Added a couple of household led bulbs, 30W each to the system to see how the improve flowers. I removed the opaque lens they come with, leaving the led chips exposed. This way the light is directed to the plant and not diffused around by the lens. It is hard to keep the grow cool while the tent is closed. It reaches 28ºC. I've been leaving it open for the past days. maintaining at 26. New calyxes are growing on buds after last watering with higher bloom nutrients and coincidentally after the addition of the new bulbs.
AKs are stretching. Looking green and great. Bud sites are rapidly forming by now and finally! Fed them with 1 ml of Grow and 1 mlo Bloom since it appears they are about to stop stretching.
Day 44 for BB Kushes.
Day 43 for AK.
Lots of issues on leaves. Yellowing and spotting. Price that I'm paying for not getting a ph meter before. For the next watering I will cut the feed, and restart with the nutes for the next one. I hope this improves whatever is wroong with the soil and that it doesnt affect the plants from the food deprivation. Any advice is welcome! I would appreciate it.