Day 1 - Started germinating process in soil. Used small 1/2 gallon fabric pot with FFHF soil and added myco, watered with less than 20mil RO water at 6.6(ish) PH. Covered with a plastic cup then set inside the tent with no lights, temp 24c, RH 45%, VPD 1.8
Day 2 - Didin't do anything today just monitored grow environment Temp, RH, Soil Temp, and VPD
Day 3 - Checked moisture under the cup (plenty), but the seedling hasn't popped. Moved to the other tent so that it hopefully it would germinate. Lights are 30 inches away, on 70% intensity, temp 27c, RH 70%, VPD 1.0
Day 4 - Didin't do anything today just monitoring grow environment Temp, RH, Soil Temp, and VPD
Day 5 - Wasn't sure if the seed actually germinated so, we dug/removed the soil where it should have already poked out and discovered that she did pop! After seeing that, we lightly covered her back up with soil and put a cup on top for a humidity dome. Thinking she either was placed too deep initially or got buried under the topsoil when it compacted after we first planted and watered it. Either way, I am satisfied with the outcome since the last seed we tried didn't even germinate (paper towel method) 😒
Day 6 - Still waiting for her to pop out of the soil, moved the light down to 24 inches at 80% intensity
Day 7 - Just popped out of the soil today, I removed the humidity dome. Watered and spritzed her down less than 20mil RO water at 6.3(ish) PH