Start of week 6, day 35.
Blackberry Kush 1, 2, and 3 stretching seem to have stopped with the following heights:
BB Kush #1: 57 cm, the only phenotype with green buds. Not too bushy, stunted at some point due to some sort of roots or nutrient issue. Short side branches.
BB Kush #2: 56 cm, purple buds phenotype, very bushy with healthy looks.
BB Kush #3: 64 cm, purple buds phenotype, taller and skinnier than the other two. Side branches are not as big as BB Kush# 2, but bud sites look as dense and healthy as #2.
The 3 BB kush lost their first set of leaves (the ones with 3 fingers only), they look a little bit yellow in general. I do not know if it is normal that they are starting to lose their first leaves, having at least 4 weeks ahead.
Began watering with more Bloom than Grow nutrients for these 3 plants.
Gea Seeds Aks are barely starting to show a strong production of tall white pistils in their corresponding bud sites, they both look very green and healthy, with a good smell even without buds. I hope their stretching ends by the end of this week. They both are at least 30 cm.
Increased the Grow nutrient dose in this watering for these 2 Aks since they are still not showing flower and still need to stretch.
Update for day 40:
Made a mistake lowering the Grow nutrient on the BB Kush. They immediately began showing signs of underfeeding. Fast yellowing leaves with different nute deficiencies. AKs responded OK to the nutes.
I tried to fix the problem with the BB Kush watering back with 1 ml of Grow (it was lowered to .500 ml, causing the problem), and increasing bloom nutes to 1.3 from 0.8.
The fast yellowing and weird deficiencies spots stopped. The buds are fattening and the plant looks not very appealing to the sight, but those buds are surely growing ok.
AK2 stem naturally bent over. It is providing more light space for those side shoots of the main cola. This could mean that the final result is going to be a weird looking crooked cola. Growing healthy so far.