If you could only grow one strain and nothing else id grow it but it wasn't an early enough finish if your looking for yield and im not sure how it does with full sunlight at the end of season in my climate but im satisfied with how it looks. The reason why id only grow this one strain is because all of the effects are in place that I consider positive except for the edibles because my arteries are not strong enough for them and thats why its probably a research substance but im not sure what is a safe dosage and what is safe to do with it but it might only be safe to use in a vaporizer occasionally. The reason why is because this one did good, I actually thought it was great. It was 8 grams of 25 microns of decarbed bubble hash in 500g of earth balance mixed with water simmered for 3 hours on a low setting and then refrigerated and I was left with 310g of butter and 5ml was a strong dosage and 2.5ml was a high pressure heart and that didn't work the way it was supposed to. I originally tried making it with olive oil and put it in brownies and they were super strong in flavor because I used the flower and not the concentrate and those were really heavy and hard to use. I really could only say use it in a vaporizer because of how it was. I didn't really have a problem on the first batch of brownies or about 1 premix box but it was on the 2nd box of mix or about 1-2 years later if I only ate them once or twice per week and I failed to use the 25 micron butter because of how I felt after the two batches of brownies. 2.5ml is 2g before simmering and 500gx0.604 is 302g so its 1.208g approximately, so 8000mg in 310g is 25.806mg in a gram of earth balance approximately. The 2.5ml 2g before isn't the same volume as the 2.5ml after simmering and thats probably where im not calculating it. 8000mg in 500g is 16mg per gram or 32mg in 2.5ml but the volume is different after simmering so its stronger. I know its 8000mg in 302g to make 310g or 26.49006622516556mg added per gram of the 302 grams but the weight of the 2.5ml is different. The answer is that I think you need to measure the size volume of it before simmering and you need to know the measurement of water loss because water and oils weigh differently, it might be to difficult to calculate what 2.5ml weighs after simmering without actually measuring it after. You know 2g is now 1.208g but you can't determine the volume that fits in the 2.5ml after simmering. 0.792g added to 1.208g is 2g but that doesn't fit the same after simmering. You can take 25.8mg 310 times at 1g or double that and its very cost effective.
As far as using the Alien OG flower in a vaporizer I seem to be finding it not long lasting enough and ive needed to use it with the kief, Regrowing it indoors one of the phenotypes regrew with alot of stems after being pruned and when flowered it had very tiny flowers but they were quite frosty and my tolerance is probably to high but it basically needed to be vaped for 11mins and the effects were somewhat strong for 45mins and trying to revape it after 1 hr 15mins it would of needed a refill but without refilling and revaping for 13mins and including the time vaped its almost 3 hours of time spent trying to use it and that means theres 1 hr 45 mins that it could of been stronger.
Another phenotype of the Alien OG that wasn't the frostiest but looked good enough visually as in similar to the Rockstar Kush's frostiness but again its 5 mins of vaporizing to feel strength from it and 11 mins to say its feeling strong and then 70 mins of not vaporizing its a pretty good strength. I couldn't quite imagine that I wouldn't keep the frostier phenotype but visually it looks like seeds are made but plants may need to be assessed for if there worth keeping as clones because people do seem to hold onto them but sometimes they don't keep them going in a medium because it takes up space. With this phenotype I couldn't quite say there was enough difference to keep two strains when the Rockstar Kush worked.
The frostiest pheno of the Alien OG I vaped for 19+ minutes the day after and I didn't think it was alot different but I didn't write down the time so it probably would of needed a test kit to determine anything, its possible that the less frosty pheno was different but I couldn't really say for sure so i'll need to revape it and see if it can be vaped for a shorter period of time. At this point if theres something better about the Rockstar Kush then that would of been a reason to use it instead. It seems this would be difficult to determine without really knowing the difference.
Trying the frostiest pheno again of the Alien OG after not using it for a few days it was 6 mins of vaping to get some strength from it, 8 mins to say it has strength, and 12 mins I needed to stop vaping and there was 1 hr 33 mins that I would say it was working but obviously the effects were not as strong and were wearing off but thats how usable that phenotype was, it could of been better than that. Visually there could be a problem when comparing the Rockstar Kush with imagery if there was the difference or its the same, I wouldn't know if the less frosty phenotype of the Alien OG is different either at this point.
Now ive experienced a problem with the LED light grown Rockstar Kush, I vaped it for 12 mins to get it to the point that it felt strong and a total of 21 mins but it literally metabolized and started to fade in 18 mins and so I refilled with Alien OG kief after 25 mins to ramp it up again slightly to be high enough but its fading. I don't want to say this was what the problem is now with it but if thats what happening it needs be hashed. Im not quite sure how the liver metabolizes it after it reaches the brain. If whats happening is that the concentrates are strong but if it was grown with hps or sunlight it would of been ok, I don't know what thats supposed to mean. Theres something going on with my CB1 receptors, if decreasing the cAMP levels causes the effects then something is trying to bring the cAMP levels back to a normal so that I can function again.
Testing the second frostiest phenotype of the Alien OG again less than a few days after the CB1 receptors are functioning and it was quite strong and the cAMP levels were functioning for the effects to stay. That was 9 minutes to vape for strength and 13 minutes total of vaping and 111 minutes to say it lost strength and 148 minutes it had enough of an effect that id consider it was long lasting but the effects had significantly worn off. Id think that an 1hr and 51mins was what id expect from the cAMP, id say this phenotype was enough to say that I don't know if the frostiest phenotype was as outstanding or the same. I can't conclude yet why the cAMP tries to return to functioning levels.
Trying the Rockstar Kush in the vape again for 13 minutes it definitely was fading quite alot after 120 minutes, id think the Alien OG was enough to use either one and either there both the same for how they effect the hormones or the Alien OG drifts alot but either one is going to challenge the thought patterns. It might sound right to an extent but its going to drift.
Again the frostiest pheno of the Alien OG vaped must of reached the cAMP deity because it was quite strong for 2 hours but fading and I couldn't remember to write down the time that I stopped vaping because it literally memory wiped during the vape, it really reached my expectations and that means i'll keep that phenotype as a bonsai plant for clones if I needed it. I feel like ive found one and it looked really great visually and all of the effects were in place. That was enough to say I couldn't really see a difference. I suppose the question is am I going to use it again for anything other than as a bonsai plant, I don't really know because it seems people do tissue culture and sell plants but ive only done cuttings of these plants, this was something that ive thought wasn't quite as open but there is some interest in these plants.
So though I did try to get rid of the fungus gnats with hydrogen peroxide three times during cloning and they were gone, when I transplanted into coco there were three flying around again so it might be important to note that these may only be usable starting from seed because I need to buy gallons of hydrogen peroxide hence why using tissue culture methods and using deep water culture and aeroponics was a difficult way to keep clones. Im thinking these would of been restarted from seed because of the difficulty.
There were some additional decreased effects from the cAMP vaping a ball of hash that I wasn't sure when it was grown but the strong effects were only for 70mins and then it was wearing off and vaping the hashball again it was about 1 hour and 28 mins but there were some sensitivity problems it kind of had a numbing effect. Then a mixture of the Alien OG kief and flower I wasn't sure if it was the Rockstar Kush or Alien OG was wearing off after 1 hour and 14 mins and needed to be revaped and I wasn't using it at all since the last time vaping it. This was the reason why I think it might be replaced with something that actually works but thats where im looking at what are the health effects of long term use, if you go somewhere and meet people it doesn't mean that its affordable to use it, I know it isn't social enough for what it does. It doesn't seem to say that the person isn't looking at it any differently after long term, it isn't as good is how id describe it. I had a problem with thinking it was the same as before, it should be the same but for some reason so much time has gone by that I don't think it looks the same or as good, ive had some gloomy days when the power was out thinking about it, it looked really difficult to see, your looking at needing a food supply when theres nothing.
Again the cAMP was failing to maintain the strength with the flower/kief mixture using the vaporizer, I vaped it for longer than normal and 17 minutes later it needed to be stronger so I revaped it with a fresh refill and its wearing off an hour later so I think its really difficult to always get these strains working after long term use if that happens and theres so much that could be said about there not being any dopamine or serotonin, this feels like it isn't working. If your trying to keep her from whipping it out and its not working, thats not gonna work, these might actually need to be edibles and then they start handing you paperbags because of the stretch because it'll make them look like that, it doesn't work with the arteries and that means ive tried that and im sure those edibles start to lysp at some point. These don't work the way you want them to.
I got the cAMP working again but I had to vape for 8mins stopped for a few mins and then another 7mins but it was outdoor scissor hash from the Rockstar Kush from 4 years ago mixed with Alien OG outdoor scissor hash from last year and it was so strong but there was a alot artery pressure, it felt like a problem with the organ or an aortic dissection of some sort, I need surgery or something to fix this.
Ive experienced the most difficulty in getting this substance working after many years of using it occasionally especially for the outdoor that I grew, Ive got a phenotype that when grown under a light I only need to vape for 13 minutes and I notice it lost strength at 1hr 51 minutes with it seeming to last with some effect for 2hrs 28 minutes but grown outdoors I needed to vape for 17 minutes and then refill and vape for 15 minutes for not as strong as an effect and I would say it lost strength at 1hr 29 minutes, meaning it required to use it as bubble hash and that probably is because of the climate and shade, so I think it would probably to be only for hash and ive already figured out I don't like working on it in 1-2°C temperatures and if you use ice cubes you need alot of them. I don't think they look forward to making it either because it always requires colder temperatures to work on it and ive made it in warmer temperatures and it required alot of ice.
The scissor hash vaped for 21 minutes is quite strong in comparison and has a strong effect for 1hr 32 minutes but feeling like its wearing off at 2hr 12mins but thats vaped for longer than the indoor flower meaning its not weak enough, thats the point that it increases being used as cannabutter and the effects go being beyond what a vaporizer can do, it starts becoming something different and thats kind of why I didn't continue.
An update months later said the indoor grown #2 phenotype of the Alien OG that really should of only needed to be vaped for 12-15mins, needed to be vaped one time for 39mins and another day it was 28mins meaning these are problems with using the flower and the outdoor grown quality needed a refill so I thought that was only something that either needed to be grown and finished in full sunlight or only had enough strength in the scissor hash, problems with tolerance levels meaning its saying that they'd need the problems with the edibles to get them to work. Id think it has been unsuccessful after many years of occasionally using it.
Using the Rockstar Kush outdoor scissor hash I reduced the vape time to 24 minutes and though it works im finding myself not able to focus, unless I was listening to music im finding it less interesting than it once was, it would need an edible increase to see it properly or improperly if thats what you would call it, I wouldn't quite say it works, the amount of water usage for what it does isn't significant enough to make alot of it at this point, it reads as no increase in anything because of the climate. They grow food crops and then it makes sense to say theres some of it but not alot.