Bb kushes are fattening up. I suppose I will be chopping these down in the next couple of weeks. Bb kush 2 and 3 lost all their fan leaves already due to problems with nutrients since week 5 or so. Buds are growing though. I wanted to see how these problems were going to affect the plants. I assume they would get a lil bit fatter f they were healthy. Give your opinions on it.
Aks seem to have stopped stretching and buds are already forming well. Trichomes are showing already on leaves of Ak #2. Not that much on AK #1. These Aks might be ready two weeks later than the bb kush maybe? In 3 weeks maybe 4.
The only plant smelling a lot is the bb kush #2. The other 3 need to be touched to feel the scent. Ak #1 smells really good though is a really weak smell.