She start to have some deficiency even i boosted nutrients on this strain 2x. ..she's been too dry few days before leafs started yellowing(No time to water them ๐) after getting some water she raised up but yellow.
Seams like sometimes foliar application give a issue with brown spots. Same as you would leave droplet of nutieted water on leaf. From other hand a day after a picture was taken colours look way better, but some new burned spots shown up. All done just before night time. (Max 1min. of exposure to light.)
That give me a lot of mixed signals...
Overall in last week she's was littlebit under feed with too long dry period. Spraying more under leaf is way to go but plant is way too small for that.
Still I think I will be able to fix it on her...also this is a stage when they should start changing coulour.
I started 10 days ago run of runtz in coco/perlite. See if plant will be any bigger in diffeent medium. At momemnt i have 3 Runtz, 4 and 7 galon pebbles/coco and 4 galon coco/perlite. Propobly i will add one more in perlite to keep balance in statistics.
Can't get a lot if genetics are poor...let's test that out!
@@justsomedude420, Does Organic Tests are for dial 3 diffrent medium's to use one feeding with BioTabs. Technically it's dry ๐
Shogun and Organicus its just kinda show case for me synthetics vs organics. With twist of using most 1-2 nutrients for Organic grow. Peace โ๏ธ
@@justsomedude420, I have some too but fem GG#4 from Zamnesia also auto ver same strain ๐ im kinda too invested in to new methods. Learning a lot more than i even wanted. ๐
For example most of bottled organics are bs ๐คฃ
@Loran11144, My problem was Shogun is quite potent and doesn't have feed for autos . Nether article from Fast Buds which did most of known brands and publish ther feed. I still didn't dialed in. Some people had way better results but had plant with proper feed from begining. My White Widow had 2 flushes because of same issue. I have one more Forbidden Runtz which is propobly biggest but nothing special. This plant is done in coco/perlite. To check how bad my feeding was... coco/pebbles second very bad choice from me. (Ph fluctuations, to bad drainage, to hard for autos) and then overwatering. I did stop doing it "on eye".
So my problem was too much instead of laziness. I know it can be done with minimum effort. Just im not looking for finished method done by someone else.
@Atalant, i think so too. When you give it too much it gets lazy af . Gets too comfortable. I am facing same problem now - nutrient burn. Now i will give only a tiny drop of nutrients once a week to it