The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
2 years ago
Nutrients 1
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 5 mll
Growdiaries Grow 19 is going to consist of. #1 DUTCH PASSION C-VIBEZ PHOTO #2 FAST BUDS FBPHP13 PHOTO #2 ZAMNESIA RUNTZ as replacement #3 GANJA FARMER CHERRY PIE #4 MSNL SLURRICANE 🗓️ Fri 30/6/23 📋 I thought I'd get grow GDG19 going early by a few weeks. Mainly to get this plant from the grow going in the Dutch passion competition which has 162 days left on comp when I started germination. Started preparing everything today. Need to make some modifications on the veg tent which I'll try and get done before germination is complete. I'll use the modified DS60 tent with the mars hydro TS1000 for veg. I need to source out a new light for that tent as the TS1000 is beginning to come to its end, its been a good light, one of the very 1st models that you need a screwdriver to dim the driver. But it has been a good light especially for the price. Started germination at 10.00pm DS60 tent Mars Hydro Ts1000 controller Temp= 26c Humidity=70% Put seed in warm water in shot glass. Start preparing 0.6L pots. Biobizz Lightmix. 5ml/L roots EC=0.272 PH= 6.3/6.5 💧 manual feed 2L 0 drops ph d Feed Ec=0.272 Ph=6.4 1L left 0.25L each Combined runoff L Ec= ph=💧 🗓️ Sat 1/7/23 📋 By 9.00am all seeds sank when touched so went into moist paper towel. 🗓️ Sun 2/7/23 📋 #1 C-Vibez, 9.00pm shell split so place in soil. Mars Hydro TS1000 (Max power=164W) Power set to 49W= 30% Lights on for 24/24 Light distance from soil=80cm DLI at soil level=12.5 🗓️ Mon 3/7/23 📋 Had power cut today for 3hrs. 🗓️ Tue 4/7/23 📋 no sign 🗓️ Wed 5/7/23 📋 #1 C-vibez, 9.00pm still not up so had a look, tap root is in multiple curls and plant was growing down, have turned it right way up and see what happens. I'm also starting another of these seeds just incase this doesn't make it. 🗓️ Thur 6/7/23 📋#1 C-Vibez, doesn't look any better after turning it around would class this as day 0. If she doesn't do anything at least I have another seed germinating. 🗓️Fri 7/7/23 📋#1 C-Vibez, day 1 looks really poorly, at least she has managed to find the strength to stand up. The replacement seed tap root has broken through so she is going into the soil for 📋 Been a warm day today, at least iv had a few days reprieve. 🗓️ Sat 8/7/23 📋#1 C-Vibez originl ain't going to make it, waiting on new seed to break ground. 🗓️ Sun 9/7/23 📋#1 C-Vibez 1st attempt still looks bad, 2nd attempt has just broken ground. Day 0. Shell not fallen of yet. 📋 Been a rough ride getting this going, 1st seed I must have planted upside down and she grew down into the soil and didn't look great so she has been culled. The replacement is up and looking ok. This plant is behind the others in the tent but at least I got it going in time for the competition. Back soon with week 1 Take it easy, sit back and smoke a big fat joint.
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
9 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
70 %
1 L
72 cm
Nutrients 1
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 5 mll
Week 2 🗓️ Tue 11/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 2 🗓️ Wed 12/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 3 🗓️ Thur 13/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 4 🗓️ Fri 14/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 5 📋 5ml/L roots EC=0.25 PH= 6.4/6.4 💧 manual feed 2L 0 drops ph d Feed Ec=0.25 Ph=6.4 1.5L left 0.125L each Combined runoff L Ec= ph=💧 🗓️ Sat 15/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 6 🗓️ Sun 16/7/23 📋#1 C-vibes day 7, the replacement seed has come on well, the 1st attempt has been culled because it got damaged from planting upside down. Been a good week and she is where I'd expect her to be at. H=9 D=72 DLI=12.2
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
12 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
240 PPM
60 %
8 L
53 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.5 mll
Week 2 Lights 20/4 Power set to 49W= 30% Speed controller Temp= 24c Humidity=60% 🗓️ Mon 17/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 8 🗓️ Tue 18/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 9 📋 nothing 🗓️ Wed 19/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 10 📋 Feed 🗓️ Thur 20/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 11 📋 nothing 🗓️ Fri 21/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 12 📋 nothing 🗓️ Sat 22/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 13 📋 nothing 🗓️ Sun 23/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 14 Pot up to 8L pots with biobizz light mix and 10ml/L charge. H=12 D=53 DLI=15.5 💧 5L water Neutralise =0.1ml/L Silicon =1.0ml/L Calmag =0.5ml/L Roots =0.2ml/L Ph d = 19 drops Ec =0.485 Ph =6.4 Used 2L 💧 📋 As you can see I haven't had to do much during the week, I have had to pot up a bit earlier then I wanted to but she should be fine as she already had a decent amount of roots. Back soon Take it easy
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
235 PPM
60 %
8 L
75 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.5 mll
Week 3 🗓️ Mon 24/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 15 📋 nothing 🗓️ Tue 25/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 16 📋 nothing 🗓️ Wed 26/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 17 topped H=13 D=76 DLI=14.7 📋 Moved all into flower tent under the Viparspectra xs2000. Power=36%=86w 🗓️ Thur 27/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 18 📋 nothing 🗓️ Fri 28/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 19 📋 installed drip system. 🗓️ Sat 29/7/23 (went away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 20 H=15 D=75 DLI=19.1 📋 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=42%=101w check drip system before went away. 💧 14L (Silicon=1ml/L, calmag=0.5ml/L, roots 0.2ml/L) (Ph down =50 drop) EC=0.470 PH=6.4/6.5 10mins=12L left,15mins=8L left, 15mins=4.5L 5mims left 3.5L Run2.5L Total run time 45mins Used 11.5L =250ml/min=62ml/min each Make 17L water. 5 drops ph d Ph 6.3 Ec 0.2 💧 🗓️ Sun 30/7/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 21* 📋 been a good week for her. Progress is decent and I'm very happy.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
235 PPM
60 %
8 L
68 cm
Nutrients 4
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.5 mll
Week 4 Lights 20/4 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=36%=86w Speed controller Temp= 23c Humidity=60% 🗓️ Mon 31/7/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 22 📋 (away) 🗓️ Tue 1/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 23 📋 (away) 🗓️ Wed 2/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 24 📋 (away) 🗓️ Thur 3/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 25 📋 (away) 🗓️ Fri 4/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 26 📋 (away until 4.00pm) Started altering runoff system. H=19 D=71 DLI=19.8 Altered runoff tray H=19 D=70 DLI=21.3 Removed lower colas and topped 4 times. 💧 Autofeed (9x3min runs with gap, total runtime=27mins Est Volume used 6.75L, est volume per plant 1.68L) 17L water. 5 drops ph d Ec=0.2 PH=6.3 Left=10L Used=7L Each=1.75L Runoff=0.2L Ec= PH= 💧 🗓️ Sat 5/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 27 📋#2 Runtz day 24 📋#3 Cherry Pie day 32 📋#4 Slurricane day 33 📋 🗓️ Sun 6/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 28*, topped lowest nodes as went for 6 side branches with this. Possible 12 flowers. H=20 D=68DLI=18.0 Was away most of this week and everything has gone fine. Done a bit more topping on this one and her shape is looking good. Having some issues again uploading pictures. Instead of freezing the site it uploads them but not the correct way up so apologies if any of the pictures aren't rotated the correct way around. Back soon Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
900 PPM
60 %
8 L
68 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 5 Lights 20/4 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=50%=120w Speed controller Temp= 24c Humidity=58% 🗓️ Mon 7/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 29 DLI=18.7 now DLI=21.4 📋 Viparspectra xs2000 Power=50%=120w 🗓️ Tue 8/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 30 📋 nothing 🗓️ Wed 9/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 31 📋 nothing 🗓️ Thur 10/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 32 📋 Been a very hot day today. 💧 Autofeed (10x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=30mins Est Volume used 5L, est volume per plant 1.25L) 10L Feed. Neutralise =0.1ml/L Silicon =1.0ml/L Calmag =1.0ml/L Grow =3.0ml/L Roots =0.2ml/L 30 drops ph d Ec=1.8 PH=5.9/5.9 Left=5L Used=5L Each=1.25L Runoff=0.1L Ec= PH= 💧 🗓️ Fri 11/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 33 📋 I'm away and have checked the grow via the WiFi camera and couldn't access it. Then tried accessing my devices as the all run through the Internet and I couldn't access anything. If Internet at home is down then the lights won't go off and none of my automation will work. 🗓️ Sat 12/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 34 📋 Still no Internet connection to my home. 🗓️ Sun 13/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 35* 📋 Still no Internet 💧 Autofeed (12x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=36mins Est Volume used 7.5L, est volume per plant 1.8L) 10L water. Neutralise =0.1ml/L 3 drops ph d Ec=0.2 PH=6.4 Left=10L Used=0L Each=0L Runoff=L Ec= PH= 💧 📋 I highly doubt the automatic feed has kicked in today. When I went away the plant looked fine. I don't know what condition I'm going to find it in when I get back as I'm running a wet dry cycle the plant really would have needed watering today especially if the lights have been stuck on 24/0. Take it easy Back soon.
1 comment
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
29 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1050 PPM
60 %
8 L
59 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 6 Lights 20/4 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=50%=120w Speed controller Temp= 24c Humidity=55% 🗓️ Mon 14/8/23 (arrived home) 📋#1 C-vibez day 36 DLI=28.7 for last 4 days. 📋 Still no Internet Arrived home to some sick looking plants, because the Internets down the lights have been on 24hr for 4 days and they wasn't watered when they should have been. They should bounce back fine but I had been planning on flipping to flower today. Internet should be back on in the next 24hr but as I'm home tonight I'll be able to access the system and manually turn the lights on/off. Released all LST. 💧 Manually watered each plant 2L Ec=0.2 PH=6.4 Very little runoff 💧 🗓️ Tue 15/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 37 Removed 2 lower leaves. DLI was 26.6 but as of tomorrow 18/6 will be 23.3 📋 last day of 20/4 Messed about with the watering system by adding more drippers. (Inline drippers set to 3, end drippers set to 4) Internet now working again. Hopefully no more problems. 🗓️ Wed 16/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 38 📋 Lights now 18/6 on 4.00am off 10.00pm Test drip system. Water 2L 3min run. Left=1.5L Used=0.5L Total each 0.5/4= 0.125L each L/min each= 0.042L 🗓️ Thur 17/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 39 H=29 D=59 DLI=24.5 📋 💧 Autofeed (10x3min runs with 10 min gaps, total runtime=30mins starts @12.00pm and finishes @2.00pm. Est Volume used 5L, est volume per plant 1.25L) 12L Feed. Neutralise =0.1ml/L Silicon =1.0ml/L Calmag =1.0ml/L Grow =4.0ml/L Roots =0.2ml/L 25 drops ph d Ec=2.1 PH=6.1/6.3 Left=6.L Used=4.0L Each=1.0L Runoff=0.07L Ec= 2.9 PH=5.7 (Flow rate = 0.133ml/min) Because of lack of runoff ran 4 more times. Left=4L Used=2L Each=L Runoff=0.41L Ec= PH= (Flow rate 0.166ml/min) Total used=6L Total each=1.5L Total Runoff=0.48L 💧 🗓️ Fri 18/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 40 📋 (went away again) Water prep 17L 4 drops phd 0.1ml/L neutralise Ec=0.2 Ph=6.4 🗓️ Sat 19/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 41 📋 (away) 🗓️ Sun 20/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 42* 📋 (away) 💧 Autofeed (12x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=36mins, flow rate 0.166L/min. Est Volume used 5.97L, est volume per plant 1.49L) 17L water Neutralise =0.1ml/L 4 drops ph d Ec= PH=/ Left=Est 11.03L Used=L Each=L Runoff=L Ec= PH= 💧 📋Wasn't home for long with these but managed to sort them out from the stress of being away and the automatic system not working. Light is now on 18/6 Back soon. Take it easy
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
45 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1050 PPM
55 %
8 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 7 Lights 18/6 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=50%=120w Speed controller Temp= 24c Humidity=55% 🗓️ Mon 21/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 43 📋 🗓️ Tue 22/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 44 📋 🗓️ Wed 23/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 45 📋 💧 Autofeed (12x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=36mins Est Volume used 5.97L, est volume per plant 1.49L) EST 11.03L water. Neutralise=0.1ml/L Ec= PH= Est Left= 5.06L Est total used=11.94L Est each total=2.98L Actual left=3.25L Used=13.75L Each=3.4L Runoff=0.3L Ec=5.81 PH=5.8 💧 🗓️ Thur 24/8/23 (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 46 📋 🗓️ Fri 25/8/23 (away)(back home) 📋#1 C-vibez day 47 H=40 D=49 DLI=30.6 📋 The grow has fared well on autopilot this time. Defoliate the lower sick leaves. Adjust plants in scrog slightly. #1 looks ok but needs some more N 🗓️ Sat 26/8/23 📋#1 C-vibez day 48 105 days left to complete the diary for the dutch passion competition, plenty of time if I switch to flower now so I'm starting 12/12. 📋 Lights on 9.00am off 9.00pm Defoliate lowers that won't make it through the net. Day 0 off 12/12 💧 Autofeed (14x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=42mins Est Volume used 6.97L, est volume per plant 1.7L) 12.00pm on, 2.52pm off 10.5L Feed. Ec=2.1 PH=6.5/6.8 Left=2.5L Used=8L Each=2L Runoff=0.4L Ec=3.54 PH=5.7 💧 🗓️ Sun 27/8/23 (flower day 1) 📋#1 C-vibez day 49* H=45 D=45 DLI=22.7 📋 Lights on 9.00am off 9.00pm Started running dehumidifier to lower RH. Thankfully the autosystem did its job properly while I was away, the plant is recovering well from the stress of the other week and I'm confident enough to throw her into flower now. I am having major issues updating diaries, just like most people on growdiaries are, so I apologise if anything is updated wrong. Back soon. Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
965 PPM
50 %
8 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 8 Lights 12/12 Viparspectra xs2000. Power=50%=120w Speed controller Temp= 24c Humidity=50% Max 10 Min 6 🗓️ Mon 28/8/23 (flower day 2) 📋#1 C-vibez day 50 📋 🗓️ Tue 29/8/23 (flower day 3) 📋#1 C-vibez day 51 📋 💧 Autofeed (14x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=42mins Est Volume used 8L, est volume per plant 2L) 12.00pm on, 2.52pm off 10.5L water. Ec= 0.22 PH=6.9/7.0 Left=2.5L Used=8L Each=2L Runoff=0.3L Ec= 3.9 PH=5.8 💧 🗓️ Wed 30/8/23 (flower day 4) 📋#1 C-vibez day 52 📋 Big defoliation below then net. Need to lower RH, weather playing havoc at the moment. 🗓️ Thur 31/8/23 (flower day 5) 📋#1 C-vibez day 53 📋 Getting hot again. 🗓️ Fri 1/9/23 (flower day 6) 📋#1 C-vibez day 54 H=55 D=35 DLI=35.7 📋 Decided to give feeding a miss today as pots still had a bit of weight to them yesterday, will feed tomorrow instead. 🗓️ Sat 2/9/23 (flower day 7) 📋#1 C-vibez day 55 📋 warm again 💧 Autofeed (16x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=48mins Est Volume used 9.1L, est volume per plant 2.28L) 12.00pm on, 3.28pm off 12L Feed bloom. Ec=1.93 PH=6.3/6.3 Left=1.0L Used=11L Each=2.75L Runoff=1.0L Ec= 2.8 PH=5.8 💧 🗓️ Sun 3/9/23 (flower day 8) 📋#1 C-vibez day 56* H=60 D=30 DLI=39.9 📋 Really hot and humid again. She is transitioning into flower and is looking in great shape. I have decided to let this grow stretch more then I normally would do due to needing an increased yield for this grow. Hopefully Growdiaries is fixed and this update uploads properly. Take it easy. Back soon.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
80 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
990 PPM
45 %
8 L
19 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 9 🗓️ Mon 4/9/23 (flower day 9) 📋#1 C-vibez day 57 📋 mega hot today high Rh 🗓️ Tue 5/9/23 (flower day 10) 📋#1 C-vibez day 58 📋 even hotter again. 💧 Autofeed (16x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=48mins Est Volume used 11L, est volume per plant 2.75L) 12.00pm on, 3.28pm off 15L water. Neutralise =0.1ml/L 3 drops ph d Ec=0.2 PH=6.5/6 7 Left=3.75L Used=11.25L Each=2.8L Runoff=3.25L Ec=2.58 PH=5.7 💧 🗓️ Wed 6/9/23 (flower day 11) 📋#1 C-vibez day 59 DLI=61.6 DLI=43.4 📋 still hot and humid Raised light 9cm 🗓️ Thur 7/9/23 (flower day 12) 📋#1 C-vibez day 60 📋 heat is playing havoc still. defoliation HST Need to slowdown stretch a bit 🗓️ Fri 8/9/23 (flower day 13) 📋#1 C-vibez day 61 📋 another hot and humid day. HST Increased light power to stop stretch. Viparspectra xs2000. Power=59%=141w 💧 Autofeed (16x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=48mins Est Volume used 11L, est volume per plant 2.75L) 12.00pm on, 3.28pm off 15L Feed bloom. Ec=1.98 PH=6.5/6.8 Left=3.5L Used=11.5L Each=2.87L Runoff=2.5L Ec=2.36 PH=5.8 💧 🗓️ Sat 9/9/23 (flower day 14) 📋#1 C-vibez day 62 📋 mega hot. 🗓️ Sun 10/9/23 (flower day 15) 📋#1 C-vibez day 63* H=80 D=19 DLI=70 📋 very hot and humid defoliation. Been a tough week but she is doing great, she has been stretching nicely this week but I'm now going to have to slow her down otherwise I'll have no space between the tops and the light. Most the plants in the grow have stretched fine but I don't think I'll have a level canopy this run. Back soon. Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
91 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
965 PPM
45 %
8 L
17 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Katana Roots - Shogun
SHOGUN Katana Roots 0.2 mll
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 1 mll
Week 10 🗓️ Mon 11/9/23 (flower day 16) 📋#1 C-vibez day 64 📋 💧 Autofeed (16x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=48mins Est Volume used 11.5L, est volume per plant 2.87L) 12.00pm on, 3.28pm off 15L Feed bloom. Ec=1.93 PH=6.5/6.8 Left=3.5L Used=11.5L Each=2.87L Runoff=2.5L Ec=2.52 PH=5.8 💧 🗓️ Tue 12/9/23 (flower day 17) 📋#1 C-vibez day 65 📋 lifted lights 9cm. Not much height left really, even though I needed this crop to stretch I shouldn't have let it stretch this far. This is now where this tent fails, once you reach a certain height you then can't access anything above the plants, it needs a zip for the top part of the tent at the front. Light=130w 🗓️ Wed 13/9/23 (flower day 18) 📋#1 C-vibez day 66 📋 Still warm but cooling off a little. 🗓️ Thur 14 /9/23 (flower day 19) 📋#1 C-vibez day 67 📋 battling Rh 💧 Autofeed (16x3min runs with 10 min gap, total runtime=48mins Est Volume used 11.5L, est volume per plant 2.87L) 12.00pm on, 3.28pm off 15L water. Neutralise =0.1ml/L 0 drops ph d Ec=0.25 PH=7.0/7.0 Left=3.L Used=12L Each=3L Runoff=2.5L Ec=1.95 PH=6.0 💧 🗓️ Fri 15/9/23 (flower day 20) 📋#1 C-vibez day 68 📋 🗓️ Sat 16/9/23 (flower day 21*) 📋#1 C-vibez day 69 📋 Moved light more over #3, #4 🗓️ Sun 17/9/23 (flower day 22) 📋#1 C-vibez day 70* H=91 D=17 DLI=57 📋 looks like the weather is shifting now so hopefully it should be easier to get a grip on environment control. Lift scrog net a bit more and defoliate below it. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Silicon =1.0ml/L Calmag =0.75ml/L Bloom =3.5ml/L Boost = 2.0ml/L P/K =1.0ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=nutes Volume=14L Easy Ph down= 0.7drops/L Ec=2.15 PH=6.6/6.9 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 240 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=3.5L Volume used=10.5L Volume each=2.62L Runoff. Total runoff=2L Ec=2.32 PH=5.9 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 It's been a great week, I have got a decent amount of spacing between my flowers and her overall shape is looking good. I'm enjoying playing with my new camera, not quite got it set right yet but the pictures will become better throught the rest of the grow. Back soon Take it easy
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
94 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
975 PPM
45 %
8 L
19 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.5 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom 3 mll
Week 11 🗓️ Mon 18/9/23 (flower day 23) 📋#1 C-vibez day 71 🗓️ Tue 19/9/23 (flower day 24) 📋#1 C-vibez day 72 📋 lifted light 5cm, can't go any higher. Increased power to 150W 🗓️ Wed 20/9/23 (flower day 25) 📋#1 C-vibez day 73 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.25 PH=6.9/7.1 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 240 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=4L Volume used=11L Volume each=2 75L Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=1.88 PH=6.0 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Thur 21/9/23 (flower day 26) 📋#1 C-vibez day 74 🗓️ Fri 22/9/23 (flower day 27) 📋#1 C-vibez day 75 🗓️ Sat 23/9/23 (flower day 28*) 📋#1 C-vibez day 76 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Bloom Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 1.66 drops/L Ec=1.95 PH=6.7/6.8 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 240 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=4L Volume used=11L Volume each=2.75L Runoff. Total runoff=2L Ec=2.36 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sun 24/9/23 (flower day 29) 📋#1 C-vibez day 77* H=94 D=19 DLI=64 She has really kicked into gear and is showing massive potential to have some decent size buds, time will tell. I think she is dominating everything in the tent. I'm also at max height with my light, I did let them stretch a little to much. Back soon Take it easy
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Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
95 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
875 PPM
45 %
8 L
18 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.5 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom 3 mll
Week 12 🗓️ Mon 25/9/23 (flower day 30) 📋#1 C-vibez day 78 📋 🗓️ Tue 26/9/23 (flower day 31) 📋#1 C-vibez day 79 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 0.26 drops/L Ec=0.26 PH=6.5/6.6 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 240 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=4.5L Volume used=10.5L Volume each=2.6L Runoff. Total runoff=2L Ec=1.85 PH=6.0 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Wed 27/9/23 (flower day 32) 📋#1 C-vibez day 80 📋 🗓️ Thur 28/9/23 (flower day 33) 📋#1 C-vibez day 81 📋 🗓️ Fri 29/9/23 (flower day 34) 📋#1 C-vibez day 82 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Bloom Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 1.8 drops/L Ec=1.75 PH=6.7/6.9 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Extra 7 min run @ 5.55pm Extra 3 min run @ 7.20pm Total runtime=58 mins Total flowrate= 240 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=2.2L Volume used=12.8L Volume each=3.2L Runoff. Total runoff=3.25L Ec= 2.26 PH= 6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sat 30/9/23 (flower day 35) 📋#1 C-vibez day 83 📋 🗓️ Sun 1/10/23 (flower day 36) 📋#1 C-vibez day 84* H=95 D=18 DLI=67 📋 She has really started to show that she is going to be bulky. Looking at her compared to the others in the tent I have made a mistake by putting her at the front because she is going to go longer then the others I think, it's just going to be a bit of a pain pulling the other plants out when they are ready. Still messing about with settings on my new camera to find a good balance with the pictures. Back soon Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
810 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.25 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom 2.75 mll
Week 13 🗓️ Mon 2/10/23 (flower day 37) 📋#1 C-vibez day 85 📋 🗓️ Tue 3/10/23 (flower day 38) 📋#1 C-vibez day 86 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 0.33 drops/L Ec=0.24 PH=6.4/6.6 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=2.5L Volume used=12.5L Volume each=3.125L Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=1.84 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Wed 4/10/23 (flower day 39) 📋#1 C-vibez day 87 📋 put support stakes in because the weight of the flowers are starting to bend the stems. Defoliation. 🗓️ Thur 5/10/23 (flower day 40) 📋#1 C-vibez day 88 📋 🗓️ Fri 6/10/23 (flower day 41) 📋#1 C-vibez day 89 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Bloom Volume=16L Easy Ph down= 2.13 drops/L Ec=1.62 PH=6.5/6.6 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 270 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=3L Volume used=13L Volume each=3.25L Runoff. Total runoff=4L Ec=2.28 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sat 7/10/23 (flower day 42) 📋#1 C-vibez day 90 Weight from flowers is causing bends 🗓️ Sun 8/10/23 (flower day 43) 📋#1 C-vibez day 91* H=93 D=20 DLI=64 📋 repair work mainly. This week for this plant really confirmed that she should yield well as the more the buds form the more the stems started to bend. Quite a few stems had bent over 90 deg so I had to start adding supports. She is definitely going to be the last one to be harvested in this grow. Back soon Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
760 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.25 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom 2.5 mll
Week 14 🗓️ Mon 9/10/23 (flower day 44) 📋#1 C-vibez day 92 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=15L Easy Ph down= 0.4 drops/L Ec=0.29 PH=6.3/6.3 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=5.5L Volume used=9.5L Volume each=3.16L Runoff. Total runoff=2L Ec=1.68 PH=6.3 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Tue 10/10/23 (flower day 45) 📋#1 C-vibez day 93 📋 🗓️ Wed 11/10/23 (flower day 46) 📋#1 C-vibez day 94 📋 🗓️ Thur 12/10/23 (flower day 47) 📋#1 C-vibez day 95 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Bloom Volume=12L Easy Ph down= 2. drops/L Ec=1.52 PH=6.7/6.9 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 270 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=3.5L Volume used=8.5L Volume each=2.8L Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=2.86 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Fri 13/10/23 (flower day 48) 📋#1 C-vibez day 96 📋 🗓️ Sat 14/10/23 (flower day 49) 📋#1 C-vibez day 97 🗓️ Sun 15/10/23 (flower day 50) 📋#1 C-vibez day 98* H=93 D=20 DLI=64 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=12L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.29 PH=6.9/7.0 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=1.5L Volume used=10.5L Volume each=3.5L Runoff. Total runoff=3L Ec=2.32 PH=6.3 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 She is massive really, very big flowers. I'm betting that I'm underfeeding her but as the others aren't as hungry she is possibly going to suffer a little. Looks like the bamboo stakes are doing there job as the colas aren't falling over as much. Back soon Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
760 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 6
SHOGUN Silicon - Shogun
SHOGUN Silicon 1 mll
SHOGUN CalMag - Shogun
SHOGUN CalMag 0.25 mll
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom - Shogun
SHOGUN Samurai Terra Bloom 2.5 mll
Week 15 🗓️ Mon 16/10/23 (flower day 51) 📋#1 C-vibez day 99 📋 🗓️ Tue 17/10/23 (flower day 52) 📋#1 C-vibez day 100 📋 🗓️ Wed 18/10/23 (flower day 53) 📋#1 C-vibez day 101 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Bloom Volume=12L Easy Ph down= 3.drops/L Ec=1.5 PH=6.5/6.7 Runs=16 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=48 mins Total flowrate= 270 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=3.28pm Volume left=1.25L Volume used=10.75L Volume each=3.58L Runoff. Total runoff=3.75L Ec=2.45 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Thur 19/10/23 (flower day 54) 📋#1 C-vibez day 102 📋 🗓️ Fri 20/10/23 (flower day 55) 📋#1 C-vibez day 103 📋 🗓️ Sat 21/10/23 (flower day 56) 📋#1 C-vibez day 104 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=water Volume=12L Easy Ph down= 0.33 drops/L Ec=0.23 PH=6.3/6.4 Runs=14 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=42 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.52pm Volume left=4L Volume used=8L Volume each=2.7L Runoff. Total runoff=1L Ec=1.57 PH=6.2 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sun 22/10/23 (flower day 57) 📋#1 C-vibez day 105* H=93 D=20 DLI=64 📋Moved her to the back. I'm glad she has a bit of space because those colas are bending from the weight. She still has a bit of time to go but with others getting harvested she will benefit from a bit more space. She is slightly under fed really. Back soon. Take it easy.
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Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
790 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 4 mll
SHOGUN Sumo Boost - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Boost 1 mll
Week 16 🗓️ Mon 23/10/23 (flower day 58) 📋#1 C-vibez day 106 📋 🗓️ Tue 24/10/23 (flower day 59) 📋#1 C-vibez day 107 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Neutralise =0.1ml/L Ripen=4ml/L Boost=1ml/L Method= Autofeed Feed=Ripen Volume=12L Easy Ph up= 3 drops/L Ec=1.58H=6.0/6.2 Runs=14 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=42 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.52pm Volume left=7L Volume used=5L Volume each=2.5L Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=2.24 PH=6.0 Manually feed an extra 1.5L each Runoff=1.5L Ec=2.86 PH=5.9 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Wed 25/10/23 (flower day 60) 📋#1 C-vibez day 108 📋 🗓️ Thur 26/10/23 (flower day 61) 📋#1 C-vibez day 109 📋 🗓️ Fri 27/10/23 (flower day 62) (went away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 110 📋Ripen 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Ripen Volume=10L Easy Ph up= 3.5 drops/L Ec=1.58H=6.2/6.3 Runs=14 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=42 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.52pm Volume left=3L Volume used=7L Volume each=3.5L Runoff. Total runoff=3.0L Ec=3.2 PH=5.9 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sat 28/10/23 (flower day 63) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 111 📋 🗓️ Sun 29/10/23 (flower day 64) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 112* 📋 🗓️ Mon 30/10/23 (flower day 65) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 113 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Water Volume=18L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runs=12 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=36 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.26pm Volume left= Est 13L Volume used=Est 5L Volume each= Est 2.5L Runoff. Total runoff= Est 0.5L Ec=PH= 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Tue 31/10/23 (flower day 66) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 114 📋 🗓️ Wed 1/11/23 (flower day 67) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 115 📋 🗓️ Thur 2/11/23 (flower day 68) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 116 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Water Volume=Est 13L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runs=12 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=36 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.26pm Volume left= Est 8L Volume used=est 5L Volume each=est 2.5L Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=PH= 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 I went away part way through the week and she was doing fine before I went. Depending on how far off she is when I get back will determine if I run another weeks update or go to harvest report. She has really done well and the extra space around her is helping mature the lower buds. Back soon. Take it easy.
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Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
225 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Week 17 🗓️ Mon 30/10/23 (flower day 65) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 113 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Water Volume=18L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runs=12 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=36 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.26pm Volume left= Est 13L Volume used=Est 5L Volume each= Est 2.5L Runoff. Total runoff= Est 0.5L Ec=PH= 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Tue 31/10/23 (flower day 66) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 114 📋 🗓️ Wed 1/11/23 (flower day 67) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 115 📋 🗓️ Thur 2/11/23 (flower day 68) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 116 📋 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= Autofeed Feed=Water Volume=Est 13L Easy Ph down= 0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runs=12 Run times=3 mins Gap times=10 mins Total runtime=36 mins Total flowrate= 260 ml/min Auto start time=12.00pm Auto stop time=2.26pm Volume left= Est 8L Volume used=est 5L Volume each=est 2.5L Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=PH= 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Fri 3/11/23 (flower day 69) (away) 📋#1 C-vibez day 117 📋 arrived home before lights out. Defoliation Autofeed worked as expected. Volume left=8.25L Volume used=9.75L Volume each=4.8L Runoff. Total runoff=0L Ec=PH= 🗓️ Sat 4/11/23 (flower day 70) 📋#1 C-vibez day 118 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= manually Feed=Flawless Volume= 2L Easy Ph up=0 drops/L Ec=0.45H=6.0 Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=PH= 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Water Method= manually Feed=water Volume= 2L Easy Ph up=0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runoff. Total runoff=3.0L Ec=2.1 PH=6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Sun 5/11/23 (flower day 71) 📋#1 C-vibez day 119 📋 I was away for a large chunk of this week and, while I'm away I only feed plain water. This girl could have done with nutes really, she's fading now so it won't be long until harvest. The supports have done there job by stopping the colas snapping. Back soon. Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
125 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 1 mll
Week 18 🗓️ Mon 6/11/23 (flower day 72) 📋#1 C-vibez day 120 📋 looking almost ready 🗓️ Tue 7/11/23 (flower day 73 ) 📋#1 C-vibez day 121 📋 🗓️ Wed 8/11/23 (flower day 74) 📋#1 C-vibez day 122 📋 defoliation 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Water Method= manually Feed=water Volume= 3L each Easy Ph up=0 drops/L Ec=0.25H=6.8 Runoff. Total runoff=1L Ec=2.4 PH=6.2 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 🗓️ Thur 9/11/23 (flower day 75) 📋#1 C-vibez day 123 📋 Harvest tomorrow I recon. 🗓️ Fri 10/11/23 (flower day 76) 📋#1 C-vibez day 124 Harvest 700g wet 📋 The C-vibez had gone as far as possible and I cut her down today. I'm hoping to get 2 weeks dry and a few days cure before I write the harvest report up, 🤞 the diary should be finished in time to be eligible for the Dutch Passion competition. Back soon with Harvest report. Take it easy.
Used techniques
Week 18. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
📋 Growing her. This girl did really well she got the most space in the tent, really outgrew everything in there. She could have done with more feeds but its such a balancing act feeding multiple strains. Good weights on the colas made them bend. She was in veg for 48 days and flowered for 76 days, which is a total of 124 days. Produced some really nice solid big buds. I'm hoping to have the smoke report finished before the competition ends. The buds have been dried and trimmed, I'm just letting it cure as much as I can before the comp ends.
Show more
Spent 135 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
700 g
Bud wet weight per plant
75 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Earthy, Herbs, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance
🗓️ Fri 10/11/23 (flower day 76) 📋#1 C-vibez day 124 Harvest 700g wet 📋 Hang plant whole. 🗓️ wed 22/11/23 📋#1 C-vibez dry 12 days 📋 Start trimming C-vibez. Trimmed a few hours 28g from 4 colas. 🗓️ Thur 23/11/23 📋#1 C-vibez dry 13 days 📋 Finished trimming C-vibez. Trimmed a few hours 47g from 6 colas. Total dry=75g Larf=15g Trim=30g 🗓️ Sat 25/11/23 📋#1 C-vibez jar 2 days. re weigh=75g 📋#2 Runtz jar 17 days. re weigh=42g 📋#3 Cherry Pie jar 20 days. re weigh=36g 📋#4 Slurricane jar 4 days. re weigh=55g 📋total =208g 📋 Grow stats #1 C-vibez Wet=700g Dry=75g Larf=15g #2 Runtz wet=500g Dry=42g Larf=5g #3 Cherry Pie Wet=494g Dry=36g Larf=1g #4 Slurricane Wet=600g Dry=55g Larf=10g Total wet=2294g Total Dry=208g Total Larf=31g Then the hash I get from the larf and trim. Light started at 49w and eventually settled around 150w mid way through the grow. 208g÷150w= 1.38g/w
Week 20. Flowering
a year ago
93 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
125 PPM
45 %
8 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 1 mll
I added this week so I could use this picture as the cover picture because the site wouldn't let me change the picture. But it didn't work, I still couldn't change the cover picture and now it won't let me delete this extra added week.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Never mind.
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limelight77commentedweek 02 years ago
Killit Brotha!!!!
Hou_Stonecommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy growing buddy 🤸‍♂️ Best of luck 🌲🙏🌲
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Hou_Stone, thanks mate and the same to you.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 02 years ago
Ich wünsch dir ein großartiges Wachstum, und Spaß. Ich werde deiner Dame gespannt beim wachsen zusehen.💪🏼✌️🏼
Ieiogrow94commentedweek 12 years ago
Buona coltivazione bro 🔥🌲
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Ieiogrow94, thank you.
resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and happy growing 😁
Hashycommented2 years ago
@@resimax, thanks mate and same to you.
Willy_Ballscommentedweek 8a year ago
Lookin saucy!! Beautiful lush green canopy. Wish You they turn out great.
Hashycommenteda year ago
@Willy_Balls, thank you, the whole grow is doing really well.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 82 years ago
They are looking great man, let's see what they do in flower
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, thanks mate
resimaxcommentedweek 22 years ago
Interesting strain. Looking great so far!
Hashycommented2 years ago
@@resimax, I'm curious about this strain. So far looks good.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 62 years ago
Deine Pflanzen sind sehr schön gewachsen, wie ich sehe hast du sie gut unter Kontrolle.👍🏼
Gruenerfinger85commented2 years ago
@Hashy, das freut mich sehr. Meine sind leider Schwanger geworden durch Licht Stress.
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Gruenerfinger85, thanks mate. Everything ticking along nicely.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 22 years ago
Eine großartige Sorte, du wirst deine Freude mit ihr haben. Ich baue diesen Strain zum zweiten mal an, und bin wieder sehr begeistert.
Gruenerfinger85commented2 years ago
@Hashy, oh das hört sich gut an. Ich wünsch dir viel Glück und Spaß, das wird bestimmt großartig ich schau ihr beim wachsen zu.👍🏻
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Gruenerfinger85, I'm at 6 weeks with her at the moment and she is a nice shape, another few weeks and I'll put her into flower.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 82 years ago
Ich glaube deine Ladys werden mega aussehen. Sehr gesund und kräftig
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Gruenerfinger85, thanks mate, been challenging with the environment recently but they have all made it through it no problems.
Metatronixcommentedweek 12 years ago
All the best to your new girl on her journey to frostiness growmie 🌱💚
Hashycommented2 years ago
@Metatronix, thanks mate.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 52 years ago
Sie sehen echt schön und kräftig aus.
XII_XII_MrGreencommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck with the new ones🌱🍀
GrowerOGcommentedweek 7a year ago
hello friend, your diary is wonderful, a lot of informations and photos. Thank you for share this strain, l will do one day 😁. I would like to kwon more about the product Neutralise if you can because i olso have chlorine in my tap water, my solution is concern at chlorine to evaporate before I use the water. Good luck and happy harverst!!
GrowerOGcommenteda year ago
@Hashy, thank you! Now i'm sure that waiting the natural evaporation of chlorine is enough.👌
Hashycommenteda year ago
@GrowerOG, I find it a really useful product, 1 drop per litre of water. I'll get my water let it rest an hour then add the amount of drops I need, give it a good stare then leave half an hour before adding nutes in, seems to do a good job. Doesn't really effect Ec or Ph. I used to leave the water for a minimum of 12 hours before adding nutes to it to let the chlorine evaporate as much as possible. This stuff neutralises it quite quickly. You can buy a small bottle that's quite cheap, I'd do that and give it a go.
GreenHarvest_Officialcommentedweek 15a year ago
Those Colas are so Fat 😮. Very nicely done, enjoy the harvest 😉
Hashycommenteda year ago
@GreenHarvest_Official, she will be coming down any day now.
Newbie87commentedweek 13a year ago
Wow 👌
Hashycommenteda year ago
@Newbie87, thanks
Lonelygrasscommentedweek 13a year ago
C vibes looks good🍁❤️
Herbie101commentedweek 18a year ago
Wow Hashy, you constructed some huge colas! Happy harvest! I'm looking forward to the smoke review! Cheers🌱🌞🍀
Hashycommenteda year ago
@Herbie101, thanks mate but I think it was all down to genes.
Gruenerfinger85commentedweek 15a year ago
Ohne Worte! Erstklassig.✌️🏼
Hashycommenteda year ago
the end.
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