 1hr 51 minutes with it seeming to last with some effect for 2hrs 28 minutes but grown outdoors I needed to vape for 17 minutes and then refill and vape for 15 minutes for not as strong as an effect and I would say it lost strength at 1hr 29 minutes, meaning it required to use it as bubble hash and that probably is because of the climate and shade, so I think it would probably to be only for hash and ive already figured out I don't like working on it in 1-2°C temperatures and if you use ice cubes you need alot of them. I don't think they look forward to making it either because it always requires colder temperatures to work on it and ive made it in warmer temperatures and it required alot of ice. The scissor hash vaped for 21 minutes is quite strong in comparison and has a strong effect for 1hr 32 minutes but feeling like its wearing off at 2hr 12mins but thats vaped for longer than the indoor flower meaning its not weak enough, thats the point that it increases being used as cannabutter and the effects go being beyond what a vaporizer can do, it starts becoming something different and thats kind of why I didn't continue. An update months later said the indoor grown #2 phenotype of the Alien OG that really should of only needed to be vaped for 12-15mins, needed to be vaped one time for 39mins and another day it was 28mins meaning these are problems with using the flower and the outdoor grown quality needed a refill so I thought that was only something that either needed to be grown and finished in full sunlight or only had enough strength in the scissor hash, problems with tolerance levels meaning its saying that they'd need the problems with the edibles to get them to work. Id think it has been unsuccessful after many years of occasionally using it. Using the Rockstar Kush outdoor scissor hash I reduced the vape time to 24 minutes and though it works im finding myself not able to focus, unless I was listening to music im finding it less interesting than it once was, it would need an edible increase to see it properly or improperly if thats what you would call it, I wouldn't quite say it works, the amount of water usage for what it does isn't significant enough to make alot of it at this point, it reads as no increase in anything because of the climate. They grow food crops and then it makes sense to say theres some of it but not alot.
The Outcome
Week 27
Reviews. Nutrient
I used alot of fresh water as I used up the nutrients, I couldn't be sure if they could handle increased feeding at the same strength.
Commented by
blackskaarj1 blackskaarj1
a year ago
They looked like they could use an additional week or two but if the trichomes are cloudy its enough to call it a day, the Alien OG plants with some seeded branches and the seeded Rockstar branches are going to take longer to finish. It was a good year to grow these strains but they definitely could of used more sunlight and a greenhouse. There are alot of photos in my grow diary and im sure the website only has so many bytes of space so if you need to free up space you can select the photos in the future and use those ones but for now there are alot of photos in my diary but its mostly scientific climate data about the plant. Whats important is that you know what it does when grown in cold weather. After looking at it I think it is better to keep these photos in there own folders, they can take up alot of space. They fit in there own galleries and I didn't think I needed to make a diary next year based on the wildlife encounters and how I felt about it, im usually pretty alert and working on these plants isn't super great with the amount of wildlife. I kind of think it could be a great thing to do every year but also if im busy it probably isn't happening. I do like the idea of grow tents for harvesting it in a reasonable amount of time because this was atleast 2 months longer of growing to harvest, it felt like it was a long stretch of time but not for the weather, it could use another couple extra months of warm weather. The pros of growing it outdoors was that it was energy efficient to do and if the trichomes are good for 1-2 years without freezing or making bubble hash and then its either throw it out and grow it again or you could make something but im not sure on the potency. Looking at the Alien OG plants there is more seed in it than I thought so when I actually harvest and dry them im going to need to remove the stems from the bud and sort through it most likely but its not seeded like you would normally see but theres probably enough to sort through it. Ive looked at some of the seed that was on the flowers that started to go moldy from being outdoors but fortunately there was only a few of them and 4 days later of warmer temperatures ive found seeds that look to be developed enough but there might be more pollen added so these might grow more seed but I probably could harvest them at 70 days of flower and be pretty confident that I don't need to grow them an additional 40 days and that would take them to 100 days of flower if I did that but that pollen is probably in the carbon filter and not on the plant so 70 days is probably good. I found some more mold on the Alien OG and some of the seeds looked really done but others were done looking but had some green on them at 62 days flower. Additional mold found with 3 good seeds but I also found a very small green seed so im thinking these are pollinated again but ive got some powdery mildew on the lower branching from when they were outdoors and the leaves are really starting to yellow. The mildew was worse than I thought so I removed all of the leaves that had it and trimmed some of the lower buds that had mildew on them but the seeds look close to finished on the branches that I looked through but I don't think im going to dry the mildew areas, im only going to remove the seed from those buds but the larger sizes are unaffected but there were alot of spores while doing this and it was the first time that ive had powdery mildew and it originated on the Rockstar plant that I seeded. There was moisture in the air when they were outdoors and only 4 days of high humidity before turning on a dehumidifier but it is kind of Alien to get powdery mildew on the plant closest to the Alien OG's. 64 days of flower I found a finished seed on an Alien OG upper cola, there also looking frostier under the LED light than they did outdoors, I definitely have atleast two phenos that id think of re-vegging and cloning from but id like to reflower all of them under lights to see what the other two look like. After drying the Rockstar Kush for sometime it doesn't look like you would want to trim these, they look like they would be great for bubble hash though, I think it wouldn't be a good comparison if you compared it to the same plant grown indoors. I definitely feel that you would need a better climate or try to finish them a month earlier with a light deprivation greenhouse. The day that you can use a hose with a hydrogen generator to produce power to grow these plants is the day that you won't get mold but so far geothermal is probably where these plants grow especially if there are any problems with drought. Im not saying living subterranean is going to work long term, they need to see the surface is mostly what it is and thats probably why this location isn't populated and its not looking like its going to be because of the wildlife and weather conditions but people like extreme weather conditions and thats why it looks the way it does. The next step to harvesting the Alien OG plants would be to use hydrogen peroxide in water to clean them. I found 2 additional seeds at day 65 and they were finished but they were in a top cola, so obviously the weather conditions were not good enough to grow these without a dehumidifier. One of the problems is that you find areas that are nicer or something is better about them, especially if there aren't any roads because theres some really nice areas that you can see minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day without realizing theres something that is working and something that is becoming very difficult to show without encountering wildlife and long travel times and because of that most of it is unpopulated and this was the best climate that we could see for the spring and summer months and most of it is not used or we shouldn't of because the forest was to dry and to hot and the storms were beyond what could be handled on a large scale. Ive reached Day 67 on the seeded plants and the Rockstars are not dry yet with it being close to two weeks but it was alot of time spent for something that when grown under proper conditions looks really good. I did test the outdoor Rockstar Kush in a vaporizer and it probably was a similar strength but I wasn't quite sure if the visuals were as good as when its grown indoors, edibles probably can do it but were not using those. There are increased dopamine and serotonin levels when concentrating this substance and if THC activates the receptors it can effect that system. After the lights went on I checked one of the seeds from the seeded Rockstar Kush plant and it was finished looking but it did have a slight green tinge on the end of the seed but it did look finished. I had some trim that was either from Febuary 2022 or November 2021 not frozen or vacuum sealed and it was almost getting dark and I decided to make some bubble hash with the snow that was melting and I spent 6 1/2 hours on it and I was able to use it in a vaporizer the same day and it was quite strong. I find that you can work on the bags for longer than 6 hours and there probably is still quite alot of hash left in the material but im not washing it more than that because im sore and it doesn't matter if I work on it at all. If you can pull the 25 micron bag easily or if you remove some of the water before pulling it you might be interested in an iceless sub-zero water extraction machine because it is requiring cold water temps to wash and not necessarily ice agitation. The next day it isn't completely dry but were only at 9% yield, so it is going to be slightly lower than that after drying and you'd expect at least 10% yield working it more than a few times, this probably would take 9 hours to do. If you lost 3% yield than it would be like losing if you were working at a job and not running it again the next day. Id say that if they were pricing it at 15-18 /g that would be a high profit margin for the industry but 5/g is good pay for the work but 10-15/g would of felt rewarding and 25/g and your really pricing that high. Day 68 The powdery mildew looks pretty awful and im probably not taking these plants past Day 70 because of that, Im unfortunately not sure how to clean up after powdery mildew or prevent it in the future from forming now that there are spores. Im not sure where its from because outdoors only one of the plants was effected and it seems like if I knew that powdery mildew was like that I wouldn't of been able finish these plants, it really was difficult to see. That does mean you can't really apply anything this close to harvest because Greencure is only used to prevent mold. From a viewpoint of drying the Rockstar Kush it does look like there could be 6 grams per branch untrimmed of sizes that could be trimmed by hand and then alot of extra material but that would be under 2lbs trimmed, it wouldn't be alot. If it was 1430g untrimmed and it was run through the bags it could be 200g of bubble hash. The night before harvesting the Alien OG I did some trimming on the fan leaves and sugar leaves so there won't be powdery mildew to wash but im going to wash each branch with hydrogen peroxide and water and rinse it before hang drying. Day 70 I harvested the seeded plants and it was one of the worst experiences ive had with mold or any sort of mildew, there were alot of branches where I had to trim all of it, I then used hydrogen peroxide in water and rinsed thoroughly and it took me a really long time and I worked non stop and I was exhausted after. Im not sure how it drys or if its clean enough after rinsing and if it isn't I can run it through bubble bags but its one of these problems that would make me not want to grow any garden plant at all because it is completely negative and I absolutely did not like working on it because of it. I probably couldn't repeat this method of finishing seeds outdoors if the powdery mildew spreads that fast and I recommend harvesting at 56 days and working on them another time because it was not a task that I would want to do. The next day I cleaned up all of the twist ties, stalks and containers. I think that one of the reasons why outdoor is somewhat better is because there isn't any floor cleanup, you don't need to wash anything and there is alot of water used for floor washing and so it does mean you need a floor with a drain otherwise your lifting alot of buckets. They've used alot of materials to grow indoor plants, they do seem to replace growtents at some point but growing outdoors does explain that open spaces are better for plant growing. It took 4 1/2 hours to get the Rockstar Kush ready for hand trimming and there was a significant portion of it that was to small to trim and that would need to be run through the bags or be machine trimmed if it was being used for anything but mostly thats an additional step. The next day I trimmed two trays and I thought that it was ok but id prefer to trim it if it had full sunlight or any that was grown in a greenhouse that runs lights at the end of the season. If you had alot of it you could trim it by hand but it looks like alot more tedious of a task. I didn't want to trim more than that but if it was grown with alot of light it would be way better. It easily would make sense if you had 1 person to trim it per 1/2 lb. otherwise you would want it machine trimmed or made into kief or run through bags. Again the next day I trimmed two more trays and I found quite a few unfinished beige seeds that were soft but I did find 1 finished seed today and that means this strain can possibly reproduce in cold weather conditions year after year without any Alien interference, im Alien to the plant, im not you it has it own metabolism and ideas of what its doing. I look at the Quinoa plant and think it evolved from quinoa and not hops, there is a method of creating ideas and that is one. If its a cocoa bean your moving the quinoa south. That mango tree was talking to the quinoa but what came first the quinoa or the mango. If you introduce that mango tree to the turkey then your definitely making this, and then you bring the cassowary in and introduce it to the dinos in the Jurassic period. Your taking the Emu through a spacetime gate in a four dimensional hypercube. This wasn't the flamingo that always worked. If it was looking down from a cloud they tried really hard creatively but they couldn't do it, there were reasons for shapes and designs thats what it looks like. Try introducing a turkey to a skunk. Were indigenous and we only know things about plants. I vaporized the Alien OG and it was definitely something id grow again, the strength of the flower alone was enough not to concentrate it, it wasn't lacking. It held up really well as a pharmaceutical, I wouldn't think it wasn't used. The next day I trimmed two more trays and found two finished seeds, I then machine trimmed all of the small sized flowers of the Rockstar Kush plant and I then used my hands to make it into a fine consistency in order to extract the seeds that were finished. After removing the seeds I was left with 8.4 oz of usuable flower material and two bags of trim from the machine that has alot of kief in it from the flower and thats only from the smallest size. So I tried the trim that was loaded with kief but it didn't pull hard enough on the imagery but it really pulled on the heart aortas as in it was probably to much without surgery to correct it. And again the next day I did two more trays and this time the bin I was trimming from was mostly the top colas and those are definitely better to trim than the medium sizes that were in the first bin and though they were leafy it was mostly connecting the scissor and the brain to the stems without being able to look at alot of calyx like you would see if they were grown with more light. I think if I was looking at it from the perspective of energy consumption 60-100 of these is alot of material to work with if theres a market for it and 1000 of them is alot to dry because you need alot of space to hang up more than this, and thats where the facilities needed to be way bigger than PiHKAL & TiHKAL as in its derivative. Also because of the amount of support they need and additional veg time it does make sense to double or triple the numbers to get the same yield because they would need to be trellised unless your working alot on the support. Im mostly saying it would take 180-300 started small in May to make it work for this climate if it was and the amount of space it takes to dry would be alot, and thats really only because it would be remarkable if it was 2 ounces per plant and you didn't need to grow them so tall but thats the problem with the climate and why do that if you can finish them mid September. The other thing that needed thought was that if your using a fertilizer injection system you need multiple injectors because some nutrient solutions can't be mixed together in concentrated forms making growing in coco coir a little different than using a 1 part powdered fertilizer because im thinking you need separate tanks for AB and Pro Cal and thats only because there not necessarily buying the huge water tanks and mixing them up before hand. You need soil and manure but they think I can grow a bigger plant with coir, im kind of thinking its alot of peat moss to continue the organic thread but atleast you don't need a fertilizer injector. The last day of trimming the Rockstar Kush I trimmed three trays and the results for trimming all of it were 12.6 ounces of larger sizes and 4.1 ounces of smaller sizes and 0.6 ounces of very small machine trimmed sizes, so that would be 16.7 ounces of somewhat presentable flower and 9 ounces of the smallest sizes machine trimmed and a bin of trim that has kief in it from the machine. There are quite a few strains that finish earlier than this but there usually a clone crossed with an autoflower and they finish earlier but there are some that finish early October but it is the longest list of strains that don't start flowering until the end of August and if any of the strains required 12 hours they wouldn't flower until sometime in September. I then poured out all of the hand trimmed flower into a bin and with my hands I made them into a flake consistency and sorted through it for all of the seeds and if they germinate it was worth it but if they don't it didn't need to be done because there weren't alot of them but I was able to remove alot of large stems. Then the next day I started snipping at the Alien OG stems that were drying and looking through it but they were not dry yet and unfortunately there was some mold on phenotype #3 so im going to let them continue to dry and then im going isolate each phenotype from each other including the large sizes in order to prevent any spread of mold but it does look like there are hundreds of seeds but im not sure if theres thousands of seeds but if theres a thousand seeds that would be great. I probably wouldn't use any of it without the vapor running through water because im not sure how clean it is after washing and rinsing it. After going through all of Alien OG carefully there were only two more spots of mold fortunately and there were alot of seeds but it is going to take me awhile to trim the larger sizes before separating the seed but there is enough this time that im going to need to use cardboard on an incline so they roll down and I can collect them properly but one of the phenos didn't have as many seeds as the others but it is enough that one could look through it to see if they were any good but you mostly want as many plants as possible when breeding so you get the largest variety of possibilities and that means greenhouses with filtration are probably a better method for breeding large amounts of seed if you need hundreds of thousands to millions of seeds for heirloom varieties which the phenotype that I tested indicated it was. I trimmed phenotype #3 and it has quite alot of seed in it but the actual flower looked like an indoor quality and id probably say thats only 1/4 and I can say that phenotype #4 did not look anything like that so if you are growing these for flower quality you probably would grow clones but in the reality of cannabis growing it is mostly the trichomes that were looking for and when the flower is grinded into flakes it doesn't matter in most use cases so im still thinking that growing from seed is somewhat better if you consider the amount of space and energy that is required to keep large plants to clone from and that does mean that you need to work more to grow from clones and alot of the clone only plants are only available as feminized seed because they don't have the original plants to breed from and maybe not even the seedstock, these were really plants that someone acquired from a long time ago. In the evening I started to separate the flower from the seeds and I found that it is faster to do little of it at time with a bin than it is to do alot of it because the seeds don't roll as easily through it if its to thick and its easier to look through the remaining material for any left over seed, but I still need to separate the very small sizes that didn't break into flakes when I was initially working it into a flake consistency with my hands. I trimmed phenotypes 1, 2 and 4 but I was mostly impressed with 1 and 2 but 4 was frosty aswell but I would like to see what 4 looks like flowered under a light because these weren't the weather conditions to grow this strain but im sure if you made into a flake consistency without stems its probably strong enough. One of the problems with growing cannabis is not growing for seed, hash and flower at the same time and being negative about the way something looks based on its flower structure because we already know that cannabis seeds are very likely to be something that can be mass produced with seeds being readily available in any quantity instead of limited stock but that is part of growing cannabis that bothers people because if your growing for unseeded flowers and you want to trim it at the end season you don't want alot of pollen in the air. I am thinking that it could be to pollinated to keep a male plant and that plant only dropped less than a percentage point of all of its pollen, I was expecting it only to pollinate what I did and there were way more than that. Then I worked for many hours sorting the seed and it was quite time consuming and I think it would be easier to use a shop vac with a long extension that only gathers the plant material but its really something extra to work and isn't something you need to do with so many seeds being online and they are kind of expensive but growing this plant has always been and thats where the seeds weren't really that expensive in the long run and acquiring clones was quite reliable for people who grew this plant but they do need seeds at the consumer level in some quantity because clones are energy consuming to keep thousands of varieties year round and ive always thought that this plant needs more seed storage but probably in some form of arctic or subterranean storage and shipment and that means im not really that good at it and it takes a very smart person to understand how to manage it when its so extinct already. When you think about it this plant doesn't grow anywhere, it takes alot of moisture and has to seed each year and its pretty dry in most climates and that means it doesn't spread unless its planted. The final yield for the Alien OG after removing the seed and large stems and weighing what the larger sizes that were trimmed was 2.5 ounces phenotype 1 0.6 ounces phenotype 2 4.1 ounces phenotype 3 0.7 ounces for phenotype 4 4.5 ounces - All of the small stems, kief and flakes that I removed when sorting the seeds. 12.3 ounces - All of the small sizes untrimmed and processed into a flake consistency and with all of the seeds removed. 0.9 ounces - All of the very small material that was mixed in with the seed after removing the seed from the bin and then I used a box to remove that material but its mostly scrap material and would be used for bubble. 3.3 ounces - All of Trim That would be 13.3 ounces of trimmed deseeded and destemmed flower with an additional 12.3 ounces of flower and trim mixed together into a flake consistency. You could say it was 7.9 ounces usable but the 4.5 is usable but has alot of small stems in it and the 0.9 is bubble material. Then there was 1.2 ounces of Rockstar Kush that was deseeded and 0.4 ounces of stems from that. That would be 18.4 ounces from the Rockstar Kush and 9 ounces from the very smallest size. The total number for both strains wouldn't be an accurate enough number because were only looking at the trichomes as usable and not the flakes and that means I can make 146 grams of bubble hash but it doesn't need to be done because if its not used within 3 or 4 years its probably not being made at all because of the amount of labor involved and if theres any interest in stronger substances it might of been made into BHO but that can be dangerous to make. They are difficult to explain because substances need to work better with less side effects. The seeds themselves look different after being crossed with another strain, the Alien Rockstar Kush seeds are very large and oval looking and alot of them were unfinished or didn't develop a brownish color but the shells were glossy, while the Alien OG seeds are small circular and dark brown, looking completely different. It does look like I would want to reseed the Rockstar Kush because there are only enough seeds to make an F2 and grow some plants and thats where the questions are on how stable or good thousands of F2 seeds would be or what traits they would show when recrossed with the Rockstar Kush and if they would lean towards one phenotype. So I did some reading and it says that would be called a backcross or a BX and it could increase a trait from the original clone only strain into the BX and if you backcrossed it again it would be a BX2 and if you crossed it again it would be a BX3 and they would be similar to the clone only strain but it can reduce genetic diversity and vigor in the new hybrid strain. The only way to really start breeding these two strains is to clone them before flowering them and then flowering out only the females while keep the male as a clone to see what they look like before actually pollinating them with actually testing the THC content as optional. The complication is you need a variety to show the most amount of traits in the seeds and I don't have enough cloning lights to keep more than a few phenotypes, so its probably not something I can work on as well without revegging but it can be done with alot of grow tents and alot of people and thats probably why we don't do that if your looking at F1 to F5 into an IBL, meaning there would be alot of downtime if they weren't invested into it or had alot of seed stock from previous while looking at the cost of living. Ive thought about that if you don't make a seedstock thats plentiful from each generation you don't have any way of correcting it and if the Alien OG male plant wasn't the best phenotype im sure they wouldn't make seeds like this if they wanted the most variety, but im probably not disappointed in the results because there not reaching the mid 20 THC percentage range without quitting, if you increase the price of seeds for a 10 pack and it has a 40% THC range it doesn't mean this needs to be better because I was thinking drought and mold resistance are traits that aren't being focused on like they normally would, its not a realistic way of looking at it. I think the experience of growing the plant is still there but you don't know whats in a small variety compared to what could be done. If you were looking at the history of cannabis breeding there probably aren't alot of strains that are created from backcrossing because one particular phenotype was better than another and that means atleast thousands of years of not backcrossing and then you tried to go back in time but they could of used a time portal to go back millions of years to bring the plant to the plateau which was unnamed at the time but I think I know that you can't map pollen back millions of years in different locations on the planet for this plant without finding a particular grain of rice in a large general area, it isn't that easy to explain, this plant could be from the Triassic period and thats atleast 201 million years ago. If they only left the fossilized pollen but brought the plant millions of years into the future or sometime around thousands of years ago, your not explaining how this plant survived for millions of years. This plant is being brought to human civilization it isn't appearing magically. I vaporized phenotype #1 of the Alien OG and what I thought was it needed more of the kief in it even though I could see clearly that it had some in it. I don't think it was as strong as the autoflower after being kiefed and definitely not as strong as the Rockstar Kush after sitting for a year or two but I didn't use the waterpipe because it was washed and most of the residue of powdery mildew would of been in the trim but I can see that before I started to trim it I did try the Alien OG and it was stronger than this and that makes me think that it might be difficult to use this deseeded flower at a higher strength without looking through it until you get to concentrated areas of kief. The visual response on Rockstar Kush edibles at a higher strength are these are considered Rx or they were at one point, if I were to say that the imagery was dull on #1 after deseeding and vaporizing, id say the edibles would make the imagery wet and then the problem is that the blood flow isn't right for what there trying to do with it and it gets replaced with other substances. If you cut anything one time you don't wanna do it, its the risk of not having a drug addiction. One of the problems with replacing cannabis with another substance is that it takes alot more intelligence to understand the process and because of that they aren't being schooled into it and theres no drug addiction at 350% to 1300% normal dopamine levels and that means that it becomes more difficult and requires higher levels of intelligence making cannabis one of the only substances that is readily available and usable. I took another look at #1 and there wasn't alot of kief in it but there was alot in #3 and that means these are probably either mixed together or made into bubble, I could kief it again and put it all into #3. Again vaporized phenotype #2 and maybe I don't hold it in long enough and there were alot of trichomes in it but maybe not enough in comparison to an intact flower, it did fade faster than id like and I was still thinking that the Rockstar Kush even though this was harvested 2 years ago it wasn't that strong or close to saying this was an Rx and I need that because there is alot of history of using something because its stronger but all phenotypes can be concentrated and that is probably a solution, this was one of are best plants I dunno thats how it was. I couldn't be sure if this was working the same as when I tested the intact flower or if it was grown only indoor, it has to be to strong on the flower or it isn't the same. If there were any problems with the heart with increased blood flow I would of felt it if I was using the Rockstar Kush but I wasn't with this phenotype of Alien OG and any kind of squiggling problems with a blockage is increased with the Rockstar Kush and can be felt and that means it can feel like its bleeding if its to strong but the results of using the Alien OG hash might be the same. Phenotype #3 vaporized was probably the strongest that this substance could be without being an edible and if there was anymore kief it wouldn't of been better for anyone using it and also the aorta felt like a blimping dissection but not painful but it could probably tear something, your not sure what needs to be snipped but your feeling like your in for surgery on that one. It probably could of been a reason to use it instead of something else but im not sure the size of the tear or what got stuck, its a matter of me not using it alot if its like that. It definitely has a use though and id grow it again, I wouldn't want to compare it to the autoflower I grew because of how it was as in I was reaching the limit on what my vaporizer can do. Im not really able to determine yet if this was the best phenotype for usage because there were so many trichomes that didn't make it when I was removing the seeds and stems but I can say this phenotype would be the one to use if you didn't know what the other ones were but I would grow the others because they had better size colas except for #4 because that needs to be regrown to determine what it looks like. If at anytime they looked nice but didn't have any strength than I wouldn't think I would use them, I could of vaporized this phenotype for a shorter period of time to reduce the effect on the aorta. It does work after 1 year with 16% THC loss and again after year 2 with 26% THC loss but after year 3 your looking at 34% loss and year 4 with 41% loss but at freezing temperatures its only 4% and that means anything with a higher thc percentage is going to be better for long term storage. One of the conclusions was that the storage wasn't long enough for something that might not be used and after the work was already done why grow it for long term storage if it doesn't get used. If the material is 2 years old and its already lost 26% thc and you make bubble hash and freeze it and it loses 4% thc per year, it doesn't need to be made because it can be grown again. I did read that if a drug is made a certain way it can have a longer shelf life than cannabis if stored properly but some substances are good for a decade and don't need to be replaced but whether or not THC and CBD are being replaced for usage isn't quite clear because you can't label it as a terrestrial substance without more information about it. These seeds could be green to asteroids to brown and green and starry somewhere in the galaxy turning to brown upon reaching its destination. The brownish color could be what the planet looked like to asteroids to another green habitable planet to beige but the quinoa plant being so colorful might be more of an indicator of a deity or not, the hops plant is scaled like a dinosaur and could represent traveling through a wormhole to reach Earth. I ended up dry sifting phenotypes 1,2 and 4 and all of the small sizes and stems from the Alien OG or about 609 grams with a bubble bag and I was able to get 98 grams of dry sift in an hour and half but I couldn't do it with a dust mask or outside at all because I need an anti histamine to do that so I can only make bubble hash because of that and any remaining material is probably not used or thrown out when it expires because it isn't something that id use alot of and im not gonna finish phenotype #3 because if i used it once per week it would last a really long time and it would probably expire and thats how addictive it is to me, it doesn't get used. Why did I do that? because I didn't think anyone would use those without being dry sifted and I wouldn't of put that material into bubble bags for bubble hash because it would not get used and it was to small of an amount to run through a wash machine for hours for one strain but it could still be done if I wanted to make Alien OG bubble hash and throw in the dry sift because thats all it is when looking at it or in my thoughts it was only something to do, ive only made dry sift twice because of that but bubble hash is something I don't mind making once in awhile but not alot or not at all. Of course I prepared a screen of phenotype #4 before the dry sift and I vaporized it with the consideration of holding it in longer but this plant is a trans am and runs to well on cyclinders, its not like you can throw a Ferrari at it without saying it has to many horses, alot of these strains of this plant aren't interested enough like you would see with MDMA, there breaking right at the cylinders. It takes a certain level of strength to make all of the content interesting but if it focuses on cyclinders it doesn't mean your using the better content because thats not what it was for, the best content isn't there or its hard to find but its going at 100% for cylinders. I did work on some more trim and small sizes that I ran through a machine for bubble and the material was 2 years old and I did 10 washes at 10 mins each and let the bags sit for 10 mins each and I got a 5% yield. Its not really looking like its that easy and I only used cold water that would cause to much discomfort to touch with your bare hands and maybe it wasn't a high enough yield but those are some of the results and it has been higher. Its not the replacement for something that works but it is something to do if theres nothing which for thousands years there wasn't and it still does seem like I can't use anything else. 26% isn't a huge loss on something that has up to 60% thc to begin with and you could say the shelf life is only that good because your not making it usually. It seems like alot of thought went into doing 10 washes. It is difficult to create information in history that cannabis was being used because they found a 3800 year old Babylonian clay tablet that suggests that cannabis was used as a remedy for grief and epilepsy in Ancient Sumer but no cannabis. Was I using cannabis in Göbekli Tepe 11000 years ago, if im not using cannabis for 500 years im not to happy about it. The 73 micron hash that the material was already 2 years old before making had no noticeable loss in strength after using it because it felt like it was full, I wouldn't of been able to notice if I had used my vaporizer for a longer period of time. What I did find was that the sound for the music was releasing something that made me feel better while listening, I would say that the edibles that could of been made with the leftover material after washing it would of been super great but its compost and it isn't used for anything, that means any visuals combined with music are a pleasureful experience but what I did notice is that it can't handle freezing temperatures because you shake uncontrollably and it does need 75-80 °F or you would need to dress quite warm if it was 60 °F. I wasn't bleeding here but with the Alien OG kief I think it was bleeding but that would need further examination, there was discomfort days after but not with the Rockstar Kush bubble. I tried the scissor hash from the Alien OG with my vaporizer and I thought that there was a numbing effect to it physically, there wasn't really any dopamine release or serotonin or both like ive experienced with the Rockstar Kush, that might be a phenotype that is like that. What I did find was that the arteries were pushing on the ribcage and it wasn't to uncomfortable but it could send someone to the emergency if they didn't know what was going to happen. It was good for music though but if its missing a certain effect then the other phenotype might be better. Ive also now experienced the same problem with the Rockstar Kush scissor hash after vaporizing it from this year, its probably the largest kidney stone but it felt like it could snap an aorta or break through the sternum. Im hoping that anyone that uses it doesn't need surgery but this one doesn't seem to work here that well. It could be a form of an aortic aneurysm or some buildup of something or an injury to the aorta from previous but its probably a kidney stone but there was a very sharp pain from previous that I experienced when it moved and it is was reaching beyond the pain threshhold in the brain and that could be a kidney stone but its mostly stuck and unable to move, its gotta be really lodged in there. The other thoughts are where do these strains actually grow so you need to look at where they originate from and that is the difficult part because it doesn't say that we had them, they are not a native species to our climate. Rockstar Kush is Rockstar x Bubba Kush Rockstar is Rock Bud x Sensi Star. They were crossed in the Netherlands. Sensi Star is from the Netherlands and was introduced into the market in 1995. Rock Bud is Super Skunk X Afghani X Big Skunk Korean X Afghan Hawaiian Super Skunk is Skunk #1 and an Afghani strain Big Skunk Korean is Skunk #1 X Big Bud X Korean strains Skunk #1 was bred in the late 1960's and 1970's and was Afghani X Mexican Acapulco Gold X Colombian Gold Its a really complicated decision to discontinue a strain and cross it with another to increase the profile of it and rename it to something that it isn't while having the original idea of it but not having it. Bubba Kush is an Afghani x OG Kush cross and not alot of information beyond that. It said it was in the early 1990's that it was crossed but not really sure what it was, most of it is difficult to decipher without seeing it being done. Alien OG is Tahoe OG X Alien Kush Tahoe OG is OG kush but not alot of information beyond that. Alien Kush is Alien Dawg x Las Vegas Purple Kush Alien Dawg is Chemdawg x Alien Technology Las Vegas Purple Kush is Hindu Kush X Purple Afghani The history of the plant is shrouded in mystery, it is thought that hops was growing on the Tibetan Plateau and the plant evolved 28 million years ago but something would of had to of made it. The plant has been traded for thousands of years and it is speculated that it was used by nomadic people and thats how the genetics reached different parts of the planet. It is thought that it was being used 4000 years ago. There are thoughts that this plant is from another solar system and contains Alien DNA. In some cultures they might of been using the plant 5000 years ago but they might not of found anything yet that they were using it. If you can figure out how to split Hydrogen and Oxygen in H2O to make H2 and were to use it in a generator that would work but it takes 260 kJ per mole of water, the difficulty is finding white hydrogen or understanding how to use the magnetic field of the earth to split H2 from Oxygen and a fuel cell like that would work. If you make first contact with an extra terrestrial intelligence and are able to understand there technology and were able to build a fuel cell that worked it might be different than splitting H2 from Oxygen and you might not be able to understand the process. If you used 1 kWh of electricity for electrolysis of water, assuming the efficiency of 70% for the electrolyzer and 50% for the fuel cell, then the amount of hydrogen gas produced by electrolysis would be: 1 kWh x 70% / 39.4 kWh/kg = 0.018 kg The amount of electricity that can be generated by the hydrogen fuel cell would be: 0.018 kg x 39.4 kWh/kg x 50% = 0.35 kWh Therefore, using 1 kWh of electricity for electrolysis can produce 0.018 kg of hydrogen gas, which can generate 0.35 kWh of electricity by a hydrogen fuel cell. If you used 1 kW of power for 12 hours, then the amount of electricity used and produced would be 12 times as much, as in 12 kWh and 4.2 kWh, respectively. However, these are only theoretical estimates that do not account for the losses and inefficiencies in the process. What we learned is that if you can find something that can biologically split Hydrogen from Oxygen as in an organism that you put into the water and are able to capture the hydrogen gas you would be able to solve this problem of these plants not finishing respectively with a hydrogen fuel cell. If you wanted to know how much is 1,100 Nm3/hour in kg of weight of hydrogen gas To convert the volumetric flow rate of hydrogen gas to mass flow rate, you need to know the density of the gas at the given conditions. One way to calculate the density is to use the ideal gas law, which states that PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. Assuming that the gas is at normal temperature and pressure (NTP), which means 20°C and 1 atm, we can plug in the values and solve for n: (293.15 K because that is the equivalent of 20 degrees Celsius on the Kelvin scale) n = PV/RT = (1 atm)(1,100 Nm3/hour) / (0.08206 L atm / mol K)(293.15 K) = 48.97 mol/hour To convert the number of moles to mass, we need to multiply by the molecular weight of hydrogen, which is 2 g/mol: m = nM = (48.97 mol/hour)(2 g/mol) = 97.94 g/hour To convert from grams to kilograms, we need to divide by 1,000: m = 97.94 g/hour / 1,000 = 0.09794 kg/hour Therefore, 1,100 Nm3/hour of hydrogen gas at NTP is equivalent to 0.09794 kg/hour of hydrogen gas. Therefore, 1,100 Nm3/hour of hydrogen gas at NTP is equal to (1,100)(0.08914) = 98.05 kg/hour of hydrogen gas. Im assuming that 0.09794 kg/hour of hydrogen gas would be 107.734 kg of hydrogen gas but thats all I could understand about how far I could grow this with an electrolyzer if I needed hydrogen gas and a generator. To estimate how much electricity could be produced from 107.734 kg of hydrogen gas, we need to know the efficiency of the conversion process. One way to convert hydrogen gas to electricity is to use a fuel cell, which is a device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and water. The efficiency of a fuel cell depends on the type, design, and operating conditions of the cell, but a typical value is around 50%. This means that for every kWh of hydrogen energy, the fuel cell produces 0.5 kWh of electricity. A kilogram of hydrogen has an energy value of about 33.3 kWh. Therefore, 107.734 kg of hydrogen gas has an energy value of about (107.734)(33.3) = 3587.4 kWh. If we assume a fuel cell efficiency of 50%, then the electricity produced from this amount of hydrogen gas is about (0.5)(3587.4) = 1793.7 kWh. This is an approximate calculation based on some assumptions and average values. The actual amount of electricity produced from hydrogen gas may vary depending on the source, quality, and purity of the gas, as well as the type, design, and performance of the fuel cell. An electrolyzer could produce about 700.3 kWh of electricity with 100 gallons of water or about 42.06 kg of hydrogen gas at 50% efficiency of the fuel cell, but it would require about 4986.4 MJ (or 1385 kWh) of electrical energy input for the electrolysis process. This means that the net energy output is negative, and the process is not efficient but if you use solar and wind you can hold hydrogen in tanks instead of battery storage and that is a method to opening up the grid to adding more LED lights during the warmer months of the year. It now gets quite difficult because mixing the Alien OG and the autoflower into a vaporizer so the kief doesn't fall out creates an effect that feels completely full and highlights the imagery to the point that this substance does work but it sees all of the imperfections in the visuals to the highest point imaginable and it doesn't seem to release any significant amount of dopamine or serotonin on those phenotypes like you would of found with the Rockstar Kush clone. Im sure this becomes one of the problems when selecting plants to grow because all of sudden your looking at the effects on a different scale. Also any auditory noise that is unpleasant or doesn't fit won't be a good experience at this point, ive found something that is going to say this was not working the way I wanted it to, I would of liked it to work better. It does work but your going to see the imperfections in the image. Three months later going through all of November, December and January, I now know that its only February and im sure to see some nice weather in March and April being a warmer month it does feel like somewhat of a long time to be under the weather. After sometime of thinking about the photo quality it did look like that it would be more expensive to purchase an expensive phone than an expensive camera but I did find the quality to be enough to display the strains. I did think that the photo quality on cameras that were less than a thousand were very good quality but I wasn't able to see the smartphone cameras as being better but they were somewhat the same but I did find the photography cameras to be really good. It did get quite warm and sunny today in February with most of the snow melted and being able to feel somewhat normal about the weather again, infact it was so warm today that if I had a small greenhouse with heating and supplemental lighting it would be a good time to grow plants but we are going to see some cooler temperatures again but today it felt warmer and nicer than when I harvested these plants. I do prefer that there not being alot of colder weather in February. Last year in March there was quite alot of snow and this year theres nothing in February. I prefer the warmer climate. I was looking and I found around 80 sites approximately that were selling seeds and there was alot of unsold inventory for seeds so it does seem like people can grow a few more seed plants currently but it doesn't necessarily mean someone would need to. I think there was a slight inception on how many seeds they wanted to sell because its an industry in the 100's of millions for revenue but not in the billions meaning it is smaller than using it as a substance. What im thinking is that its more affordable to make seeds when the climate is warmer than buying them but they still need to be sold and they can be stored for quite awhile but I did think the packaging was done by a machine if it was in any significant quantity of seeds but also there was a line on whether or not it was financially stable to keep making and selling them with so many websites. There were specific strains that were not being sold on the sites that received more purchases but it was so much cannabis to use that one purchase was enough for many years so it was more of a visual experience growing the plant than actually using it. I tested phenotype #3 again of the Alien OG and this time I was sure that I was experiencing auditory hallucinations with the strain, they weren't loud enough to understand what it was but there was something speaking for only seconds and not very frequently and most of the sounds were strange sounding and could make someone uncomfortable and im not sure if thats a good reason to keep the clone while already having seeds from it. This was not experienced with other strains that ive used, it is sounding like an acid plant. Id grow the Rockstar Kush again but I wouldn't be inclined in keeping the Alien OG clone if thats what it does and that means it probably is something that wasn't used and I don't know how rare that phenotype is. There are private collections of clone only phenotypes and you could keep a few of each but unless you have an entire tray it is slightly more difficult to look at. Seeds need to be redone at some point and that means there selling seeds during the process but it does cost more to make seeds than it does to buy a pack of seeds but whether or not theres a collection of clones for more than a few years to make the seeds is something I don't have knowledge of and that becomes more complicated because theres so many varieties. I had a little bit of scissor hash left from fall 2020 from the 4 outdoor Rockstar Kush plants I grew and with it being 2024 and keeping it stored in freezing temperatures but not vacuum sealed, testing it again it was the strongest thc substance or the best plant and im not sure if purchasing a clone for 250-500 US is better than this clone. I couldn't think of a reason to grow a different plant after using it. You probably couldn't use it alot and not lysp and it does something with the male breast tissue but it is a better plant. I can't actually say I like using substances if there not working and this clone works. I tried loading up the Rockstar Kush scissor hash from this outdoor harvest into the vapor whip and while it did work when I went to lay down I was not able to handle the strength or something and I got phasered by it, a really high level of clenching on the organs and what felt like a brain aneurysm, it actually felt like I could of been torn from the pressure on the aortas and organs and that wasn't surgically corrected. Thats a question on how that happened. The second time using the same hash with the vape it did get to strong at some point but I wasn't phasered this time but it did seem like it was quite lined based on features and thats where people have an opinion that it doesn't work, when people make decisions on important things in there life that it is factual that they don't alot of the time, the hash is saying no I don't do that, that isn't right, I didn't think that. It didn't happen under the influence of this hash. Doing some detailed reading into why my photos might not be as high quality at the same mega pixel size as a more advanced camera that may capture more detail due to their larger sensors and advanced image processing technologies. The more expensive camera would provide more detailed photos due to their larger sensor sizes, better pixel technology, and advanced AI-driven image processing. This means they have low light performance which contribute to clearer, more detailed photos with better color accuracy and dynamic range and going beyond that with newer technology you could see somewhat softer footage with a slightly narrower dynamic range but delivers more saturated colors. Were looking at a difference in photo quality with a more expensive camera at this point. Its April now and you start to notice the greenery of the leaves of all of the plants and they start to grow from a small size and though this month is quite cool and doesn't always see temperatures in the 60's until later during the month it is quite nice to see the scenery of nature and the mountains, though there still is snow in the higher elevations but without actually being able to find the bears coming out of hibernation it does feel somewhat safer but that is one of the reasons why its hard to compare it to warmer climates and though the scenery might seem better it does have a limit on hours of daylight and theres only so many weeks that it is green for and that does mean that if a yard is nicely landscaped it can deter you from needing to see the area which in my case I feel exploring the mountains to be an exception though I have walked through the forest without a trail and down the mountain and that is something that people don't do that ive done many times but I don't advise it because you can feel the danger of not knowing where your going, its different than following a path. I for some reason feel better about the nature scenery while its cold than you would think, it has a feeling to it that you couldn't experience in a desert climate. To think that I had a week of temperatures that were so cold that I couldn't think of locating here but I was able to keep warm but it isn't supposed to be that cold and thats where im not able to progress mentally, I know its wrong to think, I know im making a mistake with the thought. I said I needed hydrogen, its a source of energy that could be replaced easier if something happens and I couldn't make it through the fire season without some mental stress. Its hard to explain that if I can't split H2O into Hydrogen and Oxygen efficiently im unable to rebuild structure or infrastructure for power generation at this time without quite alot of engineering and it can take a few years to start and finish anything related to relocating a population and power generation, its very difficult. Hydrogen itself has an energy content of 33.6kWh per kg and an empty tank holding that weighs less than battery storage by quite a significant amount. It read that if the tank weighed 215kg and held 4.2kg of compressed Hydrogen it would hold 141.12kWH of energy, where if it was a Lithium ion battery it would weigh 940.8kg meaning that storing hydrogen during the warmer months of the year with solar energy and an electrolyzer and not using as much energy during those months and saving it for the winter could be an option to replace other methods of power generation without investing in battery storage. The only problem now is that the efficiency of the power generator which at 50% would only produce 70.56kWh of energy but perhaps hydrogen storage opens up the possibility of not needing to replace or build large battery systems. I was trying to be realistic about the thought of using hydrogen and currently there are tanks in existence that hold 270 tons of hydrogen that are 20m tall and they hold 244,940kg of liquid hydrogen and thats where it got confusing because if you had two 200,000kg tanks it would be enough energy to power more than 1000 homes for 6 months or during the colder months of the year but if you were to produce hydrogen through an electrolyzer it would require a massive amount of solar panels to do it as more than a million panels and thats where the thought is turning to science on how to actually split H20 without solar, can you use the quantum singularity or zero point energy to do it, its already known to be extremely energy intensive to use a particle accelerator. I know energy production isn't as reliable on the surface. You could think about it and if you had 1 million solar panels and each one generated 3kWh in a day at 100% efficiency it would take 2.22 days to fill up a 200,000kg tank of hydrogen but it would take up 162 hectares depending on the size of the panels for only the panels not including any spacing and though they could be put on the water instead of the land but that does mean it wouldn't look the same like any other civilization. Lets say 10.2 million squarefeet for 560,000-680,000kw of panels but depending again on the size of the panel because they can build quite large panels but thats only the panels because it depends on how there spaced. If the electrolyzers were 2MW each for 900kg per day you would need 90 to 100 of them. Im really feeling like I should of spent more on a camera, somewhere between an A54 and Pixel 7 pro and that means im feeling as though the P60 or the Magic 6 would of been slightly better phones at a higher price but im not disagreeing that someone purchased a phone that expensive but I think for photos only I didn't take my expensive smartphone anywhere. Im feeling the limit on something that isn't that affordable to replace. To calculate further a solar farm could produce 0.4 MW per hectare or about 40 MW per 100 hectares meaning that it would mostly be safer but it would take up a vast amount of space to perform a task that a steam turbine in a geothermal plant could do but you need to drill into the hot layers of rock but its undetermined if they can access hydrothermal vents that easily. Its nearing the end of April 18th and with there being nice weather this month it has had some colder days and May is the 5th month and it goes by quite fast and that means theres only 4 months left and the end of the 4th month isn't as warm so you can look at it like it isn't the highlight of solar intensity but the vegetation is where I can see it, you would look at it like you've gone twice as far but you've only had a few years of warm weather. 92 millions years ago the earth was a Cretaceous hot greenhouse with surface temperatures of 85°F and it was like that for millions of years and the south pole was a rainforest and not an arctic tundra, the average temperatures in this rainforest were 13°C with summertime temperatures of 20°C to 25°C. It was 34 million years ago when the earth went from a warmer climate to a frozen tundra, its known as the Late Cenozoic Ice Age or also known as the Antarctic Glaciation and thats when the ice sheets started to form. Something ive experienced is that if your using hydroponic fertilizers at 6ml/gal for flowering and if its 30 days of hot weather and your using 60 gals per day and alternating with freshwater you've used 5400ml of part A and 5400ml of part B and 4500ml of Pro Cal and that means its an expense at 8400ml and another expense at 4500ml and that means these large plants are costly to grow and I could see that being a factor in locating populations to grow this particular strain at its current yield without light deprivation. Id be looking at how to lower that expense. On May 8th at 11AM there was a light brown bear but not full size eating grass in the same spot that these were grown last year and I was hundreds of feet away but I was able to watch it and I waved and said hello at him/her multiple times and it turned its head at me multiple times and then it walked back behind some brush but it does make you feel like you should be able to walk up to it but I don't unless it was closer to begin with. I tried the Alien OG #3 phenotype again and I mixed it with the kief from the other phenotypes and I didn't quite think it was strong enough, it wasn't quite reaching the threshold that ive experienced with the Rockstar Kush, it had some distance to go before saying the imagery was the best and that might be only possible to reach growing it indoors if it isn't outdoors because it was strong and it did sort of but it didn't at the same time. I felt like I couldn't use the vaporizer enough to fill the imagery. One of the conclusions is that if phenotype #3 was used and was at the threshold a couple times that I used it and another time it wasn't reaching that stage even if it was mixed 50% flower and 50% kief and vaporized, it didn't really explain what was happening with the brain receptors. Why did one strain run at full strength with a full release on the neurotransmitters. Also I would like to say that the Alien OG plants vegged so slowly from seed that at 14 weeks they were the size of plants that are normally used for planting in May meaning that if you actually grew in my climate you would need alot of plants if there started from seed in May and they grow slowly, it becomes this was what I found to be one of the reasons to use indoor lights during April or before. Trying the Alien OG #3 phenotype again mixed with the kief I needed to fill up the vaporizer twice even though the first one might not of been completely used up because it was quite sticky emptying it but it shouldn't need to be like that to get a full effect from it but thats the most I could figure out without rerunning it indoors for a full cycle and keeping the flowers intact so I know exactly what the effect is. I tried the Rockstar Kush scissor hash again from this harvest and I can't imagine something fitting the arteries like that, its so strong to use that im not making it that well, it doesn't fit that well. I can't imagine something that predates human history and civilization to fit like that, you do not want to start consuming calories while using this at all. It feels like the most discriminating plant, I don't think it worked that well at this point, it probably worked better grown indoors, this wasn't the experience that I was hoping for. I vaporized the same scissor hash again and this time it did fit the arteries enough that there wasn't discomfort but I drove right into the ditch and there was a mudslide. If you made it any stronger as in into an edible you'd find the hydrothermal vents and discover there sea caves. When someone has to say excuse me Rockstar hash these are object orientated plants, these are female plants don't think you can really work with it. Its closer to saying these work better, its really focused on slope and height differences. These strains are really focused on terrain and object shapes with alot of face recognition problems, some faces are not working with these strains. The audio has to be right or you can't listen to it either, theres alot of complications. This does sort of work but not really at the same time, excuse this was to awkward it had to sound better or look better. Trying the Alien OG kief mixed with flower again in the vaporizer it managed to get the flow up but it needed a sex change, its so close to being a tranny, I can't believe how many mistakes were made, these are to open and that means someone might not be able to stop and the audio distortions were noticeably strange when there was no sound, they could be worse but there definitely not mine to hear. Growing the Alien OG phenos indoors under an led light showed that there was one that was significantly frostier than the Rockstar Kush and looked better but there were some problems with the plants stretching, they hardly did at all and topping them and without adding a co2 bag the flowers were quite small, id probably look at it like the Rockstar Kush didn't need to be stronger but could of looked better, I didn't think it was replaced with the Alien OG because of the audio sounds that aren't clear enough to listen to or loud enough. I tried the frostiest pheno of the Alien OG that was grown under a light and I needed to refill my vaporizer with the kief/flower from outdoors and that did get the imagery to look somewhat wet as in it looked like it was enough to say im happy with this strength is how id describe it but it could be better and that is probably why the Rockstar Kush plant was reused as a clone. I really can't refill on the flower and thinking it needed to be revaped, id rather I didn't need to refill. Ive used the Rockstar Kush many times and I didn't need to refill, also im really trying to determine that these are better. Visually the flower that I trimmed of the Alien OG looked better for the small amount that was grown but I did still like trimming the Rockstar Kush and that means im really looking at it how it performs visually without a refill. Trying the Rockstar Kush from the led light the day after using the Alien OG, it might take 15 minutes to use the vaporizer but its sobering up in 2 hours but theres obviously a capacity in the concentrates at this point, I would say it was stronger refilling on the Alien OG kief/flower but I didn't.
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Todzillacommentedweek 19a year ago
Drive your stakes into the ground.
blackskaarj1commenteda year ago
@Todzilla,yhea you can pull the rebar with lawn staples probably I like using rock, you can hold the rebar in with a lawn staple if its not in super deep but I could probably hammer it in as deep as the container, I think that for photography purposes the rock explains the plant, its like the sands of time unfolding before you, you can't explain why something so large is so small yet so many times larger.
Todzillacommenteda year ago
@blackskaarj1,I use lawn staples in rocky hard soil and it works for stabilization quite well. The staples are the lowest cost and easiest to install. I also have used bamboo, stakes, and rebar. They all work for wind. You just gotta get it done.
blackskaarj1commenteda year ago
@Todzilla,no you can't use lawn staples you need to take a piece of rebar hammer it into the ground and then put a long piece in and your likely to either hit up against another rock or it'll work or not at all.
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AsNoriucommentedweek 22a year ago
lovely place to grow and VERY nice grow !
HAPPY91commentedweek 20a year ago
Gonna get an amazing yield with those beautiful girls. Keep up the amazing progress I hope for strong happy and healthy plants cheers!!!
Northern_Entcommentedweek 17a year ago
Hey, you can get a magnifying glass app for your phone that works good enough to see trichomes. No need for a loupe or physical magnifier. Can get good bud pics easily, even using an old phone.
BudBoutiquecommentedweek 27a year ago
What an nice outdoor grow so far - good job and well done 🤝 never did outdoor myself.  Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱 Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩‍🌾
Dabkingcommentedweek 27a year ago
Looking good. Keep it up!
KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 52 years ago
Viel Glück.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 2710 months ago
Nice grow 👌
Grislycommentedweek 2710 months ago
Crashoveritecommentedweek 25a year ago
Very nice garden mate 👌✨🍀✌️💚
blackskaarj1commentedweek 278 months ago
I did feel that not having any structures or roads in the way of the plants as they grow is better visually, the material that the plants are up against affects how you feel about them. Its better than landscaping that you would normally see, its better. I do encounter alot of wildlife though, its definitely there to see. Its my experience vs your idea of what is supposed to be enjoyable and that means I couldn't imagine it being a good idea for August and September because of the fire season but that is what im looking at.