Herbie101commentedweek 5a year ago
@Twojoint, As i don't have any experience with mainlining i can just quote what my guide says: "When growing cannabis indoors, the best benefits from main-lining come from growing strains that are considered “medium” or “tall” in height. These plants will have a bigger “flowering stretch” and may double or even triple in height after the switch to the flowering stage. This stretch is what creates the long colas of a main-lined plant. With a short plant that doesn’t have much of a flowering stretch, you aren’t going to get those long colas, and may not going to get the most from main-lining, especially compared to the time put in during the vegetative stage building the manifold. For shorter strains, or when growing short plants, other types of plant training like Topping might be better at increasing yields and will take less time in the vegetative stage."
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