yep, it is raining again in Amsterdam..😢
So this little beast is now, again, on my windowsill..
But the sun is coming out now and then so it is all OK for this beast.👍
..As long as i keep carrying her in and outside the house, so she can enjoy the nice fresh air and the Sunrays, she is very happy!😎
She has grown 10 cm this week👏
I have sprayed her yesterday with some Neemoil (mix with a little bit -dishwash-soap..) because
there are some Spidermites, Caterpillars and other villains on the loose!💀
I think i was just in time because she is going to flower very soon now 😎
happy growing for all✊
😁@XII_XII_EarlyRaver,yeah, the name alone is enough to make you try this strain👍
and she really deserves that name too💪 This beast must be handled with gloves!!😹
Same here. I started 4 autos on June 1 hoping to get summer sun the whole time then last 2 weeks before harvest it's been cool, cloudy and rainy quite a bit. I can't win! 🤪
But it's for personal use so it is what it is. 🤷
🙏@XII_XII_MrGreen, 👍yeah, protesting and putting down signs and fences alone is doing nothing for our princesses😁
a good genocide is sometimes needed!!😼
Hehehe, I'm a bit nuts 🤪 too. I say ," I'm gonna only do 3 plants this time " and then I start more. I day I'm gonna take a break, "oh look a new contest", oh what the heck...and then😂