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16set Mainline - First Ever Grow & Daily Progressives c_0

a year ago
Room Type
weeks 4-7, 9-14
weeks 4-8, 10-11, 13, 17
weeks 4-5, 10-11, 13
weeks 4-7, 9-11, 13
weeks 4-5, 7
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
2.84 L
2 years ago
Day -7 Using Fox Farm FX14047-2PK FOXFARM FX14047 pH Adjusted Happy Frog Organic Bags 2 CUFT, Brown Potting Soil from Amazon balanced my test water to 6.2 equal parts soil/water (measured 1 cup each) mixed to sit for 24hrs for soil test before brewing Day -6 Soil screened and tested PH of 4.85 and 2400ppm (concerned with those numbers being so far from what I expected, I calibrated the meter and saw that they were the same after calibration) tested tap water (before and after calibration) and found I have 8.0ph and 289ppm as a baseline in the future I will want the brewing water to be on the opposite side of my target ph, so I am adding water with a ph of 7.55 to help balance the soil at 6.2 (6.2 target - 4.85 tested soil = 1.85 deficit and then a 6.2 target +1.85 tested soil deficiency = 7.55 to balance) I am concerned about the high ppm but not sure what to do about it (organic medium so I am assuming they have more nutrients already) other than simply dont add any nutrients for at least a month. (much appreciate any tips if anyone has any.) Began the Brew! I made about 2 gallons of brew water with a ph of 7.5 and added to the pre-measured 5 gal fabric pots -- I didnt use it all but just enough to moisten the whole batch in a clean, oversized concrete mixing tub- Mixed with my hands to ensure it was all moist but not overly saturated as I could not squeeze any water out of a tight fistful Plans for brewed soil is to let it rest for 2 days and allow the mycorrhizal fungi get a chance to begin growing before day 0 (perlite wont be here until day-4 where I plan to move the soil back into the pots after I have an inch of perlite as a base in the pots for drainage) I also have two seeds in a brown bag on the counter at room temp - one was pre-chilled in the frig for the past 4 days and the other has never been chilled - I plan to take pics showing each in detail before I germinate in water on day -4 Day -5 Inspected seeds while they are still in the pack with an jewelers loupe/light attached to my camera. - 2 seeds in total and they both look good to me - not white or green, no visible open cracks, 1 has a deformity over the belly button (will ask for onions of others) but from outside the package it doesnt appear to be an open crack in the shell. Both seeds feature nice tiger markings over excellent "vein" marks on shiny casings Checked on my soil; temp was 71F and humidity was 63% - took 1 cup from center for testing now that it has brewed for 24 hrs with my 7.5ph water. made a new slurry with 1 more cup of 7.5 ph water and will let it soak for another 24hrs. I decided to check the slurry from this point as well. The ppm results were shocking... 5.97 ph and 1130 ppm --- not really sure of the ppm readings being less, but I 'did' expect the ph to be higher than yesterday's 4.85. I will drain and measure the run off again tomorrow. Day -4 Boiled water and sanitized glasses for 1 minute each - also boiled germination water to remove any chlorine from my tap water and then ph balanced it to 6.25 after it cooled. Checked soil slurry from my test and found the ph to be about 5.6 both before and after straining (I assumed this would be the same reading I got from a run-off test) Since it's still lower than what I want I plan to use 7.5ph water for first month when watering is needed since it is pulling up the ph without draining the nutrients out. Inspected my seeds outside the pack and found that the deformity was more of a shadow at the casing's "belly button" - no cracks and both seeds look to be in excellent condition. I placed each in a cup and covered in foil to soak - I plan to let them soak in the cup for a few hours and then set into rapid rooters tonight soaked my rapid rooters (used de-chlorinated water and peroxide with 6.3ph) squeezed under water then about half out (weighed 25grams) put the seeds in about an inch deep and capped with a piece from the side - set up on a warming mat and two full spectrum low level lights (pppf showed 150 to 200 at soil level of the pods - hope this is good enough while I wait for my tent to get here (listed as out for delivery by 8pm for 2 days now) Day -3 not much to do today... so I potted my soil, placed about an inch of perlite in the base and topped with my brewing soil mix. Each pot weighs 16lbs even. Built my tent (finally got here) Tested my lights (over 1K pppf at about 12 to 18 inches so I feel I can get what I need out of them[lights are still set to 150/200 at soil level for now) and placed the inline vent to pull from the top with a small fan and blow out the bottom through the carbon filter to help raise the temp - although the concrete around it might be hard to warm up without some other source of heat - Winters in MN are pretty cold so I may have to insulate around the outside of the tent. placed my seed starters and their heating pad in the tent. just monitoring temps and testing things out now. Day -2 no sprouts and no need to do anything but leave them alone. Seed starter tray temp/humidity was 85 degrees F and 77% I finished my last test with the soil and weighed it again to see that overnight in the tent cost .5 lb of weight from each pot. Satisfied with that number I placed my last amount of soil on top giving me 17 lbs. total weight (16 starting weight-.5 overnight =15.5 current weight and 15.5 +1.5 additional soil =17.0 total) I also put the cover over my filter and then my pots back. Day -1 not much to talk about today - My pre-chilled seed broke out and the other still has not.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Grow Questions
Insaniac_0started grow question 2 years ago
Should I be concerned about my organic ph balanced Happy Frog soil having a ph value of 4.85 and a ppm of 2500?
Setup. Substrates
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
pH is definitely a problem. Organic often reads much higher in PPM than what matters -- int his specific case, not everything can enter the plant, so the water that diffuses into the plant will have a lower ppm than what is in the soil -- this is not the case with "hydro" nutes that are 100% soluble and 100% plant-ready, therefore go into the plant fully and immediately as diffusion across semi permiable membrans of the roots occurs. 4.8 pH will lock out nutrients. it doesn't matter what kind of fertilizer you are using. now, soil pH readings are suspect to start. so that is also a consideration. any experience with this soil before and didn't measure these things? sometimes ingorance is bliss. running a bunch of ph-adjusted water through it will only waste your efforts of creating the soil - a lot of nutes will just go down the drain and never be used. so in future maybe find some amendments that help correct his low pH. water and let it simmer a bit to even out. Like adding garden lime i belive raises pH. This will provide a good amount of calcium too. possibly have to adjust anything else that adds Ca, if previous ratio/concentration of nutes was proper to start. mix some in, get it wet so it dissolves a bit, and it should cause pH to rise. can test with small sample of soil... work out ratio you want to add to large volume without ruining it. if you make amistake can just toss out teh small tester sample you used. so in regard to the ppm of the nutes.. it depends on many factors that are not given here. as far as the pH, if true, you definitely want to adjust that one way or another. 99% certain.
Insaniac_0started grow question 2 years ago
I haven't taken my seeds out of the package yet, but was looking at them closer; one has a deformity over the "belly button" of the casing (it doesnt appear to be to be an open crack). Should I ask for my money back or try to use it? Source says it was their last RR when I got it
Setup. Seeds
Germination. Glass
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
Reach out to the breeder and ask em what they think and they might offer to send you one if they feel its deformed. Also call your bank where you got it from and ask them if they think it looks normal. They might offer some insightful advice. To me its weird but I would still grow it. if it does not germinate most companies have a germination guarantee. The RQS rep is on this site. if you message them they might be able to help. Good Luck!
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
72 %
24 °C
19 L
Day 0 Transfer day! So I ended up with 1 seed germinating and the other was a dud - the one that had a deformity on the "belly button". I prepared some 7.5ph water after a new calibration (about half cup) I tossed the top layers (about 6 to 10 inches deep) and weighed the pot to find that I had 15 lbs and 4oz. I didnt add any more. I inspected the rapid rooter pod of the new plant and seen the tap root peaking out from underneath. That was my cue to transplant now. Since it was only an inch big on the top I buried it at soil level. I then pour the half cup of 80F/7.5 ph water about 3 inches away from the new plant. I also placed a new dome with 3 vent holes over it. I then checked the lighting at the plant surface and found a 150 to 220 pppf spot to leave it. Lights are set to 18/6 schedule on a timer now. My tent has been running cool (73 to 74F) and my humidifier was delayed in shipping. So I placed a heater inside to bring the temp up and small cup of boiling water to increase humidity. And my inline vent is set to mid level at the bottom of the tent to help draw in heat from top. I also have a fan that blows down from the top Day 1 Started the day off with getting an exchange from the retailer that sold me a deformed seed. After that I inspected the new seed. No deformities in shape or color and no visible cracks, nice belly button, good veins, and a slight brown color with the tiger marks. (not sure if that matters, but noted it anyways.) Got my hot/cool humidifier today and set it to maintain about 75% humidity. It also helped bring the temp up in my tent. (still not over 78F but I like 76 better than 73) Seed warmer is maintaining 85 on the mat. I was going to soak the seed cap off the cotyledons with water and peroxide and then pick it off, but after one drop from a dropper, it simply fell off. Day 2 no need to really do anything today other than monitor the situation. So temp was about 76F and humidity about 80% in the tent. Seed starter day 1 showed temp at 85F and humidity also at 80% inside the covered dome. Noticed the sprout was collecting water on the leaves and cotyledons so I dabbed it off and made two more holes on the cover top. Continued to monitor throughout the day and that seemed to help. Also noticed that mycelium is growing on the soil top now. Day 3 Sprout showed more water collecting on the leaves, so I dabbed it off again and put another hole in the dome. Temp was 75F and 81%RH - turned humidifier down to achieve a RH between 70% and 80% Day 4 Sprout showed no signs of water collecting on leaves or cotyledons - The dirt looked dry but it felt wet when finger tested about 3 inches from the plant so I decided to let it be for today. 76% RH was better and where I plan to leave it for now. But the tent got a little warmer now that I have a heater inside, had to dial it back now as it read 84F I want to have about 78F +/- 2 Day 5 Sprout showed nice advance in visual size (just eyed) Dirt tested somewhat dry so I made some (1/2 cup total) de-chlorinated water at 7.4ph and peroxide. I finger tossed the top inch or two of soil and watered around base again with a flower watering can. I also sprayed the remaining top with a spray bottle with more 7.4/H2O2 water (no more than 1/8th cup) Temp was 78F and 78%RH Day 6 Sprout noticeably bigger today so I measured for future reference
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
8.89 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
75 %
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
1065 PPM
Day 7 Measured the distance of soil to lamp and soil to leaves to see if they were getting enough ppfd for photosynthesis (18" soil to lamp - 3.5" soil to leaves = 14.5" distance of leaves to light where photone measured 325ppfd for LED full spectrum at the top of the leaves) The light is still on low power but I dont want to take it too far away either. 300 to 325 is where I had expected to be this week - so I plan to monitor to ensure its height doesn't get the leaves past 350 for this week; I may have to adjust. Soil still looked moist but I didnt check with a finger. Temp was 79F and 74%RH CO2 level was 1065 Royal Queen Seeds rep replied and told me that the situation with the seeds is not typical and if I bought them from the website I could contact their customer support. Unfortunately that wasn't the case this time, but I wont be using hte local retailer for future purchases of Royal Queen Seeds and I will go directly to the source rather than using "unknown retailer practices." Im still looking for this grow to be a good one. (or at least a good experience to measure future grows from) Day 8 Soil looked dry but finger tested to see it was still moist so checked again before lights out and decided tomorrow will start with a light watering. (also felt the leaves - texture is almost velvet like) Temp stayed consistent at 78F with RH between 73 to 76%RH Day 9 started the day with 75F/75RH with 71.1 soil temp - The soil looked and felt dry about an inch deep - weighed the pot and found 13lbs and 5oz. prepared 2lbs of 7.4ph (66F) water and H2O2 to get back to the starting weight of 15.5lbs. Used flower pot to water around the stem and then a spray bottle to moisten the top - in total just what I weighed out. (about 3 ups) rechecked the soil temp and seen the same reading as before. Calibrated and my ph meter and Prepared my Veg Concentrate Mix to store until the next feed - exact recipe listed in week 3 when I start using it. I removed the dome tonight as I feel I have a nice handle on the humidity now. I plan to set the overnight tgts at 73F and 65%RH for a .97 KPA of room VPD Measured light at leaves and seen 340 still where I want it but will continue to monitor. Day 10 I checked the stats at lights on time to see what the end result was overnight with humidifier and heater set to achieve 73F/65%RH with inline vent set to lowest - got 69F/73%RH but saw that was the humidifier just kicking off at its highest just as the lights came on. I'll adjust the heater up a few degrees tonight and keep the same setting on the humidifier. One hour later I had 78F/75%RH with 70F/70%RH settings and 50% vent power. Set up a second fan to strength train the stem. Also raised the lights a bit since my new ppfd was at 340 - now back at 325ppfd and about 15 inches away from the leaves. Day 11 Not much to report today Lights were 330-340 ppfd today at leaves, soil is moist under the top 1/4 inch, fan is gently bouncing the leaves and heat/humidity seemed stable. 74F/69%RH was at lights on -- after that it was 78F/71%RH for the rest of the day. Day 12 My new PH meter showed up today, so I was able to check the slurry I had prepared for a PH test. Glad I did - the old meter showed 2.4 then climbed about.02 every second for what seemed forever... eventually (seriously minutes later) it showed 4.04 and still climbing (that was the reason I ordered another one - this one could never calibrate correctly as a result of this imbalance) The second PH however was same brand and model but came with dead batteries, new battery housing replacement, and a booklet that had been crumpled up in a corner of the package... refurbished and sold as new. -- it measured the same sample as 5.84 to 5.64 -- better, but I decided to get a refund and order a new one -- different brand this time. The new ph meter came same day so I calibrated it and used it on the same sample soil -- it showed 5.75 so i think that is better than the first one i had and it matched the new one with deadish batteries. Saw a gnat today - so I put out some sticky insect pads and re-directed my fan to blow more directly on the soil - I checked the pads later this evening and no insects, so I think I'll skip the tea for now. I checked light ppfd and have 3.25 to 3.5 might need to trun the large leaves Day 13 Checked lights, had to reposition to a 12 O'clock position and raise lights today. Moved light panel about 20" from soil and 15.5" from leaf tops. That gave me 300 at 12, 295 at 3, 300 at 6, and 305 at 9 - I didnt want to reduce them too much since they have been going at 325 to 350 already and tomorrow is the start of week 3. Temps running 77 to 78 most all day with humidity at soil checking in at a 10 degree range between 61 and 71 - humidifier is set to maintain 65% but the fan directly on the soil moves the humidity off at that level - I will move the fan again tomorrow, but for now I want to see if I have an insect issue. Soil is mostly dry on the upper 2" now - so I will check again before lights out and decide if I am going to feed with nutes tomorrow or wait another day. (it's had 2 plain water feedings of about 1 cup and 3 cups so far) par weight is 15lbs 4 oz
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
180 PPM
70 %
21 °C
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
50.8 cm
1400 PPM
Nutrients 6
FloraMicro (General Hydoponics 5-0-1) 13.209 mll
FloraGro (General Hydoponics 2-1-6) 1.321 mll
FloraBloom (General Hydoponics 0-5-4) 5.283 mll
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 14 No bugs on the fly traps! So I took them out about mid day today and re-positioned my fans to mount just out side the edges of my lights angled down in a cross pattern over the soil in a vortex around the plant. This caused a few issues in getting the ventilation right as noticed in my temps and humidity having wild ranges. Finally got it balanced at 75F/68%RH with my in line vent at 50%. Will reduce heat and humidity overnight by about 5 each. Nice growth this week and now the lights are at 305 ppfd at center of plant. Soil is pretty dry on top and now also about 2" deep, so I will definitely have to water tomorrow. Day 15 will be a nute feeding. Day 15 Checked soil down 2" - nothing stuck to my finger so I weighed it - got 13lb 3oz (par weight is 15lb 4oz) so I made 2lb 1oz of nute water. (pictured the fans because they are drying the top pretty fast in this position.) measured my amounts by ppm - started with 32 ppm (purified water) added epsom salt, then nutes, and topped with H2O2 - then ph balanced it to par ph of 7.4 (temp of 69F) watering can around the plant and then sprayed some of the feed water along the top of the dirt to get everything evenly moist as well - then I just poured the remaining amount around in the circle again to make sure I used the whole amount of the feed water. let it go for the rest of the day and measured again this evening. temps 77F - 68%RH - 50% IL Vent - lights 340 ppdf at highest and 330 at center and 325 at weakest. Day 16 Exactly! On auto pilot now. Not much to do but watch it. temps in the tent are slightly cooler than before now that the fans are moving more air around. But the humidity seems to be in a tighter ranger now as well, so I'll take it. 74F/63% RH and IL vent at 50% - lights at 340 at highest and 315 at lowest (longer leaves are starting to reach outward now) and about 330 at center. Checked soil ph now that I have fed it again. Showed 3.94 (but have to add 1.25 from calibrated numbers; long story short, It runs all buffer calibrations/tests accurately, but lower by 1.25) so actually it's 5.19 which is still low... next feed will consider/calculate this data as well. Day 17 Still on cruise control. stats stable running about 73F/63 to 66% RH/50% IL Vent - and 350 highest ppfd and 315 at the lowest with 350 at center now - thinking I will reduce by another inch or so tomorrow, shooting for no higher than 350 by end of week. Day 18 Not much to worry about today. Normal stats 73F to 76F /63% to 66% RH/50% IL Vent - I moved the lights up a bit more today, now at 21" from soil and 15" from leaf tops - ppfd 335 at highest, 330 at center, and 320 at weakest. Soil was already dry again, so Im going to give more nutes tomorrow on day 19 (4 days after last feed) Day 19 Watering day - checked soil again last night and determined it was dry 2 inches down, so I planned to feed this morning. Checked the weight (par is still 15 lb and 4 oz) had 13lbs and 7oz- prepared 1lb and 13oz of nute water. Started with 7ppm added small pinch of epsom salt and veg feed, total 150 ppm since Im still in week 3, and gave it a shot of H2O2 and ph balanced it to 6.9 (will check the soil ph tomorrow with meter again) Next feed is a dunk to remove any leftover veg particles. after that it was just another day. Stats were 76F/64%RH/33% IL Vent and ppfd was 345 at highest, 315 at lowest, and 335 at center. Measurements are showing big growth over last week. Should be getting ready to see the 5th node separate off of the 4th soon. And looks to be healthy enough to top down to the 3rd for a mainline pruning strategy. With one plant growing this round I think that's the best way to get more yield with the space given. (last 4 pics are from this evening while the first 6 are this morning) Day 20 Day after 2nd nute feed checked soil ph this morning and seen 4.98 on the meter +1.25 calibration difference and I have 6.23 ph soil finally (exactly where I wanted it!) And I can tell the plant liked the nutes... 1/2 inch taller and 1 inch out in each direction since yesterday! Other than that stats were normal Room VPD is around 1.0 all day with temps at 73 to 74 and humidity at 60 to 65 with my IL Vent doing 33% now. Lights are tipping my 350 ppfd mark again, but tomorrow is week 3 to 4 and I think it can rest there for another day. I will want to try to keep it about that level until end of week 3 as well so I'll be adjusting them at some point in the next couple of days.
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
300 PPM
63 %
21 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
1400 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 21 Wasnt really planning on topping today, but when I opened my tent I could 'smell' her. Thinking she might be trying to use her hormones to say she wants to flower, I decided I need to top now. So my check list being: 1) healthy growth (no issues with ph, nutes, soil, atmosphere, or lights.) 2) past the 5th node(wanted more of a 6th) 3) not in flowering stage (hopefully) I topped down to the 3rd node. Here's that VERY hard process (just hard for me to let go of those root building weeks to do this - after that I was like Edward Scissorhands) Topping for a Main-lining growth strategy. After sanitizing my clips with a lighter and H2O2, I clipped under the 4th node being sure not to hurt the growth tips. I then removed the remaining nodes and cotyledons below the 3rd node, but I left the fan leaves on the 3rd node because the growth tips are still really small there. Hope I didnt kill her. So then I took measurements and moved her more directly under the light since this is the one plant I have to worry about (shipping issues at 420 fast buds means that will have to wait for a future grow now) Lights now at 330 ppfd at center and 340 at leaf ends. Still 21 inches from soil to light and now 5 inches from soil to leaves. Leaving 16 inches from leaves to light. VPD today is steady at 1.0 with temps at 73/74 and RH at 61 to 64 - while my IL Vent is running about 33% Day 22 Did some LST on the leaf branches (more like over-kill) and since the growth tips extended by and 1/8th of an inch overnight, I spread them a little as well. No ties on the growth tips yet, just trying to get some separation training for now. Stats normal, about 1.0 VPD with 74F/64%RH/33% IL Vent. Adjusted lights a little as well. 335 at highest /315 for the lowest/330 at center. Day 23 Normal stats today, VPD about 1.0 with 73-74F/ 63-66% RH/ 33% IL Vent. Moved lights a bit to record 335 ppfd highest, 330 Center, 315 lowest. The new stems are growing nicely from about 3/8th inch on the day of topping, to 1/2 inch yesterday, and now about a full inch today. Proving the plant's energy is going into the new pathways pretty nicely after topping. I used LST with just gently pressing the stems apart again. Day 24 Stats normal with 73F/ 64% RH/ 33% IL Vent - ppfd reads 340 at highest, 335 at center, and 315 at lowest leaf points. Did more LST by stretching the growth tips further apart, still not binding them. They grew by about 1/4" overnight and got considerably wider fan leaves. Also checked the soil for moisture and determined that i will feed again tomorrow morning. Dry to the touch about 2 inches down now. (I have been checking for the last couple of days, but it was fine until now. Tomorrow will be Water by Weight Feed Day. Day 25 Started the day out with a feed by weight. Par weight is 15lb and 4oz. weight of pot was 12lbs 9.7oz- feed water was 2 lbs 10.4oz. started with purified water at 5ppm added Epsom salt and Veg mix to total 305ppm. PH balanced to 6.4 (this morning's soil PH was slightly less than the 6.2 from the other day so I went with 6.4 rather than 6.3 per this week's schedule since this week is still listed as composite ph. Also splashed a little H2O2 before feeding. Most was poured around the plant and some was put in a spray bottle to moisten the top of the soil and all was used. Lights are steady at 345ppfd highest, 330 center, and 315 at lowest. No need for adjustment. VPD was steady as well at about 1.0. 74 F/64% RH/33% IL Vent - She seems to be doing well with growth too more than doubled size from day of topping and the second node is starting to pull away from the first now. LST with light finger separation, still no binds. Day 26 Second topping and HST day. Now that the 2nd node is pulling away from the first, I took the opportunity to take that top off. I made sure to leave a stump and tried not to damage the new growth tips. Started the day off with checking the soil's ph since I watered yesterday. 4.92 (+1.25 from meter tested differential =6.17) - VPD is steady at 1.0 with 73F /63% RH /33%IL Vent - Lights same as yesterday, 345ppfd highest, 330 center, and 315 at lowest. No need for adjustment. Then I clipped tops. Then I used HST to break the stems without breaking them. I placed a piece of flat wood on the limb (outside elbow side) and rolled a metal pin against the inside of my bend on the stem to smash the stem soft. After that I finger pressed the stem down and will bind to the main trunk tomorrow after evaluation. Day 27 Have to do LST early today since I used HST yesterday. So I started the day checking stats and status of the damage from yesterday first. All normal - VPD is steady at 1.0 with 74F /63% RH /33%IL Vent - Lights same as yesterday, 345ppfd highest, 330 center, and 315 at lowest. No need for adjustment. Then I unbound the fan leaves and pulled them around my new main branches and tied them down with the binds I was using on the fan leaves. Might have waited to long as the new main branches were already considerably more hard wood than they were yesterday. (note for future - top the tips, then wait a day to HST and tie down at that same time) So from here I will just monitor the situation and hope the new pathways can still make it to the tips. They should grow and turn back to point at the lights with-in a couple of days. (otherwise I might have waited too long and set a block of hardwood on one side or the other... or worst both) I will have to move them back to the top of the fan leaves as they turn because those will eventually be taken off and these new mains will be all that holds everything else up.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
300 PPM
63 %
21 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
1600 PPM
Nutrients 6
CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) 2.642 mll
FloraMicro (General Hydoponics 5-0-1) 6.604 mll
FloraGro (General Hydoponics 2-1-6) 1.321 mll
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 28 Just a quick update for this morning since I had to move the ties a little. LST, I now have them above the 3rd node branches. Stats are normal and the growth tips are turning upward now. Stats 73F/ 63% RH /IL Vent at 33% - Lights also same as before 345ppfd highest, 330 center, and 315 at lowest. No need for adjustment. She seems to be taking the training well. Day 29 Water day - checked last night and decided it was time again - Water by weight again so no runoff to measure at about 4 cups. (4 days since last feed by weight) 13lbs even par is 15lbs 4oz so I prepared 2lbs 4oz of water. Tested my meter and discovered it needed calibration (the temp is off and cant be calibrated - so I used a trusty meat thermometer. started with 4ppm and added 300ppm of epsom and vegmix ph balanced to 6.34 at 69.8F - then splashed with H2O2. Poured around roots and splashed the stem base - sprayed some on the leaves and use the whole amount. Had to adjust lights now to be brighter so I brought them down to 18.5" and ppfd is now 375highest 360 center and 345 at lowest. VPD is normal at 1.0 with 73F /63% RH /33% IL Vent - fans are pointed to directly now as the leaves are starting to get rough feeling - so I moved them a bit to blow less directly Training is doing good nice upward turn on the training (making small LST movements with the ties other than than... just letting it make new branches. Day 30 Checked PH and got 5.0 on my meter(+1.25 tested differential = 6.25) Stats normal too - 73F /64% RH /33% IL Vent - Lights at 385highest 370 center and 355 at lowest Removed cross ties since they are no longer needed to hold the fan leaves- training still looking nice as the new nodes are formed with 2nd node leaves growing already. Day 31 Identified an issue this morning - went back through my pictures, identified the start, looked at the day before, and noted my changes that I took notes on at that time. Went to google to diagnose a few possible hypothesis and am now testing with a treatment. (suggestions from more experienced growers welcome) This morning the issue was brown spots on the older fan leaves. Mostly just the left fan leaf. Seems to have started 2 days ago (day 29) when I changed the lights and fed her. When I fed her, I left water droplets on the leaves instead of drying them off after a short time (I had been drying them with a tissue after a wet pic. The fans were also adjusted after the lights were dropped closer as well. Hypothesis: I think the water was magnifying the light and caused light stress at the those spots. I dont think the wind of the fan had much to do with it other than they helped dry the leaves faster as noted by the water being completely gone by the time I took pictures later that night for measurements. Test: Raised my lights to a max of 350ppfd (from 385 highest reading this morning) Had to adjust fans again since they rest on my lights. Will observe looking for improvement over the next few days. ... another possibility was given to me by Guru @Roberts (thank you) as it possibly being a ph issue locking out calcium. So I thought I might test ph and then try diluted cal/mag in a spray if my soil is too low (also looked at pics and seen VERY close similarities in my pics and those) and so on that advice, I tested/calibrated my soil meter (it FINALLY calibrated for me!)I found my soil was avg of 3 readings at 5.153 (5.08,5.09,and 5.29) NOT GOOD - potentially locking out most all nutes. I weighed out about 2 cups of purified water with and added about half ml of CalMag, ph balanced the water to 6.5 at 69.7F (my research shows Calcium lockout starting at 6.3 or lower) and splashed with H2O2 - I poured most around the base and sprayed the leaves too. I made sure to use the whole solution by pouring the last of the solution in the spray bottle over the stem and stem base. EOD follow-up Found a possible calcium blockade in my ph and on my leaves (of which are now starting to curl so I placed my fans on oscillate to ensure they aren't doing more damage) --- fully documented now. otherwise measurements are now documented too. -- second node is starting to pull away from the last top so I will be looking to top again (3rd of possibly 4 total) and then HST and bind in a new spot Day 32 Doing a morning and evening check her now while I see this issue resolved. So far no sign of improvement since last night - might have gotten worse in comparison (will check pics side by side today) but I think because it's a immobile micronutrient so it should take time to stop then reverse. So in the mean time I am doing a slurry test as a 2nd test for my soil before I treat it. I took soil from 3 different spots and made sure I got some from about 4 inches deep in each spot (ensured calibrations were still good with buffer tests) 1st test is a PH meter tested directly in the soil. After using the 2 cups of 6.3 yesterday I got 3 readings today = 5.47, 5.32, and 5.5 to avg 5.43 - (yesterday's readings prior to treatment were 5.08, 5.09, and 5.29 to avg 5.153) - still far below the normal 6 to 7 for soil and the requirement of 6.3 and above for calcium to enter roots. suggesting again lockout. So while I am checking the plant conditions I also looked at the new nodes - 2nd node is starting to pull away from the first, but not quite enough to top yet - thinking I will be able to top tomorrow evening - should be able to correct the ph tonight, so I can see if there's results in that by then as well. I also set the fans to oscillate last night, so here's a video for that now. Measurements, ppfd, and vpd will be in tonight's check-up Day 32 So I started this evening by testing the run off with 2 meters, 5.7 and 5.67 - prepared 1 gallon of 7.5 ph water and splashed with H2O2 (checked with both meters) Before flushing, I documented the leaves again - still curled and look very dry but they still have some flexibility with them - they dont seem to getting any worse so the spray may have gotten enough to the leaves most affected. The new nodes and growth tips seem to be okay but not growing as fast as they were. That would still mean that the soil needs treatment before the roots begin to die off and I end up with stunted growth overall. SO I flushed the whole gallon and noted the runoff from the sides and bottom. I then tested the soil directly with 3 readings 5.95, 5.8, and 5.73 for avg 5.826 and tested the runoff water with 2 separate meters for 5.91 and 5.85 Not sure if I should feed dunk in 7.5 still or just use that number on the next feed in like 3 or 4 days. will discuss Other than that ppfd highest is 360, 350 at center, and 330 at lowest. VPD was 1.0 with temp at 74F /63% RH /33% IL Vent Growth tips could be ready to top again tomorrow night, but I would like the get the ph taken care of first. Day 33 Started the day by noticing the lower branches seem to stop turning and the next level branches seemed to have finally turned but nearly as fast as the first. (Noticed them having a start yesterday) Newer branches dont have any signs of issues. So the plan today is to make Bloom Juice for later. Feed Dunk with 100% Veg Juice at a ph of 7.3 test runoff and ppm. Top the 4 nodes and remove the lower leaves. Calcium issue or not, that was always the plan with main-linning the plant. However, because of the health issues, I dont think I am going to go past these 8 colas - rather instead I will simply stop here and do some HST to set them how I want them to grow and let her recover and finish her veg for about two or three weeks. Dunk had 300ppm of Epsom, Veg juice, in a little over 3 gallons of purified water. I had 7.4 ph and splashed with h2o2. I pushed the entire plant into the water and soaked for a few seconds. Drained by hanging the pot up for about 10 minutes and the stream started dripping instead. Checked the runoff with 2 meters 6.01 and 5.93 with 2580ppm. Then I topped all four nodes and removed the fan leaves from under my mainline. I used LST to finger press the new branches apart into the direction I plan to move them to get the nodes powering up. Next I will wait for a day to do HST on those new branches. Tonight I will simply let her rest. VPD still at 1.0 - 73F /63% RH /33% IL Vent - Lights are at 365 highest, 355 center, and 335 lowest. No need to measure for growth now as I dont plan to top anymore Day 34 Early entry to day for HST the morning after topping. So I started off the morning checking stats and health. PH levels are still low. 3 soil meter tests 5.41, 5.41, and 5.44 for an avg of 5.42 - kinda at a loss here but can only monitor now. VPD and lights are mostly the same - 74F /63% RH / 33% IL Vent - VPD not relevant today as the settings are the same and I am using HST to change the plant position. leaves are noted for future reference - all four lower fan leaves have signs of calcium deficiency but not progressing nearly as fast as the first two did, so I think my attempts via higher ph water and feed may have helped. (I know the microbes in the soil are supposed to help get past ph issues , but mine seem to not be heathy) HST used a cuticle rod from my wife's nail case and a paint stick to press the rod against the branches and smash the inside of the elbows I want to bend. LST I then cut 4 strips of garden wire at the same length, hooked the ends like candy canes and aligned them about 1/2 inch above the new node and into the soil. From the side they look level but have the leaves now facing sideways. They will turn in a day or two.
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Grow Questions
Insaniac_0started grow question a year ago
Identified an issue this morning - went back through my pictures, identified the start, looked at the day before, and noted my changes that I took notes on at that time. Went to google to diagnose a few possible hypothesis and am now testing with a treatment. (suggestions?)
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
1 like
Robertsanswered grow question a year ago
You have a calcium deficiency is what it looks like to me after reviewing your diary and feed. Feeding too strong as well, which might of caused a ph issue in substrate. I would check that as well.
Week 6. Vegetation
a year ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
63 %
21 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
1600 PPM
Nutrients 1
Hardwood Ash 20.833 mll
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 35 start of week 5 since sprout Today I increased my ppfd to 410 highest, 400 center, and 385 lowest (also raised the light panel to 32 inches and increased the wattage to my second tick up of 5) temp and humidity are set at 74F/63%RH/33%IL Vent Oldest leaves are looking more and more crusty now and crack when touched. And now one of my newest leaves are starting to show signs of the brown spots. HST looks to be going okay as all branches turned upward in a day - seems like the stems are now dried out but I could just be noticing hardwood setting in - I know they are still letting something through as the newest nodes are starting to grow - hoping it's just a transition to the new position but will obviously monitor Defoliation, removed the 4 oldest leaves affected by the brown spots to see it it speeds up on the next leaf. Did light LST to adjust binds and ensure they are not constricting the branches. Day 36 (late entry but this happened yesterday) Stats were all checked, VPD 1.0 with 73F/64%RH/33% IL Vent - Light measured ppfd at 410 highest, 400 center, and 390 at lowest Took control stats - 3 soil ph meter tests 5.35, 5.24, and 5.33 - truly concerned this is my issue, I went with hardwood ash from my grill. Measured 1/3rd cup and sprinkled it over he whole top being sure not to get any directly on the plant for fear of burn - used a gallon of de-chlorinated tap water at 8.06ph to water it in. Noticed side runoff but looked like less than a quart came out. This is where I realized I never change my drip tray out before I did this, so ppm test would be worthless so I skipped it. Day 37 Took stats this morning- VPD and lights mostly the same as yesterday, but with new growth the lights changed a little - ppfd at 410 highest, 400 center and 400 at lowest. took control pictures for each section again for comparison still showing more brown spots spreading over the oldest leaves. However the hardwood ash seems to have helped the ph. I took 3 soil meter readings this morning and got 6.27, 6.56, and 6.69 for avg of 6.506 Now I will watch to see if the feed nutes can get through and help stop the spread of the issue. Day 38 Checked ph meters - liquid meter needs slight calibration but since Im not using it today, I'll do it later. However my soil meter is still spot on. So I took 3 readings - 6.11, 6.09, and 6.1 for and avg of 6.1 - falling from yesterday by about .4 - also took a picture to show where I have been random in my soil checks Took test pictures of each quarter again. UL, UR, LL, and LR - each quarter got progressively worse still however the new growth seems to be doing pretty good still. - I dont want to take the older ones off until she shows a positive response to something. (only have these and the new leaves left.) So I plan to treat with feed dunk/de chlorinated tap again (not today, in a day or two) Did some slight adjusting of the branches to keep them the same height as the left side was lifting the binds out of the soil. ppfd now at 430 highest, 420 at center and 415 at lowest - VPD steady at 1.0 using 73F/64% RH/33%IL Vent Day 39 Did 3 morning readings of ph - 6.84, 6.78, and 6.85 for an avg of 6.823(higher than yesterday's avg by .7 and 2 days before by .3 so I will continue to monitor so that I can catch it before it runs up by flushing with lower ph feed or water) She is growing as noted by the increase in height now. close to 9 inches tall here and the 8 cola tops look fairly level so I didnt do any LST or bind adjustments. But measured ppfd and got 455, 440, 435, and 425 over the 4 new growth areas. VPD still consistent at 1.0 - 73 to 76F/ 63 to 64% RH/ 33% IL Vent Brown spots are still increasing and the leaves are beginning to taco as the last ones did. New growth doesnt seem to be showing any signs yet, so fingers crossed I got it with ph. Day 40 Checked stats - PH seems to have stabilized, 3 readings 6.81, 6.84, and 6.82 for an avg of 6.823 VPD at about 1.0 with temp at 74F/63% RH/ and 33% IL Vent. PPFD was at 455, 440, 430, and 435 over each cola in same order as pictures. She is still growing so I took pictures of that progression with a tape measure. Hardwood seems to have set now as none of the branches lifted by flexibility just new growth. Still relatively flat Calcium deficiency seems to be staying on the oldest leaves with the edges now crisping enough to begin to crack on bending attempts. The newest leaves are still not showing any signs of issues. I may defoliate them tomorrow so she can have time to recover before binding the branches again once she's above 12 inches tall. ---- correction ---- Now that I have examined the new growth on a larger scale in photos, I can see the start of the issue there now too! Q!%#$ Day 41 Im going to defoliate the bad leaves and see if it progresses any further in the next 2 days and re-evaluate in 3. It's been 5 days since the wood ash treatment and the last time she's been given water. However the soil is still fairly wet since that was so close to the dunk before, so I plan to feed with nutes in a day or two to replenish more of what washed and and hope the ph was the single issue fixing the rest. Removed the other set of binds today and took front/back pictures of the leaves I took off. They were surprisingly wet even though they look crispy. There's still plenty getting to these branches as they stand tall in my hand for close to 30 minutes before finally drooping over by being cutoff. Noticed red stems making me think it might need phosphorus in that next feed Also added a modified tomato plant support to the pot to get an idea of what kind of growth Im looking for next should she still want to grow on
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
a year ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
63 %
21 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
55.88 cm
1400 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 42 Morning check after defoliation. PH solution seems to be working! Almost no new spread of the issue/deficiency (regardless of what it was) Checked ppfd and got UL470, LL460, UR450, and LR440 over each of the colas. Temp/humidity steady still at 1.0 VPD 74F/63%RH/33% IL Vent scraped a little soil off the top to see that it's still really moist so I likely wont be feeding until tomorrow morning. Soil seems somewhat compacted, and ph readings were slightly lower, but still perfect in the safe zone 3 readings: 6.44,6.57, and 6.42 for avg 6.476 Day 43 Normal stats on VPD - same 74F/63%RH/33% IL Vent. ppfd over colas UL 490, LL 480, UR 470, LR 460 Still showing a slow progression of spots and yellowing on oldest leaves (like day 5 from initial occurrence, so very slow compared to past spread) I feel ph on a stressed plant was the biggest factor. Soil is still mostly damp to about an inch from the top but will be feeding tomorrow morning. Day 44 Normal status with VPD 1.0 - 74F/63%RH/33%ILVent -- ppfd (after dunk) UL490, LL480, UR470, LR460 Calibrated meters and tested - prepared feed water- started with 3.5 gallons of 274ppm de-chlorinated tap- used 500ppm of 80/20 veg/bloom mix, pinch of epsom salt and squirt of h2o2. Checked soil ph got 3 readings of 6.55, 6.65, 6.52 for avg of 6.573 so I ph balanced my feed to 6.3ish Weighed pot for reference and saw 13lbs 10oz- dunked pot for 10 secs, lifted and hung over drain container - recorded the stream and drip videos when I then replaced and checked ppfd again. Runoff showed 6.3ish ph and 2000 ppm (lower than my normal ppm of 2500 to 2600 my hypothesis is she's using them up so good time to feed) rare side view of main-line base included with end of process pictures. Did some LST with binds to train colas to position - I plan for 6 to be tied to ring and 2 in the center but at the same height by the time they grow past the support ring - I have them tied at the base of the first node and the pot - the center 2 colas are being trained too, but are tied off to the opposite side directly to the plant. looks like a hot mess for now - hopefully my vision will come through in a few days. Day 45 Morning check after extensive LST yesterday - VPD is all stable 74F/63%RH/33%ILVent - not taking ppfd readings as she's still under the ring and I seen these readings yesterday and the day before - I plan on taking ph readings later today, but for now this is what I got. Took ph readings - think I discovered hot spots of the woodash washing around the top - not detrimental since they are all with-in the range Im okay with (6 to 7) but worth note since I retested several times and got the same readings in these locations. also did a little more LST with slightly adjusting for level Day 46 vpd was normal 75F/64%RH/33%IL Vent - ppfd needed adjustment as the outside limbs were down to about 460 - so I moved the lights down to about 30 inches from 32 - and now the light measured 480 at lowest 490 around most limbs and the center is up to 530 - I will watch for light burn in that space other than that all seems normal today, binds are still holding as placed and tops are turned/growing. the previous stress and nute issues seem to be in hindsight now. Day 47 Soil ph was 6.54, 6.38, and 6.55 for an avg of 6.49 (last 2 readings were taken at yesterday's hot spot, seems to have cooled a bit now.) VPD normal with temps/humidity about 74F/63%RH/33%ILVent --defoliated today so ppfds were taken after that, outer ring showed lowest at 470, and most at 480 with highest 490, and center colas 500 and 510 Defoliation of 16 oldest leaves at first node where my ties are bound. I left the growth tips for last. the leaves showed what I hope to be the last of the ph issues scared on them... very much better than the last ones I took off LST of the branches to ensure that ties are still under the first node and level the tops with the ring as much as possible - I feel the better I get this part the less there will be any need for LST or HST later so, last thing - I topped again for 16 total colas - I might be reaching too far, but am also thinking ... 1st time gains experience that I can adjust later in future grows. Also removed the growth tips from the first nodes. So what's left? a single branch into 2 into 4 into 8 into 16 with all of the tops cut at the first node except the last set of tops were taken at the 2nd node and first was at the 3rd node - there are no growth tips or fan leaves between the roots and the 16 colas (hopefully providing all resources to those points only from this point on) fingers crossed it doesn't kill her and she recovers better than in past toppings. Day 48 The tent is a little hotter than usual so I increased ILVent to 50% and reduced the heater by 2 degrees. So far there doesnt seem to be any issue showing on the plant but dont want it to become one either. So I will monitor the temps throughout the day as well. ppfd was nearly same as yesterday with 470 as the lowest and mostly 480 to 490 around the ring with 510 and 520 in the center no signs of stress so far from yesterdays barber visit but keeping a close eye on the burnt tips from before - I suspect that if there's any place for stress to show up, that would be where to look first.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
a year ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
65 %
19 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
48.26 cm
1150 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 49 VPD is okay now - temps at 75F RH also now at 65% with ILVent at 50% = VPD of 1.04 - ppfd also same as yesterday mostly 480 to 490 around the ring with 510 and 520 in the center Took ph readings as well - 3 readings 6.43, 6.48, and 6.37 to avg 6.426 Which is good because she's starting to show signs of stress after the topping and defoliation from a couple days ago. The leaves are starting to curl at the tips and the bronze color stripping is happening again - however this time seems to be a slower progression so Im hoping that having the correct ph this time will help while she's re-routing her resources. I 'did notice also that the growth tips seem to be growing at a slower rate than before - I think she's at her limit in colas and the roots are having to find more space to spread, may even be too big for the 5 gallon pot. I have no plans to change her out just yet, but will monitor. Soil is drier today - so I will be watering tomorrow with de-chlorinated water at 6.4ph Day 50 VPD was good at 74/64 with the tent open while I feed that I left it open for a bit and took time in feeding and cleaning - after all that still good at 74F/61%RH/50%ILV ppfd was checked after water and setting back - same as yesterday as most of the newest growth is still coming from the new colas - most seem to be adjusting 1 at a time in each split but both are showing growth now on all cuts. Started feed by making new ph buffer solutions, calibrating/testing both meters. The have about a .15 variance between the two. Checked weight and made 1.5 gallons of feed. started at 228ppm added 450ppm veg and 150ppm bloom for a total of 833ppm feed/epsom salt - splashed h2o2 and ph'd to about 6.4- I fed via watering can and spray and fed the whole amount slowly since I was feeding until bottom drip and she took it all before starting to bottom drip. Afterwords I let her drain (about a quart came out) and checked ppm from runoff at 2500 (telling me she's okay but isnt eating as much as before her topping yet) ph is a mystery - I show 3 readings from top level of 6.62, 6.57, and 6.57 for an avg 6.586 but 2 separate readings from 2 meters (4 readings total) on the bottom runoff showed 5.3 and 5.6 then confirmed later. I expected a variance since the wood ash probably stuck to the top side of the soil - but I didnt expect that much of a difference. I will monitor but honestly dont know what I should do, if anything other than watch. made a video of the fan movements and runoff drip Day 51 What I am calling "stress burn" is progressing as expected. I am monitoring the ph from the top as I did before, but again, not much I can do other than over water, so I'll just watch for now and compare rate of spread until she fixes her resource pathways. It seemed to take about a week to clear up after the ash treatment last time, so I am on day 3 of 7 for now with no treatment. Looking for a spurt of new growth to show and then I'll know she's better. Adjusted the lights to accommodate a week 6 level of 500 to 600 ppfd - that means I can raise the lights to the top of the tent and increase power. So now set at 3 tick up and 37 inches from the soil or 26" from the plant top. Now her ppfd reads about 540 on both of the center colas and 500 to 510 on the surrounding ring. Adjusting lights meant I had to adjust the fans up to medium power and re-directed them to blow at the edges of the pot; made a video. VPD is steady, but still warmer than typical (only by a couple degrees nothing too much) 76F/61%RH/50%ILV for 1.15 kpa on room VPD Day 52 VPD is higher now that I have the lights to the top of my tent and the fans on the lights blowing down at the pot. I moved the IL Vent to the top sucking out with the motor and vent outside the tent now. I also opened two lower air holes with my heater set for fan on the opposite side of the tent than the vent. Currently, I am at a max of 1.2 room VPD and ranging down to 1.0 so I'll take it until it does something else. 74F/65% RH/75%ILV - I will monitor to ensure it's stable. ppfd is same as yesterday as there's little growth still. Spots are still progressing on the oldest leaves at the same rate as before - however the newest leaves are not showing signs yet, so I will continue to monitor. Day 53 ppfd was a little changed today, showing that there's growth coming back now. lowest on outer ring was 500 with most at 520 and 530 highest, center colas were tested at 540 and 560ppfd. VPD was stable as I watched it most of the day since I made changes yesterday. Temps were 74 to 76 and RH was 61% to 68%. ILV was set to 33% with the bottom heater on fan to draw in air. lockout continues on the oldest fan leaves at the last top nodes. New growth is already marked in a couple of spots. I have about 6 gallons of tap water burning off chlorine now and will use about 2 gallons to flush at 8ph. I plan to dunk this weekend with feed so this will allow time to dry out and hopefully reset the ph and lower my ppm readings at the lower part of the pot before then. Day 54 Took Control pics measured VPD and ppfd Lights are at the top of the tent and second tick from highest power level. Lights to soil is 37 inches and lights to plant is 12 inches shorter so 25 inches leaves to light. currently ranging 530 to 550 around the ring and 575/580 ppfd at center (after feed and replaced). Moving the lights (day 51) made the tent hotter so I changed my ILVent to suck out at the top and fresh air in at the bottom - I have been fighting to keep temps under 78 managed to hit 74 to 75 with the heater being set just to fan for the bottom air vents- I did also raise humidity to a setting of 65% a day before moving the lights, so Im hitting 61 to 68% between power cycles on the humidifier. Overall Tent VPD is 1.0 to 1.2 as max. Took controls for feed. Weight 16lbs 11oz. tested and calibrated 2 meters and took 4 ph readings of 6.55, 6.77, 6.53, 6.85 to avg 6.675. from top of soil (last runoff measured 5.6 and 5.3 on two meters) prepared 2 gallons of feed at 500 ppm over tap. (burned chlorine off overnight) starting ppm was 217 - added 75/25 veg/bloom ratio. ph balanced to 7.8 and 7.63 on separate meters (rinsed and retested to be sure got 7.79 and 7.63 again) I used 4 knitting needles in the soil about 3 inches from the plant center. Poured feed water over the needles until it pooled slightly on top of the soil, I then pulled the needle out a little to allow the water to drain into the holes better. I did this in 8 different spots. As soon as she started dripping water from the bottom I poured a little on the leaves and then moved the plant to another drip pan to finish pouring the rest over the top of the soil without dripping any over the sides. Took videos of the drip and waited 10 min before putting her on another clean drip pan and back in the tent. Runoff from second drip pan was measured twice at 5.8ph and 2410 ppm - and first pan 5.85 and 2670ppm (expected higher ppm since I moved perlite on the bottom with the needles) Defoliated the oldest leaves before lights out. Day 55 She mostly looks like she appreciated the clippings and ph balance from yesterday - slower progression of the lockout issue and largest new growth since topping day. So speaking of new growth, I plan to use LST in the next few days to set these colas in what will hopefully be their last bind around the ring. VPD is steady at 75F to 77F and RH is between 63 and 68%. My ILV have been set to 33% and the lower fan blowing rather than heat. top soil ph was measured with 3 readings, on a tested and calibrated meter. 6.47, 6.7, 7.12 to avg 6.763 (kinda wild in those readings so I double checked them all twice and got the same in each hole)
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
a year ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
500 PPM
65 %
19 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
63.5 cm
780 PPM
Nutrients 3
Hardwood Ash 4.184 mll
Happy Frog Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Happy Frog Potting Soil 4999.981 mll
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 6.51 mll
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 56 Took some glamor pics with black background - not really for vanity (although there's a little) but for contrast. I see more of the lockout issue better in the pics this way. - on that note, the ph seems to be working as it's been two days since defoliation and knitting needle ph correction, and the progression is way slower than it was on the last leaves at 3rd day of identifying. So with that, room VPD of 1.07kpa seems stable enough with temps about 76F/65%RH/33%ILV I released the binds today to let her grow without them until they crowd each other too much and I need to restrain - so in a couple of days at max. Day 62 Transfer day. Although at first I didnt think I would be able to until Saturday, I got pots and plant saucers today, so I ended up going ahead and doing it. Started by calibrating/testing both meters. Double checked the soil mix from yesterday as the last time I used wood ash the ph rose the day after... however this time it was fully mixed to I wanted to know if there would be a higher ph - it was the same as yesterady - 5 reading avg of about 6.35 - the slurry of 1:1 soil and 7.7 ph water was tested at 6.3 also. Made about .75 gallon of 75/25 veg/bloom juice water at 500ppm feed water. Tried to ph read the soil in the pot and seen it go from 6.6 down to 6.35 (took video) in the dry soil, so I decided to use the 6.35 new soil reading and ph balanced the feed to that. Used the needles since it was 7 days since the last feed and I am using such a small amount. Poured over needles in 8 places and pulled each out to let water down. the vacuum pulls the water down when I lift the needles. Then I mixed 5tsp of Dynomyco to the 5 gallons of new soil and mixed really good. I placed a layer of perlite on the bottom of the 10 gallon pot and then layered in some soil. Then with the help of my wife we pulled the plant out of the pot and placed it in the 10 gallon. I place back in the tent and added about a quart of plain de-chlorinated water evenly over the new and older soil to help bind them. I reduced lights by 100ppfd to have about 505 and 500 at center colas and 430 lowest on outer ring with most at 450 and 470 highest. Soil to light is 35 inches and the plant is about 14 inches so about 21 inches from leaves to lights. I left the ring off today and will rebind as needed tomorrow after she rests. Today the leaves look wilted and limp. Also reduced humidity to 60% so 58 to 65% should be the range and the temps are 73F with the lights lower. PPFD was higher with the new growth - unbound and tucked in for better cola/light position, it reads 570 to 580 on outer colas and 590 at both center branches Day 57 Getting 1 more day out of free range growth before I tie her back against a ring. So in that time I decided to take a few vanity pics. Overall the ph block seems to have slowed or stopped and she's back to growing again. Will be thinking about flip at the end of this week or so. VPD same stats 76F/65%RH/33%ILV - ppfd right at max so I'll likely tie her off tomorrow. 605 600 in center and 580 to 590 at the outer ring. Day 58 VPD stats mostly steady again today - 76F/65%RH/33%ILV - ppfd was checked after LST, measured 600 at each center cola and the outer ring measured between 550 and 590 most at 580 So as I said, I did LST today to bind her more out while the 4 center 4 colas fill the middle. I had to bind to the pot base instead of the ring as the colas are still a little short to reach for binds at the ring just yet. There's a lot of space to fill and a few (about half) of the out colas are sideways for now. Had a break at the center cola when I tried to pull it back for bind. I knew to hold the branch at the node but forgot to do it here and heard a "snap" ... taped the crack and moved on - will monitor obviously Day 59 Did more light LST to ensure the branches are growing where I want. PPFD was mostly the same as yesterday only now there are more colas around 560 than 580 on the outer ring with the center colas at 610 and 590 (front cola was tied down to spread more away from the ring and fill center better. vpd same as past week or so 76F/65%RH/33%ILV Last feed was on day 54 and the soil still seems damp so I will check again tomorrow for the next day. (Day 61) The broken branch doesnt seem to have affected either side of the split as both sides seem to have grown a little with little to no wilt or drooping leaves. Im hoping it heals okay and doesnt delay flip to recover more; still monitoring. Day 60 Did some light LST today by releasing the lower binds to the pot and attached as couple to the outer ring now. So far I only have to bind a few as most are already holding where i want them to. Took the tape off the split and seen I didnt seel the gap closed when I taped it so now Im considering a drop of super glue to bind the branch back in hopes it grows onto the other side again. If not at least it would be more secure than it is now. And since it's a main split for 4 colas, I dont want too restrict it by binding at the split and potentially cutting off the nutrient pathways. ppfd after LST was 610 and 600 after more LST and the outer ring is still ranging 550 to 580 with more at 560 now. VPD same as I havent messing with any of the variables. 76F/65%RH/33%ILV Soil is a bit dry and it's been 5 days since the last feed flush, so I have about 3 gallons of tap burning of chlorine now for a feed tomorrow morning. Might still update again later if I find superglue... found some superglue - tried to take pictures but I cant hold, squeeze the applicator, and film with just two hands. So the idea gets through, I did both sides. On a side note I discovered a root popping out of the soil from the top. Covered it up but wasn't sure if I should be concerned. Day 61 VPD same as it's been for most of the last week - 74F/65%RH/33%ILV PPFD was recorded after I turn the plant a quarter turn for the smaller colas struggling to get over he ring's edge to have more light. Most colas at 580 with a couple at 600 and a couple more at 550 - center colas are hitting 615 and 620, but I have plancs to reduce in the next couple of days now On that note, the root growing out of the top tells me that she's hungry and needs more root space, even if that means growing through the top of the soil. So I plan to transplant to a 10 gallon and flip after the recovery. After reviewing more of NugBucket's journal I realized this is why he moves them when growing 16 colas. New pots should be here Friday so I should be able do it on Saturday. So I prepped soil (using more Happy frog with mycorrhizal fungi already growing in it for a few weeks) with de-chlorinated tap water Started by ph testing the soil and the water (4 readings on soil at 5.03 avg) - added about 1/2 cup total of wood ash to bring up the ph , mixed and tested again - added water at (about 7.7 ph) and tested again... last 5 readings in soil was 6.24,6.3,6.35,6.37,6.38 avg of 6.328 - covered and let rest until needed. Since I plan to transplant in a few days I felt it would be best to 'lightly' feed tomorrow, again on transplant day, and again 2 to 3 days later. Since my wife was taking pics at this time, I could only find this one to show the roots growing into the perlite then we planted it in the bigger pot. -------- (Day 62 root base picture from above) I have a hypothesis that says these are so short because I intentionally tried not to move the plant without the base stand to keep it from grinding these up and allowed them to grow in the last 2 weeks. This is that test picture/results. I like the idea of better/more drainage, but thinking I am doing more harm each time I hear those gravel pieces crunch as it cuts those and forces the plant to look somewhere else for root space. Notice how the small root lines have no finer pieces or laterals grow out from these - I believe that is because they are so new in growth and that the perlite chewed up the smaller laterals even with little to no movement over the last two weeks I would like to see a root ball experiment that exposed the roots throughout the grow but for now I can see these roots do grow into the base perlite and need to be handled carefully if you want them to grow more freely or with a standard pot size. As you can see Im not root bound but my plant thinks it is and is growing roots out the top.
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
a year ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
500 PPM
65 %
19 °C
20 °C
20 °C
38 L
50.8 cm
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 63 She didnt grow much over night but she seems to have already took to her new digs with no further signs of stress past last night's droopy leaves that have since bounced back today. PH tested the top soil 6.38,6.45,6.42,6.4 for an avg of 6.4125 - I tried to take a couple from the original soil and the soil divide of old/new - the numbers run close to the same so Im satisfied. Placed the ring back on - Measured 11 inches from soil to bar, but I can work with that as it's still level and the branches run past it all the way around. I also tried to level it. I didnt feel the need to tie any of the branches this time as they are mostly going where I wanted them to. PPFD is still lower power at 2 ticks from high and center colas at 510 and 500 with the outering at 430 lowest and 470 at highest with most at about 455 VPD is okay with temps at 74F/64%RH/33%ILV Day 64 VPD and PPFD still mostly the same about 520 to 440 on ppfd from center to lowest outer ring and 74F/64%RH/33%ILV she seems to be likely the new set up and soil is still somewhat tacky - Plan to water in 2 days. I could water tomorrow, but I rather make the roots look for new space in the outer ring before just giving more for now. Day 65 VPD and ppfd mostly the same - 73F/64%RH/33%ILV with lights at 520 for the center colas and 430 for the lowest of the outer ring She's mostly filled the ring and close to 15 inches including the ring meaning I should be able to defoliate and flip this coming weekend. So I'll prep for that. It has been 3 days since transfer and last feed. Soil is still moist but not wet on the very top. I prepped tap water to burn chlorine tonight and will consider wetting her a little tomorrow. No more than a gallon of straight water for now, then again with reduced nutes a few days after that. Day 66 VPD same; 74F/64%RH/33%ILV PPFD after watering was 430 at lowest and 520 at highest - also moved the lights because I finally got the stand for the 10 gallon pot. Lights are now about 33 inches from soil and since the plant is about 15 inches high that makes the light about 18 inches from leaves to light. Watered with 1 gallon of 6.4ph de-chlorinated tap. Used a spreader water can and spray bottle. I used the whole gallon and there was no run off. Day 67 VPD okay at 74F/65%RH/33%ILV took 4 ph tests in the top soil got 6.64, 6.65, 6.67, and 6.54 for an avg of 6.625 (actually higher than I wanted but still well with-in range of acceptable. waited until later in the day and defoliated lower leaves - mostly the larf leaves under the ring. Also used HST and LST to break a few branches and tie others. The goal is to set a more level top before flip. But one that can be secured with the ring later if needed. PPFD now has 600 as highest and 430 as lowest she's spread quite far from center to outer rings now. Overall she looks close to flip and I think I might be able to at the start of week 10 day 70. Day 68 VPD was normal at 74F/65%RH/33%ILV - PPFD ranged from 400 to 600 with most around 500 She seems to be recovered mostly form the HST/LST/Defoliation - or at least is accepting the training as the colas that were bent are now pointing up. There are a few leaves showing stress and possible deficiency but all I can do is monitor and treat with my next feed if I see it spread more. Took measurements too - about 16inches tall with a diameter of about 22 by 22, so I am happy with this wing span and no scrOG Day 69 Normal stats with 74F/65%RH/33%ILV ppfd also the same as yesterday ranging from 400 to 600. Tomorrow will be 4 days since her last water feed - I plan to feed about 1 gallon of de-chlorinated tap water with about 50 ppm of each veg and bloom juice mix. I also plan to flip to 12/12 tomorrow. Schedule will be 3 hours later and earlier from current times. Decided to put her into a MarsHydro 24x48x71 tent and start giving UV/IR light treatments through flower. So that's the tent I also have a Bloom Plus XP2500 LED Grow Light - a set of Spider Farmer UVR40 40W UV & IR Supplemental Lighting Bars and I am using a iPower 6 Inch Smart Vent. I measured the distance from soil to lights and placed it back at 35 inches like it was with the ViparSpectra XS2000 in the other tent - I then dialed the lights down to the same ppfd as it was. I am giving her 30 minutes of UV light 1 hour before bed and then 15 minutes of IR after lights out and before lights on again - which is now 3 hours later.
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
40.64 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
60 %
19 °C
20 °C
20 °C
38 L
45.72 cm
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 70/0 Flipped to 12/12 - increased ppfd by 100 and worked to stabilize temps/humidity with new gear. I used 15 minutes of IR light before main lights and then 30 minutes of UV light at mid day and will still use 15 minutes of IR light after main light are out. I plan to increase the time of UV lights to a max of 2.5 hours per day mid day but for now Im easing her into the treatments. Watered with 1.12 gallons of 6.3ph de-chlorinated tap water, used 50ppm of veg mix and 50ppm of bloom mix in the water. VPD is mostly steady 74F/65%RH/33%ILV Day 71/1 tested and calibrated my meter, tested the top soil 1 day after feed for ph - tested 4 times for an avg of 6.48 Trimmed brown leaves and did some HST/LST training/binding. Took control pics for UV treatments of 15 minutes per day. Will monitor and increase weekly it she holds up okay. Still doin 15 minutes of IR light before and after lights on/off. PPFD after training was 630 at highest and 540 lowest. VPD was 74F/60%RH/33%ILV Day 72/2 Just a watch today, VPD was 75F/60%RH/setting 4/10 of ILV (about 33% like the last tent) PPFD ranged from 530 to 650. I only used 5 minutes of UV light today as she has a tinge of browning on the tips of a few leaves. Im not cutting it out completely because I still plan to use upto 2.5 hrs by end of flower, so she needs to adjust. Im also still using 15 minutes of IR before and after main light schedule. Her stretch seems to be picking up, from 16 inches 2 days ago to 18 today. Day 73/3 VPD same as yesterday 75F/60%RH/40%ILV PPFD hit 670 at highest and 550 at lowest. Stayed with 5 minutes of UV light and monitored burnt tips from previous days... no spread, so I may add 5 more minutes tomorrow and monitor. 15 minutes of IR before/after main light schedule. Growth continues, another inch in stretch to 19 inches. I turned her slightly because there are still two runted colas that I rather provide more light to. It's been 3 days since last feed and I think with as much growth as she's putting on, I should feed again tomorrow. Im still introducing nutes in lower portions but will add 300ppm and feed about 2 gallons at a 25/75 ratio of veg:bloom mix to see if I can get some run off to measure conditions. Day 74/4 Watered with 2 gallons of 6.4 ph de-chlorinated tap water. I added 300ppm total of 25% Veg/75% Bloom. Starting ppm was 296; ending was 595 and I added a pinch of epsom salt. Poured over the whole base until I got runoff - Since I was so close to the whole 2 gallons, I used it all. I only used the feed water over the roots today as I want her to get the nutes from the soil since the transfer into new soil was so recent. So far VPD is 75F/60%RH/40%ILV. No issues with controls. PPFD was upto 700 at center so I raised the lights to almost 42" from soil - Since the plant is almost 20" that's 22" leaves to light. New PPFD now ranges at 480 to 650 on 70% power. I increased UV time to 10minutes today and took control pics for light burn. I am still using 15 IR before and after main lights. Took some black back picks since I think she's looking good now. Day 75/5 Started the day with evaluation of ph and control pics. Comparisons show no further spread of lock out issues from earlier or light burn of a more recent change. Upto 20 inches before HST/LST today. Meter was tested/calibrated and soil ph was tested 4 times for avg of 6.34 (yesterday's runoff was about 6.35 too) Soil temp is about 66F. Also tested CO2 and got 1050. Room VPD was 74F/60%RH/30%ILV I spread the leaves further apart because I noticed there were two colas not getting as much light and somewhat crowded by the colas near by. So I positioned the larger part of the tomato ring around the limbs extending here out to 32x32 and the used HST/LST to break and bend the center colas inward clockwise (I think I went a bit too hard on one as the others already show a bounce back and now one is still limp-ish (will monitor obviously) But with that the height is now 18" so 32x32x18 - but here's the kicker, I only have a 24x48 tent, so there's a few colas touching the walls and doorway now, so I may have to reconsider the larger ring. New position, new PPFD right?, not exactly, for some reason these settings still gave me range of 480 to 650 as I had yesterday with just a few more of the outer colas have 480 than yesterday. However, there's more light getting lower levels now and I only had to cut 1 leaf. Which is good because I did 15 minutes of UV today with the regular 15 minutes of IR before and after main lights. Day 76/6 VPD is a lil wonky now as humidity is starting to go up in the tent - so I plan to put in the dehumidifier this weekend and just leaving the humidifier off today and tomorrow. Heat seems to also be ticking up - so I reduced the temp on the heater and will monitor. Temps about 75 to 76 - humidity at about 62% as high as 65 though and Im trying to be at or under 60 this week. Increased ILV to 40% I repositioned the fans to hang on the lights while blowing down onto the plant. I tried to make every leaf dance a little. LST seemed to hold up okay - had to reposition a few branches and thinking I may have to build a larger box this weekend since the colas are now pressing the door and back wall. PPFD is between 470 and 700. I used 15 minutes of UV mid day with 15 minutes (30 total) IR before and after main light timers.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
48.26 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
500 PPM
55 %
20 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
50.8 cm
1050 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 77/7 PPFD is between 470 and 700 again with little vertical growth after all the HST/LST over last few days. I used 15 minutes of UV mid day with 15 minutes (30 total) IR before and after main light timers. VPD was better today with 73F/55%RH/40%ILV Turning off the humidifier was the key this time. All in all she looks fine for the day, I am hoping to get the new tent up tomorrow and will see if I can get her to fully stretch out again to allow each cola enough space to bulk with light and wind Day 78/8 Tent conditions improved today because I was able to fix the sizing issue - I now have a Spider Farmer Pro-Grade Grow Tent, 48"x48"x80" VPD is harder to get the humidity down in so I may have to put in a second de-humidifier or open another vent port, currently I have a 6" ILV pulling against a 4" open air vent hole. I would have tinkered with it a bit more but I was getting close to lights out so I left it. VPD for most of the day was 74F/55%RH/40%ILV in the Mars Hydro Tent. I current have 68F/65%RH/40%ILV for overnight. Lights are about the same as yesterday with 80% power I am getting 470 to 700 ppfd from 42" from soil to light and since the plant is about 20" that gives her about 22" leaves to light. Im currently using the same 2x4 Bloom Plus LED light centered in the tent but I have another 2x4 Bloom Plus scheduled for delivery on Monday or Tuesday. - She had 20 minutes of UV and 30 minutes total of IR (15/15) I am hoping this allows her to spread out and receive full light/air on each cola - So I also placed 2 more fans in the tent at plant level to help circulate the air better. Day 79/9 PPFD was little changed since yesterday as was vertical growth (I think she's trying to spread back out again.) - ppfd was between 480 and 710 with 25 minutes of UV and 30 of IR (18/18) VPD was a struggle to get under 60 - I now have 2 de-humidifiers in teh tent witht the ILV set to kick up anytime she hits 62%RH. Mostly though I was able to get it down to 55 to 61 - Temps are easier to control with 4 fans and the ILV triggers. Day 80/10 VPD was 74 to 77F today with humidity still pushing 62% with 2 humidifiers today when the tent was closed. Otherwise I was able to reduce the humidity to 35 to 45% with the door open long enough (in MN fall with temps are around 30s) So I had my door open for a bit today because I installed my second Bloom Plus XP2500 LED lights today and had to reroute most of the wires. PPFD after completion ranged from 550 at lowest to 750 - I only did 20 minutes of UV since yesterday was her first day at 20. I also increased the IR to 30/30 with 15 before and after lights on/off - so a total of 1 hr total at lights on/off Feels dry so I plan to feed tomorrow morning with about 3 gallons of 6.3ph de-chlorinated tap water feed in a 10:90 ratio of Veg/Bloom mix Day 81/11 I fed her today with 3 gallons of 6.4ph de-chlorinated tap water with a 25:75 ratio of Veg/Bloom mix at 500ppm. Runoff showed a ph of 6.5 and 1750 ppm. VPD was more stable today after I opened another open air vent hole on another side of the side. 76F/55%RH with ILV on auto when needed. PPFD ranged from 550 to 750 again with the lights at about 42 and she's now 34x28wide x22 tall, so about 20 inches from lights. Still only hit her with 20minutes of UV and an hour of IR with 30/30 at main light schedule with 15/15 before and after. Day 83/13 Almost two weeks since flip. Turning the lights down yesterday seemed to help, little to no new burn progression on those identified yesterday and new growth with no new burn. Will continue to monitor. Nute transfer seems to also slowed progression with the leaves only turning brown where they yellowed before and little to no new yellowing. VPD doing better as well - I turned the heat down just slightly so now avg temps are about 73 - 75F and humidity under 59%RH with the OLV set to auto for limit controls PPFD most unchanged after I started the day with a little LST on the center cola that was getting ahead of the rest. I also released teh last branch being tied - now all colas are simply help by the tomato rings. Once it was leveled PPFD was 750 at highest and about 550 for the lowest.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
55 %
20 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
43.18 cm
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. 84/14 Fun with Filters VPD was controlled at reduced temps and RH today - RH now set to 55% max and Temps are 75F at max Over night allowed down to 67F when lights go out. Lights were good and same as yesterday with some light LST PPFD at 750 down to 550. I used 20 minutes of UV and 1 hr of IR with 15 before and after main lights on/off. She's now about 25" tall and 35" wide. Also took some black back and shadow pics for fun (no filters or sharpen only) Day 85/15 Feed Day I gave 2 gallons of de-chlorinated tap combined with 25:75 Veg/Bloom mix total 600ppm and a ph of 6.4. Foliar sprayed some on the outer leaves and left the tent door open to help dry them. (took like 15 minutes with the fans.) top soil ph checked at 6.22ph and run off was at 5.74 with 1580ppm Lights at a range of 750 to 500 Ran 25 minutes of UV and the standard 1hr IR with 15/15 before and after lights on/off and 30/30 at that time. VPD was easy to manage with the doors open and then the fan seemed to have to work more today but just more often and not high fan. Day 86/16 Humidity was high at 60%RH for most of the day, the ILV was kicking on throughout the day and I have two humidifiers going on high. Temps on the other hand was controlled at about 74F. Tips carried a little burn on them today, some all over which makes me think nute burn because ppfd was 550 to 750 as it has been for a few days now and there are tips on leaves with little direct light showing burn as well. Will continue to monitor as well. IR and UV are set on timers and I screwed up with mine today. I was supposed to change the setting and forgot (time change screwed me up and I thought I did it when I changed timers that needed correction) until it was too late and ended up giving her 30 minutes of IR and 1 hour of UV... will have to check/monitor for effects tomorrow. The good news is that she's had a little over two weeks with UV so maybe not so bad. (fingers crossed it doesnt stress her too much) Day 87/17 Again, humidity was high at 60%RH for most of the day, the ILV was kicking on throughout the day and I have two de-humidifiers going on high. Temps on the other hand was controlled at about 74F. If I open the tent for a while I can get the humidity down by about another 5% so tomorrow I plan to leave it open after I feed again. Took some light burn from yesterday's extended UV exposure, but read that it's not bad to take on some stress from UV in flower, especially if you still have time to recover. The pros suggest that you can stress her to grow defensive systems that may create thicker/stickier leaves and flowers with more terpene production. The cons however suggest that it could stress too much and stunt the growth or in extreme/sudden cases, cause her to herm. (thus why they say in mid flower is best if you plan to stress with UV) So it is what it is. I will monitor the leaves that took damage and likely remove them this week when I defoliate schwazz style. I still resumed the schedule of increasing UV as planned but ahead a few days now so 45minutes of UV and 1 hr IR with 15/15 before and after main lights on/off. Day 88/18 Lots happening today. Firstly, I found a split today... on the main stem trunk, so I used superglue to seal the cracks and held together while it set. Then I wrapped it with heavy duty gorilla tape, two 1ft pieces as both a clamp and a support on the other side. I then tied each cola to the inner ring. So then I decided that since I am here having to work on this I may as well go ahead and do the defoliation I was planning for tomorrow. Schwazze style defoliation (at least my interpretation of the method without having to buy the book, super defoliate week 1 and 3 of flower - so almost) Then after that I also preformed heavy strength training - I broke each cola right under the bud sites that I left and bent her outward. I then upped the lights ever so slightly and have a max of 850 ppfd and low of 650 ppfd now. She had 45 minutes of UV and 1 hr of IR same routine, IR on/off at main light schedule with 15 before and after main lights. VPD is better now that I placed another open air vent at the bottom, this one is 6 inch. I also placed the fans a little better to blow directly on the leaves left behind. Low speed for now, but as the leaves come back I plan to increase to get dancing leaves in the middle too. Temps were 74F and RH 55% with the ILV set to auto. I plan to feed 2 gallons of 650ppm 25:75 Veg/Bloom mix. Since my last ph was really low I am going to increase the feed to 7.0ph - not sure what if anything I can do about ppm. Day 89/19 VPD was normal with the exception of holding the tent open as I said I was going to today. Temps at 74F and RH mostly 55% with the ILV set to auto. PPFD also checking in with the same settings/results today, 880 to about 650 ppfd. UV was set for 45 minutes midday, and IR with the same 1 hr with 15 minutes before and after main light on/off. Water feed today with about 2.25 gallons of 7.0 ph de-chlorinated tap diluted with 25:75 ratio of veg/bloom mix (690 ppm total) watered until drip started and I got about .25 gallon runoff. Runoff measured 5.75 ph and 1630 ppm (top soil tested 4x with avg of 6.35) Next feed will be a plain water salt flush. Plant looked so nice a day today that I decided to take some more black back pics. Day 90/20 VPD and PPDF were fine today with normal settings of 74F/55%RH/Auto ILV - PPFD ranged from 550 to 750 because of HST on the limbs. This will be the last stress I give her and hope it wasnt too much. Hoping this all results in a big yield and not a herm.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
700 PPM
55 %
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 91/21 Replaced the small modified tomato ring with a full size 3 ring tomato support ring so I could support every branch. I made this decision on seeing a lot of my 90 degree breaks from yesterday as still mostly 90 degrees. I also removed the tape from around the split and placed a wire tie under that trunk to ensure it was secure. After that I also placed a tie on each cola split just past my breaks and another higher up as an upper support. VPD was great aagain today. 74F/55%RH/ Auto ILV but raised the fan setting from 4 to 5 so it didnt have run as long to get it back into range. PPFD was a bit off yesterday and today from all of the sudden changes, But I raised my lights today and returned the settings to 750 max and 550 lowest. This meant that I needed to move my fans as well. They are now on medium setting and all were checked for movement to as many branches as they can hit. Day 92/22 Watered for salt flush today. Used 3 gallons of purified water at 7.1ph water no additives. PPM was about 70 after ph'd. Ended up with ~ 1.25 gallons of runoff that showed 5.95 and 5.98ph on two meters. Top soil tested at 6.44, 6.63, 6.36, and 6.47ph for an avg of 6.475. Runoff also showed 1540 ppm VPD was controlled with having the door open for a few hours. Temps and humidity are 72F and about 50%RH with the door open, and about 75F and 55%RH with it closed. ILV still on auto fan setting 5. PPFD was adjusted to 820 max and 600 lowest - I used 1 hour total of IR at mainlight on/off with 15 minutes before and after switch. She got another 45 minutes of UV today as well. I plan to increase to 1 hour tomorrow. Day 93/23 Week 3 of flower and most all is well. I did however find some light burn. I say light burn because the only conditions that changed was 15 minutes more UVA today and the spots are on the leaves closest to the light. Feed yesterday was plain ph water and it improved both the topsoil and bottom runoff ph so I dont think it's a nute issue. My solution is to take control pics and reduce UVA back to 45 for another day or two to see if the condition persists or advances. Otherwise PPFD was about 820 down to 600. I used 1 hour of UV and 1 hour of IR at lights on/off Other than that it was a lazy football day while I just leave her alone. VPD was normal with humidity easy to control at 55%RH or less and temps ranging from 74-76F during the day and down to 66-68F at night. Day 94/24 Checked in on "light burn" control leaves and took pictures. My analysis is to reduce lights a little more so now max is 795ish. Went ahead with 45 minutes of UV light at mid day and 1 hr IR on the same standard I have been using. Fans still on medium and since I dont believe the spots are related, I plan to leave them on that setting. Overall I dont see much need to change anything at the moment with the spots not getting much worse or at least not that noticeable other than what has happened already and I already reduced the lights a little. If I can identify any more new spots today or tomorrow I will reduce by another 25ppfd. And if not, then the next day I will try 1 hour of UVA again. Temps and Humidity are controlled at the same 74-76F and 55%RH or lower. My plan is to keep RH that level throughout and possibly try to reduce again to as close to 45% as I can get. (edited) Day 95/25 Reviewed suspected light burn and didnt see any progression either yesterday or today against my control pics from the day before. So I went with running UVA for 1 hr at mid day again today. Still using 1 hr IR on the same standard I have been using. VPD was good today with same settings of 73-76F and 55% or lower RH. Day 96/26 No issues to report today. She still has what looks like light burn on the older upper leaves, but doesnt really look to be getting worse and the lights are not getting brighter by growth anymore so I plan to leave them where they are and back them down if I see it get more progressive. Conditions in the tent are the same as yesterday... like little to no vertical growth in two 2 days and no need to change anything. I 'do' adjust the ties daily to ensure they are not creating a pressure point. Most aren't even supporting anything and some are just pushing the cola back or out from others. PPFD is 800 max and lowest is about 580. I ran 1 hr UVA midday with the same 1 hr IR at 30/30 with main light schedule that I have been running. Temps steady. 73-76F in the day and 66-68F after lights out. RH% is 55 or less with the fan on auto. 97/27 Watering day. Started by testing /calibrating meters. Used 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water with starting ppm of 227, added ~700ppm of 100% Bloom Mix concentrate (actually 686ppm added) and ph balanced feed to ~7.0 tested on two meters. Fed until bottom drip began and got ~7cups in runoff after about 10 minutes of drain. Runoff produced 2 meter tests of 5.8ph with 1520ppm. Top soil was tested 4 times for an avg of 6.3752. Next feed will be sooner, thinking like in 4 days instead of 5 and I can adjust if she seems to dry out again. I'll be looking for ~1/2 gallon of runoff to estimate next feed from. Light burn doesnt seem to be getting any worse. UV lights are doing 1 hr a day, midday, for the rest of the week and then I will increase a little per day each week until harvest. IR is still doing the same settings until harvest as well. 1 hour with 15/15 before and after main light schedule and 1 hr total. VPD is controlled with no issues of temps or RH exceeding set limits. 73-76F and 65-68F overnight with no more than 55%RH while the ILV is set to auto.
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
700 PPM
55 %
18 °C
17 °C
19 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
550 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. 98/28 Doing a morning check up today. So far most everything is on the same track as yesterday but now instead of burn holes from what I suspect to be light burn, I have some yellowing on the oldest leaves. I believe they are getting hit because they are the oldest and that's how my ph lockout worked, but they are on the top because of how I defoliated on flower day 18 when I took all fan leaves but these top 2-3 tier leaves. I decided to try turning the pot around 180degrees to see if any kind of light adjustments could help. Will monitor of course. PPFD is same as before 800 max and 600 minimum with nothing being adjusted but the plant orientation. Still using 1 hr of UVA at midday and 1 hr of IR at mainlight on/off schedule and 15/15 before and after. VPD is steady, 74-76F daytime, 66-68F after lights out, 55% or less RH, and auto set ILV. 99/29 Turning her seemed to help a little but still feel more comfortable with turning the lights down a little. So that's what i did, PPFD now 750 at max and left her turned to the same side. Still using 1 hr UVA per day and 1 hour of IR with 30/30 at main light schedule and 15/15 before and after main lights. VPD still automated with 73-76F during the day and 66-68F at night. 55% RH or less and auto ILV 100/30 Light Burn still showing slightly larger brown spots but not any new spots. So I will continue on the same light amounts and not change anything for another day/continue to monitor. Lights were on same schedule and ppfd of 750 max. I ran UVA and IR on the same schedules. VPD was again controlled at the same settings wtih 74-76F and 55%RH or lower and auto ILV. Plan to feed tomorrow 4 days since last feed on day 97. 101/31 Feed Day. Tested and calibrated ph pens. Had to make more Bloom Mix concentrate made by recipe and got 3890ppm over purified water starting ppm of 28. Prepared 2.5 gal of de-chlorinated tap (starting 262ppm) with 700ppm bloom mix concentrate (total 708ppm over de-chlorinated tap) watered until bottom drip began and let drain for 20 minutes. Got ~6.5 cups of runoff, was looking for 8 so I will be feeding 3 days from now. Runoff ph was 6.04 on two meters with 2070ppm, was looking for about 1500 so I will flush with plain water at next feed. Top-soil ph tested 3 times for an avg of avg 6.556 (6.67,6.48,6.52) I actually like this number and will use 7.0ph again on the next. Leaf controls were checked and plan to leave the lights where they are ppfd. Since there's no new leaves now I will just have to live with the damage and try not to go above 750ish with the two lights I am using. UVA and IR will stay the same as well. Same with VPD 74-76F and 55%RH or less with 4 fans oscillating directly at the colas. ILV on auto. 102/32 Noticed more nute burns on the tips of newer leaves that didnt have them before. So I think I may have introduced a bit more than normally gets through with the ph starting to come back into a growing range. Not a bad thing really since my ph is finally back, but there's a shock factor too, so I think that maybe what I am seeing in the burnt tips. Either way, the next feed wont be as strong. Light burn controls seem to have gotten more yellow like there's a deficiency getting transferred out from the older leaves. So next feed will still have nutes but not a full feed. I reduced the lights again to a max of 700 now. I did this because I added 10 more minutes to the daily UVA timer for midday. I am still using the 1hr of IR as previously used. No issues with VPD with temps and RH all controlled via auto fan settings. 103/33 Checked control leaves for light burn and nute burn progression. Neither seem to be getting worse but both look to be dominate on the oldest leaves. I cant think of any actions to take so Im leaving it all as it is for now. Lights were left at 700ppfd max and I ran the same 1 hr 10 minutes of UVA midday with 1 hr IR at main light on/off schedule (30/30 with 15/15 before and after main-lights. VPD still auto fan controlled and CO2 was checked again with a reading of 760 so no action is needed. 104/34 Happy Thanksgiving! Water Day. (last feed was on day 101/31) I prepared 2.75 gallons of purified water (starting ppm of 18) and added 390ppm of bloom mix concentrate. I then ph balanced it to 7.05-ish. I fed the whole amount even though I knew she would spit out anything over 1.5 gallons. The idea being that I want to break up some of the salts building up in the soil. With this amount I expected to get about 12 cups of runoff, and ended up with ~15 cups. The runoff ph tested at 5.9 of two meters (I rather this be higher) The run off ppm was 1940 and would rather this be about 1500 in a regular feed but since this is a flush feed this is where I want it to be. I hope it flushed out a lot of blocked pathways. The top soil ph tested 4 times with an avg 6.35ph (6.41,6.32,6.34,6.33). Only adjustments I see to the next feed will be to keep 7.05 to 7.1ph and maybe use less nutes than scheduled in the next feed. So instead of 700ppm maybe 650. Also plan to feed 2.5 gallons in 3 days so I expect about 8 to 11 cups of runoff at that time. I also checked the light burn controls and decided that I wont be running UVA everyday. But rather 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays only now. At that time I will hit her with 1 hour and 10 minutes mid day. I still plan to continue to use 1 hr of IR with 30/30 at light's on/off and 15/15 before and after. VPD still regulated to 74-76F during hte day and 66-68F overnight. RH controlled to 55% or less with auto fan settings.
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
650 PPM
50 %
17 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
750 PPM
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. 105/35 Same VPD settings as before, 74-76F during the day and 66-68F overnight. RH is 55% or lower with the ILV on auto. Lights were 700ppfd max with 1hr 10 minutes of UVA midday today. Schedule for UVA is Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays only now. IR is still 1 hr total giving 30/30 at the on/off mainlight schedule and 15/15 before and after. Controls were checked, Nute Burn doesnt seem affected by the 400ppm feed flush yesterday and the light burn is still pretty bad - I may have to do away with it UVA while I try to fix the ph lockout issue. It's really upsetting that I cant seem to get this fixed. 106/36 Issue with camera pics last night so pics were delayed until lights came back on this morning. (so pics are actually morning of 107/37.) Lights were 700ppfd max with 1hr 10 minutes of UVA midday today. Schedule for UVA is Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays only now. IR is still 1 hr total giving 30/30 at the on/off mainlight schedule and 15/15 before and after. Controls were checked, the light burn is still pretty bad and the leaves are starting to curl. 107/37 Watering day. Last feed was day 104/34 I prepared 2.5 gallons of purified water (starting ppm of 20) and added 659ppm of bloom mix concentrate. I then ph balanced it to 7.10-ish. I used knitting needles as I fed this time since I forgot last feed. With this amount I expected to get about 8 to 11 cups of runoff, and ended up with ~11 cups. The runoff ph tested at 5.9 on two meters (I still rather this be higher) The run off ppm was 1860 and would rather this be about 1500 in a regular feed but since this feed used kitting needles I can only hope it goes down next feed. Im hoping it opened up the water pathways more. The top soil ph tested 4 times with an avg 6.3ph (6.15,6.31,6.21,6.53) I expect to continue to use 7.1ph with 650ppm of bloom mix concentrate. Also plan to feed 2.5 gallons in 3 days so I expect about 8 to 11 cups of runoff at that time as well. Checked control pics again and nothing new, either good or bad. VPD and PPFD are set at the same. 108/38 I have decided that the absence of UVA isnt really helping or hurting the girl and with the most recent feeds still producing low ph, it's likely that, ph lockout. All standards are the same other than not using UVA anymore. 109/39 Nothing new to report. Checked controls and took pics for journal 110/40 Watering day. Last feed was day 107/37 I prepared 2.5 gallons of purified water (starting ppm of 37) and added 650ppm of bloom mix concentrate. I then ph balanced it to 7.10-ish. Fed until runoff drip began. With this amount I expected to get about 8 to 10 cups of runoff, and ended up with ~9 cups. The runoff ph tested at 6.0 on two meters (I still rather this be higher) The run off ppm was 1870 and would rather this be about 1500 in a regular feed. The top soil ph tested 4 times with an avg 6.253ph (6.32,6.34,6.25,6.10) I expect to continue to use 7.1ph with 650ppm of bloom mix concentrate and feed 2.5 gallons in 3 days, so I expect about 8 to 11 cups of runoff at that time as well. Monitored control pics and see that I have done nothing to change the ph lockout. She's not 'really' getting worse, but this is a challenge to help her get what she needs in way of nutes. Very frustrating. But I'll keep trying with higher ph feeds and CaliMagic add-ins. VPD and PPFD were all the same. 111/41 Nothing new to report. Checked controls and took pics
Week 17. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
50 %
17 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
So I have decided to only note when changes are made, observations are warranted, or I feel something of note has happened. I'll still do daily progressions, but the rest has already been documented and no need to create a hundred new pics showing the same. Just understand that if I say "7.1ph," or something with tested amounts that I mean I first calibrated and tested my ph pens and all units are measured for accuracy. I am learning as I go, so it would be of no benefit to report inaccurate details. 112/42 VPD and PPFD are still the same this week. 73-76F in the day and 66-68 overnight with RH set to not exceed 55% but is mostly at 45 to 50% now that winter is here. The fan is set to auto and I have 2 de-humidifiers in the tent. The PH lockout issue is still in progress but I am starting to get the soil up to snuff now. I think using the knitting needles has the most beneficial effect on the soil as it both aerates and allows the nutes to get deeper. 113/43 Defoliated today. I removed the worst of the affected fan leaves and this unfortunately only leaves sugar leaves to run photosynthesis process. Im hoping she still gets enough of everything else to grow the buds, but only time will tell. I will take new control pics for new progression on 3 other sites now. Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Last feed was day 110/40 (next will be +3) I expect to continue to use 7.1ph with 650ppm of bloom mix concentrate and feed 2.5 gallons every 3 to 4 days, so I expect about 8 to 11 cups of runoff at that time as well. I have decided that I will try to add 1 ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) per gallon of feed on each feed for a week or two to see if this can help against ph lockout of calcium since it cant be N,P, or K. Cant be N because she uses WAY less N in flower, and it cant be P or K because I am getting nute burn with the feeds I am already using... so my conclusion is that she need more micro nutes from the lockout, and since I was thinking it was Calcium in the start, I am going to try a more detailed treatment to test results against from here. Day 113/43 (last feed was day 110/40) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 2.5 gallons of purified water (starting with 16ppm) mixed with 658ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am starting a 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) to the feed then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.1. I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I may consider a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~7 cups of runoff (~11 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume but glad to see she's taking it better now since I started knitting needles. Runoff was tested at 6.12ph and 2250ppm (5.9ph with 1860ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.23,6.31,6.57,6.38 for an avg of 6.372 (6.327 avg after last feed) - next feed will be 7.1ph again as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going, but rather see it closer to 6.3 or 6.4 top and bottom. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit and I will continue to monitor runoff ppms as I expected this to be lower with less runoff but have to consider they maybe washing out salt with the knitting needles. Next Feed should be 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 7.1 in +4 days (117/47). I will run 650ppm and 3ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again. Day 117/47 (last feed was day 113/43) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water (starting with 299ppm) mixed with 671ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am starting a 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) to the feed then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.4. I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I may consider a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~20 cups of runoff (~7 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase might let her go to 4 days again and 2.5 next feed. It could be a result of the knitting needle treatment when feeding. Runoff was tested at 6.10ph and 2070ppm - again thinking it could be a result of the knitting needles (6.12ph and 2250ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.23,6.31,6.57,6.38 for an avg of 6.372 (6.372 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 7.1ph again as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going, but rather see it closer to 6.3 or 6.4 top and bottom. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit and I will continue to monitor runoff ppms as I expected this to be lower with less runoff but have to consider they maybe washing out salt with the knitting needles. Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 7.1 in +4 days (121/51). I will run 700ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again.
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
50 %
17 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 1
HP2 - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
HP2 3.963 mll
Notes for flower week 8 Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 120/50 (last feed was day 117/47) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of purified water (starting with 17ppm) mixed with 699ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) to the feed then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.35 (7.4 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~15 cups of runoff (~20 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase, might let her go to 4 days and 2.5 next feed. It could be a result of the knitting needle treatment when feeding. Runoff was tested at 6.15ph and 2010ppm (6.10ph and 2070ppm last feed) - again thinking it could be a result of the knitting needles. Top soil tested at 6.65,6.48,6.6,6.81 for an avg of 6.635 (6.372 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 7.0ph again as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going, but rather see it closer to 6.3 or 6.4 top and bottom. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit and I will continue to monitor runoff ppms as I expected this to be lower with less runoff but have to consider they maybe washing out salt with the knitting needles. Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 7.1 in +4 days (124/54). I expect I will run 700ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but expect that to be my last large feed before harvest around Christmas. Day 124/54 (last feed was day 120/50) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 251ppm) mixed with 709ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and 45ml of Roots Organics HP2 (0-4-0) to the feed, then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.13 (7.35 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~27 cups of runoff (~15 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase as well as previous knitting needle aeration. Runoff was tested at 6.21ph and 2100ppm (6.15ph and 2010ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.57,6.41,6.3,6.39 for an avg of 6.42 (6.635 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (128/58). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but no more HP2. I expect to start flushing her out with lower nute levels from that next feed point.
Week 19. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
45 %
17 °C
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Notes for flower week 9 (12/15-12/21, days 56 to 62) Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 128/58 (last feed was day 124/54) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 251ppm) mixed with 402ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.0 (7.13 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~20 cups of runoff (~27 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase as well as previous knitting needle aeration. Runoff was tested at 6.15ph and 1800ppm (6.21ph and 2100ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.4,6.48,6.39,6.42 for an avg of 6.42 (6.42 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8 to 7.0 ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally at. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (132/62). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but no more HP2. I expect to start flushing her out with lower nute levels from that next feed point. Day 132/62 (last feed was day 128/58) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 277ppm) mixed with 397ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 6.8 (7.0 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. I got ~17 cups of runoff (~20 cups last feed). Runoff was tested at 6.0ph and 1710ppm (6.15ph and 1800ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.42,6.45,6.34,6.33 for an avg of 6.385 (6.42 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8 to 7.0 ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally at. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (136/66). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again. Im flushing with these lower ppm feeds through harvest.
Week 20. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
45 %
17 °C
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Notes for flower week 10 (12/22-12/28, days 63 to 69) Can't place side-by-side progressives since website update.... disappointed 😔 Lots of yellow and purple leaves now - SKOL Vikings! Watching the Terps every other day now and feeding reduced nute flush water until harvest. I dont plan to 'fully' remove the nutes, but drastically reduce. Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 137/67 (last feed was day 132/62) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 274ppm) mixed with 295ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.0 (6.8 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. I got ~19 cups of runoff (~17 cups last feed). Runoff was tested at 5.96ph and 1640ppm (6.0ph and 1710ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.53,6.58,6.57,6.50 for an avg of 6.545 (6.385 avg after last feed)
Week 21. Flowering
a year ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
45 %
17 °C
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Notes for flower week 11 (12/29-1/4, days 70 to 76) Can't place side-by-side progressives since website update.... disappointed 😔 Lots of yellow and purple leaves now - SKOL Vikings! Watching the Terps every other day now and feeding reduced nute flush water until harvest. I dont plan to 'fully' remove the nutes, but drastically reduce. Watering Days. Day 142/72 (last feed was day 137/67) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 223ppm) mixed with 428ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.05 (7.0 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. I got ~17 cups of runoff (~19 cups last feed). Runoff was tested at 6.08ph and 1700ppm (5.96ph and 1640ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.26,6.23,6.55,6.50 for an avg of 6.385 (6.545 avg after last feed)
Week 22. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
VERY resilient! Perfect for new growers wanting to mainline, schwazz, or burn with nutes.... I did it all and she still produced a great yield flavor and smell. Thank you Royal Queen seeds for this opportunity --- I can only imagine the results from an experienced cultivator being a superb genetic to work with. So I will definately use them again in my future grows.
Show more
Spent 149 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1114.14 g
Bud wet weight per plant
261 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Happy
Positive effects
Tropical, Citrus, Diesel

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I want to thank all the growers that take the time to post their work and results, these journals were invaluable in my grow. I also want to thank Royal Queen Seeds for making such a resilient plant available to people like me... I really tortured this girl. Site update really ruined the experience of posting for me for the moment ... so Im going to take a break for a bit and perfect my craft on my own while it works out the kinks.... I cant post many pics, the order of which I can organize them is locked out or moves to another position, and it takes forever to fully load the page so I can edit or update. But I 'really' wanted to finish this journal, so here it is. I promise to be back better than ever once the site works it all out. Hopefully not too long. This was my first seed to weed grow and I learned a lot. I hope my notes, pictures, and videos benefit someone else as well. My results were not typical, Im sure I could have done better, and I will continue on my path to learning and becoming an experienced cultivator of cannabis with skills I can be proud of.


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DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 7a year ago
What a training mate! Love your diary
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
Miltycommentedweek 32 years ago
Good luck on your grow 🌱😎👍
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Milty, TY TY 💚💚💚
resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@@resimax, just realized I never replied - ty for your early support in this grow
Robertscommentedweek 5a year ago
Excellent details. 👍🏻🌱
Robertscommenteda year ago
@Insaniac_0, personal experience is how we learn best at times. I have had my fair share of mess ups. 🌱👍🏻
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Roberts, thank you - Im hoping that should something go wrong I can reference back and know why to learn from it.
Herbie101commentedweek 9a year ago
She looks great! You got an awesome diary so far! Good work growmie!🌱🍀🌞
Herbie101commenteda year ago
@Insaniac_0,Nah, its not too much! Its the perfect habbit for fast learning (and i think your dedication is really impressive). I also try to learn from my diaries, but you're on a whole other level growmie! Keep up the good work!🌱🍀
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Herbie101, Thank-you 🙏 I know it seems like way too much at times, but seeing it change day to day has really helped me identify and treat the ph issues (I hope)
Hologramcommentedweek 11a year ago
beautiful training job!👌 gonna reward you with some big buds for sure!!💪
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Hologram, Thank you🙏 I really hope so.
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 11a year ago
What a beautiful plant, fantastic job growing and grooming! 👍🔥
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq, I am dealing with trying to stay ahead of a lockout of sort, but cant seem to pin-point a cure... so thank you for your consideration to the training, that's very kind.
Northern_Entcommentedweek 12a year ago
Good luck, and thanks for all the likes…it was enough to bump me up to GrandMaster level. Cheers. 👍
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Northern_Ent, 🙏 I saw you were close... and it was well deserved, your journals are great.
Crashoveritecommentedweek 12a year ago
Looking good mate 👌best of luck with your grow ✨🍀✨✌️💚
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
Thank-you 🙏@Crashoverite, hopefully not long before I am able to enjoy the fruits of the flower.
Xpie77commentedweek 21a year ago
I gave you a like. Hope you like my page to. I will follow you. Really nice plants! Enjoy your growth! 💚💚💚❤️
Xpie77commenteda year ago
@Insaniac_0, dont thank me, thank the Lord for making me so kind 🌲🍀🌿🤪
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Xpie77, great work, thank you for sharing it.
BudBoutiquecommentedweek 13a year ago
Have a good transition into Flower buddy !! Really good work u put in advance to prepare them for flower 🧑‍🌾
BudBoutiquecommenteda year ago
@Insaniac_0, hundred percent no doubt u did great 💚
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@BudBoutique, Thank you🙏 Im hoping it was all worth it in the end.💪🧑‍🌾
Loudercommentedweek 21a year ago
Chop that thing already 🤣
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@@Louder, lol, I 'did' then let her dry/cure a bit, just didnt post for a bit while the site worked on some issues.
NAS_Gardencommentedweek 21a year ago
Amazing diary! Congrats💪👌
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@NAS_Garden, awesome, and thank-you I cant see doing more with this much detail, but I love having a reference for every day.
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Dwillsun1commentedweek 21a year ago
What a Beauty... Great groW!
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Dwillsun1, ty ty - mostly genetics tho - I'm super lucky it wasnt a disaster at some point from treated her.
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 21a year ago
They are looking fantastic!
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
TY, that was my exact thoughts too 😉 Way better than I had invisioned given all the learning curve balls I picked up with ph, training, and nute lock-out
BudBoutiquecommentedweek 19a year ago
beautiful work 💚
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@BudBoutique, ty ty - it was a huge learning experience.
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 17a year ago
You’ve done an excellent job with this grow. Impressive!
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq,wow thank you. I have learned a lot about things I can/should do better and so forth, but even Im happy with the results so far
1Right_Anglecommentedweek 13a year ago
Beautiful Picture in the Photo Contest! Thats a slick shot. And a super-nice Gro, Bro ! My chairs pulled-up
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@1Right_Angle, Thank you, that's super kind. And yeah, some shots have turned out really great. But Im still in that 'honeymoon' phase of growing, so it all looks good to me. 😉
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 15a year ago
Flowers are heading towards a fine harvest, looking fantastic! 🔥👍
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq, TY - Im truly hopeful for a Christmas or New Year's harvest.
Wishar_Gardencommentedweek 15a year ago
Very impressive 1st grow, flowers are looking good 👏 Good luck for the rest of the grow ser 🙏
Insaniac_0commenteda year ago
@Wishar_Garden, Very Kind and thank you. 🙏 There's a definitely learning curve, but GD is a great place to learn. 💪
the end.
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