
Grow #1, RQS Easy Bud!

a year ago
Room Type
weeks 3-6
weeks 4-6
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
1 L
Easy Bud
Royal Queen Seeds
Growing it
My first grow brought to a completion. As a novice I don't really think this could've gone much better. The plant was harvested on the 28th of January, and the resulting flower has been hung drying for a week now and I have been able to smoke my own bud. I'm absolutely blown away by how well the plant did with a novice at the wheel, and for such cheap seeds the plant did super well and resisted every small issue I threw at it. Did a final trim and weigh in this morning now the bud is properly dry, a grand total of 1.98oz of dry bud was taken from her. The smoke is lovely, super citrus and delivers a very strong head high, whilst allowing me to go about my daily routine so this stuff is perfect for us. Almost 2 ounces of home grown bud. Seriously if I can do it, so can you! Thanks again to Royal Queen Seeds for the awesome support and brilliant genetics, and thank you for viewing along despite my sparse updates towards harvest day, it's been a very exciting process and I'm grateful I could share some insight to a first timers efforts. Cheers guys!
The Outcome
Week 11
Number of plants harvested
Reviews. Nutrient
Great value for a first timer, calmag was never an issue during the grow cycle so can't fault their products one bit. Silicone max also handy as a PH+.
I'm sure these products are great, but for their value and how messy they can be during mixing, I've decided moving forwards to use powder nutes instead. But they took my plant to harvest with a lovely yield, so can't fault them!
Expensive but market leading. May continue to use PK13/14 but may look elsewhere for other options.
Great value but incredibly messy bottle and cap design (250ml bottle). Great intuitive feed chart, brilliant line up and good value.
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
GlyoFE GlyoFE
a year ago
The end. Fin.
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Grow Questions
GlyoFEstarted grow question a year ago
Hi guys, first time grower here and I'm a bit concerned about one of my two plants. One has entered preflower 2 days short of week 4, but my second plant hasn't shown any signs yet. Noticed these pods near the main stem, is this the sign of a hermaphrodite?
Other. General questions
Polyphemusanswered grow question a year ago
yes, that is a pollen sac for certain.

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enchantcommentedweek 9a year ago
That must have been terrifying falling onto your plant. Cute pug and congratulations on harvest!! Looks great!
Jamescommentedweek 1a year ago
Happy growing, and good luck with this one!!! ๐ŸŒฑ
Jamescommenteda year ago
@GlyoFE, you'll do amazing!!! Practice makes the master, just keep on growing ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒฑ
GlyoFEcommenteda year ago
@James, I'm going to try my very best! Thank you for such a great website over at RQS, really took the guess work out as a new starter, and the reviews are really helpful too! I hope I can do RQS justice with my first grow ๐Ÿ˜
Sejanus21commentedweek 10a year ago
I can tell you, it ia a fantastic feeling to try your own homegrown weed for the first time! Yesterday, I vaped my Orion F1 and it was mindblowing :-)
GlyoFEcommenteda year ago
@Sejanus21, had our first smoke of this yesterday, can't believe I grew it and it made me as high as it did! Makes it all worth it ๐Ÿ˜
Sejanus21commentedweek 3a year ago
Looks perfect!
GlyoFEcommenteda year ago
@Sejanus21, thanks man! Going well so far!
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 2a year ago
Nice detailed diary. Good luck with your grow
GlyoFEcommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, hey man thanks for that, I've decided to document as much as I can as a novice because it'll help lots of people who pick this strain as their first go. By no means am I saying I'll be successful as this is my literal first ever experience with anything like this, but either way if it succeeds or they both die I can at least hope with me being thorough, at least one other person may find a benefit in that tiny bit of my experience.
Sejanus21commentedweek 0a year ago
Good luck! You need to be careful with the light schedules in the flowering phase. You will have adapt to 12:12 after the vegetative phase for your Special Queen 1, because she is not an autoflower. That may restrict the harvest for your autoflower a little. Ideally, you would only grow autos or feminized seeds in the same tent.
GlyoFEcommenteda year ago
@Sejanus21, hey man thanks for having a look! I haven't planted the Special Queen, just x2 Easy Bud so I can do a nice, steady auto grow as a first timer. The Special Queen can wait until I have more experience, going to order more autos to get started and comfy as a grower ๐Ÿ™‚
benzos_n_milkcommentedweek 117 months ago
I swear, reading all your journey with your girl felt like reading a novel... With the pug/plot twist too! Keep up the good work! (I'm currently growing a little easy bud baby outdoor, but I'm short on fert and such things, so I'll go with love, water and sun :P)
Sejanus21commentedweek 5a year ago
Really good job.
Sejanus21commentedweek 2a year ago
Be careful not to overfeed your babies.
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 1a year ago
Happy growing and good luck buddy โ˜˜๏ธ
resimaxcommentedweek 1a year ago
Good luck and happy growing! ๐Ÿ˜
Sejanus21commentedweek 1a year ago
I would not move them from the 7l to the 11l pot. You might risk to put them into a shock for days which will restrict their growth maybe more than the 7l pot. The plant is rather small anyway, so the 7l might even be fine. Just my opinion, and I am a first time grower, too.